Sunday, June 11, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 2, 2017

Probably should have used a less noticeable way to to do this, but this A- list mostly television actress with two hit shows under the same entertainment umbrella deposited $100K into her boyfriend’s bank account earlier this week. They went to the bank together and he deposited the $100K check from her into his account.

Ariel Winter


Phyllis Whitweed said...

Well that's dumb of Ariel, obviously. But now her just as dumb boyfriend will have to pay taxes on the whole sum.

Guesser said...

They are new at this, you give the freeloader a credit card, not only a tax advantage,, but when you break up, you cut it off. or spy on him/her.

david said...

"Fools and their money soon part!"

andi said...

She has to learn these things for herself, give it a few years, she'll wise up.

Squirrel lives matter said...

In a few years she'll be a fat drug addict and will need that $100k back to pay for rehab.

BitchieMitchie said...

Thank you! Exactly-amateur!

Mary Rose Stonehouse said...

She's following in Kylie Jenner's footsteps!


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