Thursday, June 01, 2017

Blind Item #1

This B+ list mostly movie actress who has not had much luck in front of the camera since her long running network dramedy went off the air several years ago left her husband alone for the first time in a long time so she could shoot. It took him a day before he called that commercial actress/bikini model he has hooked up with before.


Tricia13 said...

Eva Longoria/Jose Boston/Charlotte McKinney

Guesser said...

Rhonda Rhousey, maybe she has a sports or entertainment show gig somewhere.

Guesser said...

This was supposed to be on blind 2.

Beige Caulk said...

According to Radar, Eva has put on 40 lbs. On that Erin Burnett from CNN diet

Zip said...

Charlotte's not really a commercial actress though

Sharper Teeth said...

I thought that was how she got famous in the first place, because of a Carl's Jr. commercial, no?

police dog said...

not only is she a commercial actress but her ONLY claim to fame is the superbowl carls jr commercial. her boobs are like bowling balls. how does girl exercise?! sports bra made of steel. still, nice boobs, good job

Sarah said...

Eva cannot find someone to remain faithful. It's sad.

sd auntie said...

If she gained 40 pounds, she would need a cane. Being a petite person, gaining 10 lounds looks like 20 ...etc. i woukd say she gained 10 -15 pounds. It aint easy being a five footer.


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