Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 24, 2017

This rehab loving singer is really ticking off her fans. The only thing she cares about is them buying her new single, but has given up on interacting with them. She thinks she is way too good for that kind of promotion any longer.

Selena Gomez


sandybrook said...

Entern! Didn't one of her best friends Christina Grimmie get murdered while interacting with her fans the night before the Pulse nightclub massacre down here in Orlando? And wasn't Selena completely devastated by what happened? So maybe you have the wrong reasoning here huh?

longtimereader said...

That might explain her return to rehab but she learned at the feet of the best, swift. Use SM interaction with your fans to create a fake 'intimacy' that results in them spending $$$'s on your product. BTW the new song that uses the 'psycho killer' baseline is brilliant. PQvvV

Tom said...

Tom said...

sd auntie said...

Selena has had several scary stalkers arrested for trespassing on her property in the last few years..I would be scared and now with that Bombing. She shoulld stick to singing dance tunes.

Sharlane said...

Everything is awesome about Selena's music except for the absolute lack of power or range in her voice. She sounds like a granny puffing on ciggies when she sings.

Sarah said...

Any sweet or innocent little Disney girl vibe she gives off is fake. She's a brat, always has been, and will continue to be.

Dumblesnore said...

Still wondering how her toddler face, complete averageness self has any fans to begin with.

Bunny said...

Enty rehab loving as a term for an addict is actually good. It's when they completely give up on rehab that it's over.


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