Monday, September 23, 2013

Blind Item #8 - Emmy Awards

This B-/C+ list mostly television actress from a very hit network comedy was at an after party last night and was spotted snorting a white powder. She was asked if it was coke and the actress said that it was Adderall. Probably how she manages to stay under 80 pounds. Her younger actress co-star is trying desperately to lose weight so helped herself.


VIPblonde said...

Sarah Hyland / Ariel Winter

Count Jerkula said...

They get white adderall? What do they do, pull apart the capsules and crush up the lil balls? Those fuckers roll out from undert he credit card and run all over the place. The blue pills are so much easier to crush and snort.

Essie said...

How can Sarah Hyland do that when she has all those kidney problems? I think she stays so skinny because of her health not from drugs. But, what do I know.

Essie said...

How can Sarah Hyland do that when she has all those kidney problems? I think she stays so skinny because of her health not from drugs. But, what do I know.

Jeannie said...

The best are the orange pills - 20mg instead of 5 like blue.

sandybrook said...

Sarah Hyland to go with the BI from last week no one wanted to believe. I don't think kidneys are affected by sniffing drugs maybe swallowing drugs.

Peter Choi said...

Slightly off-topic, but now I wonder why Hollywood has this abnormally high concentration of human garbage.

Unknown said...

Susan Lucci!

Robert said...

If this is Sarah Hyland and she's really doing drugs (other than weed) then she's either foolish or suicidal. Many drugs can and do cause kidney damage, and it doesn't matter how those drugs are taken. They still end up in the bloodstream and the kidneys still try to eliminate them as bodily wastes.

Count Jerkula said...

I snort 1/2 a blue and I'm tossing and turning 12 hours later trying to sleep. I think because I have such a low tolerance to amphetamines, I could probably use a legit script. The ex used to get the capsules (10mg?) and I would open it up and pour out a third to crush and snort.

Blue boogers are the only downside to snorting them pills. Not Safe For Work

jane3113 said...

What about Julie Bowen and Ariel winter

Brenda L said...

Today's lesson:

Empty capsule onto mirror. Put a dollar bill over all the little balls. Use the edge of your phone to rake it across the dollar bill. You will feel little balls crushing easily.

You're welcome.

di butler said...

I do either 1 30 mgs XR, or 2 pink 20mgs, a day, but I have actual ADD. Tried 40 eleven other drugs, including any kind of SSRI, SSRNI, benzos, etc., but it's the only thing that works well for me.

Unknown said...

this was too easy

Unknown said...

Sorry, but everything that goes into your body, goes through your liver and kidneys!

Unknown said...

Julie Bowen, who is waaaay too thin.

Count Jerkula said...

Re Liver/Kidneys: Yeah, you gotta stay well hydrated w/ amphetamines. I've had meth that burned worse when I was peeing than when I snorted it. Either that or I happen to pass kidney stones often when high on meth.

I have seen a urinal in a biker bar where all the meth peed into it actually started eating away the porcelain.

Basil said...

I want to try this adderal that people are talking about. What is it used for? Anxiety? Depression?

Count Jerkula said...

@Basil: ADHD. It is fairly easy to cop to w/ the right doctor. I think you have to show 4 or 5 of 9 indicators.

Barton Fink said...

Docs get so much in kickbacks for writing prescriptions for amphetamines and opiates that they are often glad to find someone who wants to get high. More Americans die from pills than from all illicit drugs combined. Me, I was always more of a street-drug person, until sobriety.

plokzy said...

... What is this? Paid for by Pfizer comment day? Never wanted to try snorting prescription drugs as much as today

Brenda L said...

Everyone should try it at least once. I like them but I can't be on them all the time or I get loco.

Jessie said...

I'd say Bowen not Hyland except for the rating.

Count Jerkula said...

You need to stockpile adderall, because it is a regulated drug, so companies are only allowed to produce a certain amount each year. Last year I read articles about parents not being able to get the stuff for their kids and college kids paying $20/pill to use em for studying. Get them orange 20's and break em in half to take em.

beth said...

