Friday, June 02, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 26, 2017

This A+++ list celebrity businessperson was an absolute d**k to every person he met this week while on the campus of an Ivy League school.

Mark Zuckerberg at Harvard


sandybrook said...

Don't we already know he's a complete dick from The Social Network movie?

dianavonthirstybird said...

Listen up,please. We have a tiny window left to make good the bad deeds we have done. Zuck and all his billionaire friends are on the ice shelf that is about to break off. They just don't know it yet. Nothing lasts forever, including his $. He and all those men and women who have done nothing to improve the world are in for a major ass whippin'. Start doing things for your friends/family and neighbors who need help. Like right now!

shakey said...

Why are they in for a major ass whippin'? Is The Donald on that shelf, too?

8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob said...

Tell that to soros, he has been rich since he stole the kikes' gold in the concentration camp where he was collaborating. He has done nothing good for the people and he is 87 and will die rich and powerful. So many assholes have biographies like him.

Karma does not exist.

Sarah said...

This is a surprise because...? This isn't even a blind Enty. Anyone with half a brain immediately thinks "Zuckerberg" when they hear about a dick tech mogul. Especially since Social Network came out.

police dog said...

anybody who has seen the social network (great movie imo bc its so brutally accurate) knows this guy is a dick thru and thru. that blind about him spending hours talking to lana del rey and then the next AM talking to her at her hotel all the while is pregnant wife is there. ah yes, fame and money....doors open, legs open, all things are open

police dog said...

karma does exist, you just got the short stick and now you're bitching about it on a celebrity gossip comments section.

hows that life of yours working out for you? I mean, the one offline, of course. if its there.

police dog said...

lol hi grandma

please die faster. you guys are taking up way too much space these days.

police dog said...

sarah, every blind of enty's is BS to you and yet you keep showing up giving his site hits and the advertisers a reason to keep pitching in.

me thinks the homely sarah doth protest too much.

dianavonthirstybird said...

Hi, Rabid Pit Bull: Make all the rude jokes you want. When 'it' happens, and it will soon enough, you'll remember this post and say, "Maybe that old bitch knew something!" LOL!

dianavonthirstybird said...

You obviously know nothing of the Soros family history both in Hungary and in the US. You need to go online and subscribe to Open Society to get their emails. You will learn just how much Mr. Soros has done to help thousands upon thousands of people world--wide. He champions immigrant causes that include women in Third World countries, the Roma people who are treated worse than concentration camp victims in Europe. Helps men and women go to college all over the world. Champions the prisoners incarcerated in the US and around the world. Read his father's book Masquerade (Amazon) about their travails during WWII. A beautiful book. Have attended many lectures here in NYC at his office. Wonderful, caring men and women. Don't believe everything you hear/read. Take time to make your own decision after actually researching things.

sd auntie said...

Thats really rude and i happen to enjoy reading what Diana has to say. If your on your period, go take some Midol and calm the fuck down. Ageism is really ugly and you should refrain fro making those types of statements.

PettyWhite said...

Nice racist rhetoric there, Sparky. Next time, don't restrain yourself so much. Now that the US is no longer participating in the Paris Climate Agreement, you're free to pollute the world with your verbal vomit and bias.

Take a bow, bro.

longtimereader said...

My fave returning to school story after you got rich and famous is when don simpson went to his high school reunion in alaska in a helicopter with two playboy models on his arm, he walked though the crowd to gasps and then got back in the 'copter and left!


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