Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Blind Item #7

This new mom/pro beard has been yachting or night yachting every other day for the past two weeks. There is something going on.


Tricia13 said...


Lisa said...

Irana Shayk......there is nothing going on, its what she does. She gets paid not to have s*x with B. Coop and also gets paid to have s*x with old rich men. Blind recycle #35.

Sally said...

That was my first thought, too.

cebii said...

If it's Shayk, she recently gave birth and BCoop should be paying her to be motherly with this mystery child. You'd think it would be in the contract somewhere that she can't prostitute herself while she should be breastfeeding. Or something like that.

Tricia13 said...

Ah of course- I forgot about her! Which is hard to believe because as you said Enty writes about it all the time (he's obsessed lol)

dianavonthirstybird said...

Until the real skinny on this is disclosed I think we should shut the vault on her lifestyle for now. She did/did not have a child a couple of months ago. It was/wasn't Coopers. She is hardly the poster gal for Mother Of The Year regardless. Personally, I don't think there is a child. If there is, it has been adopted out. Poor soul.

Guesser said...

Probably neither wanted a baby, therefore my theory about Bradley's mom taking care of the baby still stands. She never liked that hussy anyway, but you would think she could put on an act for a couple months. Bradley doesn't pay enough apparently.

Lisa said...

Enty loves Yachting season....he comes up with at least 50 blinds during the time! Who is.....Hadid, Baldwin, Shayk, Richie.......

nancer said...

i don't believe she had a baby at all.

Sarah said...

Again--this is not a blind if you rewrite the same story weekly in different ways. We all know this is Irina. Find something else to discuss.

Sharlane said...

I think Bradley's mom is taking care of the baby for them. Regardless if the child is or isnt Bradley's, the media has been led to believe it is, so Bradley and momma Bradley must keep up the charade so his straight guy cover doesn't get busted.

meagain said...

How old is that baby? Never had one, but I thought you had to rest the nether region for a couple of months, at least. No rest for the wicked.

Suz said...

And who would want to be away from their new/first baby for more than a long weekend? Weird

CheeseFries said...

Do we know for a fact there is a baby?!? Remember when Prince's baby died and he lied about it for months and did that weird Oprah interview? Not saying that's what happened here, but the first question has to be is there really a baby?

dumbo said...

Does Yachting just mean "hooking up for money"? For some reason I am picturing all of these women actually on yachts somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea. I've googled it and it seems to stand for something. Can someone please brief me on what a "Yachting Encounter" would look like? Thanks.


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