Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Blind Item #5

This married closeted one named just about permanent A list singer got hot and heavy with a guy he had met just a few hours previously. Our singer was not all that discreet.


Tricia13 said...

Usher.. ?

John said...

It's an all out Usher outing.

Beige Caulk said...


Tricia13 said...

lol I know-usher outing version 2.0
(Wasn't this a recent blind?!)

Cary2225 said...

Bono is already a a lister but interesting .

Jasmine said...

Usher almost permanent A list? Hmm.

sandybrook said...

I see the permanent A standard has been permanently lowered.?

longtimereader said...

Nope but his wife is rumoured to prefer pretty models.

police dog said...

USHER was the recent answer to the blind where a fan walked in on him and a guy making out in a club room.

police dog said...

makeout session was the Memorial Day pool party in vegas.

kinda surprised nobody gets recordings of this stuff, even stealthfully

Guesser said...

They seem to have the same taste now.. Bono was caught recently with a woman, not the first time, but he acted like it didn't matter anymore.

Guesser said...

Maybe on the security footage,lol.

Haywood Jablomee said...

Drake? The rumors of him barebacking strippers seem a little forced. Male strippers, I'd buy those tales.

Bubbles said...

not married

Hortensia said...


Antonio said...

Fun fact, there is a gay porn look a like who goes by the name "USH", sure it wasn't him?
Umm viewer discretion advised


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