Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 24, 2017

The only talking these two A list movie co-stars are allowed to do is when there are cameras present. It is not that they don’t like each other, because they kind of do, but it is forbidden for one of them to do anything but cursory talking.

Nicole Kidman/Elisabeth Moss


sandybrook said...

I doubt Nicole would want to hear anything the $cio has to say to her anyway.

Sunspirit said...

Scientology related?

cebii said...

Moss seems like a smart person. I don't get how she's fallen for all the Co$ BS. I wonder if they have something on her. Maybe she's gay. She pings like crazy. Even if that's true, I don't think it would hurt her career now,

snitty said...

What? Like, when they are on the set together? They are contractually required to not talk unless it's "cursory"? And, what in this situation, is cursory talking? I'm flummoxed by this what the hell does this mean and why is it a blind?

snitty said...

And apologies for not looking at previous answers...they weren't showing when I commented :/

JustReading said...

Scio. Nicole left 'the church', scientologists must not associate with her beyond what is necessary.

Phyllis Whitweed said...

It's gotta be Scio forbidding Moss to speak to a "suppressive."

Beige Caulk said...

"Seems" is the key word. She's a professional actress. She gets paid to pretend.
Had a weird marriage too. Lacks self esteem and is preyed on by those parasites at CoS

Joel Theriot said...

She's a fine actress and a Cubs fan so I'm going to wish her well. That cult has something on her would be my guess.

hannah said...

Her parents are scientologists aren't they? Much harder to get out when you're raised in it.

Jessica said...

Nicole is an SP, even to her kids. Elizabeth is still deaply in the "church"

nancer said...

watching 'the handmaid's tale', i find myself thinking 'does any of this seem......familiar to you, girl?' i think it's really weird she stars in that.

Ancient Queen said...

I hope Elizabeth finds her way out of Scientology. She's a great actress but she could be huge.

Sarah said...

I did not know Elisabeth was a $cio. That's so sad. I hope she gets out because she could skyrocket if given the chance to.

Mz Kitty said...

For some reason I thought Elisabeth escaped scio :-(

snitty said...

Man, you people are being mean lol...I apologized below because when I commented there were no other comments. I did not realize that Moss is a scientologist. Again, apologies for missing the explanation, you sassy stinkers. lol

M. Brown said...

Yeah she was born into it. If they can afford it and there are others around like in CA they school kids together. She probably never knew people out of cult. Then she became s celebrity and they're treated differently (i.e better)


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