Friday, June 16, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 2, 2017

Met Gala

On her best behavior and sober for three straight days was this celebrity offspring of a permanent A++ lister. Her sobriety was welcomed by a lot of people there and she managed to find people to interact with who were not her normal crowd. Several of that crowd were worshiping at the altar of coke. I think our offspring was sober more for fear of embarrassing herself rather than going cold turkey forever. Time will tell.

Paris Jackson


sandybrook said...

She's only 19 and even though she has been basically on her own for years she still has growing up to do and learning to be mature and responsible.

sandybrook said...

The coding is gone? YES IT IS!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!Thanks Enty!!😂

Barbara RiceHand said...

If she's been sober for three days and is acting fine then she's not an addict. She maybe does party too much, though.

Anonymous said...

Not necessarily. My nephew is an addict. He is also poor and has no way of getting oxy's or roxy's everyday. But as soon as he can scrape up enough dough, he's back at it. I realize Paris can afford it, but not using for three days doesn't mean she's not an addict.

david said...

It's sad that she doesn't have some one in her life who can tell her: No!

Guesser said...

now if the web cam goes, we can all celebrate.have to go on the laptop because it is beating all blockers on mobile device.

Sarah said...

I sincerely hope she keeps at her sobriety! She has an uphill battle ahead in life because I can see people coming after her just for her name. She has enough obstacles yet to overcome without adding drugs into the mix.

OKay said...

I'm rooting for her. I really hope she's going to be okay.

Dee said...

Me too! Such a shame she's surrounded by advantage-takers a la the Kris Jenners of the world and few people looking out for her. She might be 19 but she's basically a kid. Think she can make it if she employs a good quality sobriety coach and hangs out with the right people. Crossing my fingers and toes for her.

Rose said...

I'm rooting for her as well. Paris stay well.


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