Today's Blind Items - Quick Hits
#1 - One of the spies at a BBMA after party thought this talk show host was all over a guy who was all over her and was pretty sure it was not the talk show host's husband. They weren't sure though so, I let it go. Fast forward to a couple of days ago and there she was coming out of a hotel suite at the Four Seasons. The one on Doheny. The suite was registered to a guy who listed Las Vegas as his address so, apparently he was willing to travel for sex.
#2 - The wife of the singer had access to his Twitter page. So, yes, it was her writing all of those syrupy Tweets supposedly to her from her husband. Puts things in a whole different light.
#3 - The winner of this annual Playboy competition uses the platform as a way to charge customers higher fees. Her favorite way to meet new customers for her services is at fan conventions. She says she knows they aren't police and they are always willing to pay double or triple what a regular client would pay.
2. Christy Teigen and John Legend?
3--Brooke Power playmate of the year.
#2 is Chris Cornell's wife
I loathe Crissy Teigen. Old chipmunk face attention whore
Please let #1 be Julie Chen
I call her Push Face because it's flat. Can't stand that thirsty heifer.
I get that Enty wants us to think number 2 is Chris Cornell's wife Vicky.And it is probably true, However, ,as recently as April , he has said some corny proclamations of love for her in interviews.
Ah, that would be sooo awesome if it was! Hope you're right, sandy
It may be Adrienne Bailon if The Real is done in LA.
I just checked both their timelines and there's nothing going back to 5.23.
Cabbage Patch Stripper
#1 Julie Chen and les moonves is like 90 so maybe they have an arrangement ?
1- Probably Julie Chen
3- Brook Power
In regards to #2, if it is Chris Cornell's wife, it's pretty wrong of you to put that up here as a way of mocking her. She just lost her husband. Even if she did hack in to his Twitter and post something sweet about herself, maybe you should not expose her during a time where she's obviously grieving.
Her self serving actions for the past two weeks gives me the perception that his balls were were permanently located in one of her fabulous handbags. I kinda feel bad for saying this but no matter what light she portrays herself in...she still looks like the brown word to me.
I'm guessing you haven't been around here very long. Enty has strongly implied before that CC's wife is a loathsome, self-serving bitch.
How long is this pretense of being a lawyer to be kept up when you clearly don't even know how a coordinating conjunction is used???
If both # 2 and the months old blind we all speculate is about Chris Cornell are true Enty, then reveal her for the manipulative b**** she is. If you don't, then I assume it isn't true and believe that you should let this woman bury her husband and comfort her children without profiting through blind insinuations.
Yes it is
+1000000000 okay. Cant believe Chris went out this way. Something happenned and feel bad for those kids.
[…] June 1, 2017 […]
He was likely forced to say certain things about that insipid mob wife of his
She's a bullshit artist
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