There is no way this is Hyland. She is super anal about her health.

Tara said...

I'm still confused about Hyland, because she attended the Emmys with her boyfriend. (I saw photos) Why would she have been going on a date (for that other blind she was suspected for).

kpist said...

I like the Bowen/Winter guess

erika said...

julie bowen, my god. it seems like any possible body fat she might have diffuses through her fingers, mouth and every time she shakes her head and eyeballs...she is ANNOYING to watch 'act' her character (mmmm, her hub is sexy!) MANAGES to stay married to phil is beyond me. i'd strap her to the electric chair.

Unknown said...

Bowen totally fits, she is rail thin, except didn't she win an Emmy last year? That is not B- or C.

Hilarious how-tos on the pill popping. I need to save info in case I get a wild hair and want to go raging! Is that even still a thing?

ktmonster said...

Not Hyland, she is very thin but not under 80 lbs. If you see her in real life she is not shocking to look at unlike many of the others I've seen. Julie Bowen is literally a walking skeleton.

Anonymous said...

As per our earlier discussion about substances & harm minimisation : everything in moderation and safety first! Or, just say no!

feraltart said...

I just started taking Duramine, which is a weight loss drug. Apparently there is a little something in it as you have to take it on the morning so you can sleep at night. First night, 3 hours sleep, woke up for a couple, managed another 2 hours. Second night, 3 hours sleep, woke up for a couple, managed 1 extra hour. Last night, 6 hours of sleep but I went to bed early so woke up early. So far I have done some cleaning & two loads of washing. Will have a very organised house at the end of my 3 months.

nurysp said...

what abt january and her tv daughter
he name slips my mind

Sherry said...

Barton, I can assure you they are not allowing Dr. to write prescriptions for opiates. They are extremely regulated and if any Dr. does prescribe too many they come a calling. My SIL is a Dr. and tells me all about it. Or maybe she just doesn't want to write me a prescription.

Pip said...

Opiates are regulated? Someone is doing an incredibly shitty job of that.

0_0 said...

Like you can't get anything legally in TJ. The only problem is bringing it back with you, and that isn't too hard.

Basil said...

I'm up in Canada, and due to a broken hip I am still on oxycodone, and let me tell you, that shit is regulated. Absolute minimum script from the doc 20 for 30 days. If I run out before the 30 days I am shit out of luck because the pharmacy ALSO regulates it. LOL

FTW they stopped making Oxycontin here in Canada and are making something called Neo Oxy, which means you can't crush it and snort or inject it. So in my city, now there has been arise in heroin overdoses. Make of that what you will.

Unknown said...

I take Adderall (capsules) for ADD but have never snorted them. It is extremely difficult to get a prescription for it. Unless your doctor gives out scripts like lollipops, it will probably be very hard to get. They will most likely refer you to a psychologist. Adderall is very strictly regulated-in CA, if your Doctor fails to write certain things on the prescription you have to go back to your Doctor and have him write you a new one. It is not automatically refilled-I have to call my Dr. every month to have him write it and then I have to go pick it up. They check your I.D. when you pick it up at the pharmacy-only you can pick it up. Plus, they now question the person picking it up if the diagnosis is not on the RX. A new law apparently here. Crazy.

ps I think it's disgusting to put a dollar bill near anything you are planning to eat or snort. Ew. Do you know how nasty cash bills are? Thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people handle that shit...and yes there is probably a lot of shit/feces on them. Gross.

Alita said...

I think it's awful that the pharmacist gets to question you on your diagnosis, @Austyn! If they think the script's bogus then pursue that, sure, but it's not the pharmacist's place to question the doctor's diagnosis ... in a public forum no less. Don't like the sound of that at all!

stigs84 said...

Yea, I didn't know it came in white, just blue & orange as far as I knew

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Was gonna say Anna Paquin, but have no idea about the co star.
Anna looks haggard lately.

Count Jerkula said...

@Shit You Can't Buy: Anna got twins who are about 2 years old. That will haggar a betch.

HellToupee said...

Marg Helgenberger


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