Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Blind Item #8

This B+ list mostly movie actor has had good roles that have primarily been on television. Definitely the supporting actor type. He will be the no actor type if anyone discovers how racist he is no matter who his significant other happens to be.


Tricia13 said...

Chris Noth/Tara Wilson?

MontanaMarriott said...

That's who I thought too since he only dates sistahs. I recall he dated Beverly Johnson at one point.

French girl said...

Chris Noth is a movie actor ??? B+ list movie actor??

sd auntie said...

So Noth is like Donald Sterling? Must have shortcomings of the luving kind!!!

sandybrook said...


Tricia13 said...

Yep-They we're together for yeeears!

Heather Chandler said...

I've told you all time and time again he is not a good person. Mean, rude and selfish. Personally, I think he's resentful because he never got lead male billing in anything. He really considers himself to be a T H E S P I A N.

SmellyBum said...

He's a mostly movie actor that's primarily on television?

cf86713 said...

I could believe its Chris Noth except for the fact he's not a movie actor

Andy said...

Well to be fair what does Enty mean Chris Noth is racist? We all say racist comments behind closed doors. Chris Noth dates black women and I believe has a baby with a black woman. For a white male celebrity to date a black woman they often get grief from bitter white females. The media also seems to have a problem with interracial relationships. Notice the Kardashian sisters get grief from white cultures for dating black men.

HRH2 said...

Pretty rare for white women to care about this, unless they're specifically C. Noth fans, but that's a pretty small group these days. What is much more common is black women being pissed about white women who date black men (thus perceived as taking all their men).

Wildguess said...

"Well to be fair what does Enty mean Chris Noth is racist? We all say racist comments behind closed doors." UMMM, NO, WE DON'T. And I take issue with your assumption of "bitter white females." If he gets backlash for who he's dating, it's from racists, not women, per se. You are stereotyping based on your own feelings.

Sarah said...

How can someone be a mostly movie actor but only have had good supporting roles on television? That doesn't make any sense.

SnarkIsFun said...

AFAIK, people can't stand the Kardashian/Jenners because they are vapid, selfish, spoiled, and otherwise have no talent or redeeming qualities, and have a history of destroying any men they are involved with. The race of said men is irrelevant.


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