Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Blind Item #14

This married permanent A+ list director was ticked off that the actress he wants to sleep with was interested in one of her co-stars. The director has threatened the actress that she will never work again.


  1. James Cameton\ Eiza Gonzalez (Alita) or Zoe Saldana (Avatar sequels) depending on the movie.

  2. Yeah could be Coppola and his last project Distant Visionas well. Actress Chandler Parsons

  3. I was looking at Michael Bay but all of his upcoming stuff he's producing

  4. wait he's directing 6 underground

  5. Since this is Hollywood , what besides decency is stopping her from doing both?

  6. Spielberg is the one who likes to end the careers of those who cross him.

  7. One is probably twice her age and the other is around her age plus possibly good looking

  8. It sounds like she's an adult, so that may rule out some.

  9. Brett Ratner and Eli Roth are other sleazy directors

  10. @Damelon that's why I didn't go for the usual suspects since it does sound like a female adult

  11. Amazing the reach of that director, who can prevent the world's accounting firms, real estate developers, restaurants, shoe repair shops, recycling companies -- all the world's employers -- from ever giving this girl a job!

    Unless you mean this person is too special for any of those sorts of jobs, and the only job which she is suitable for is one which involves Hollywood stardom.

    1. Despite your large vocabulary, you clearly do not understand the definition of sexual harassment.

    2. None of these assholes has ever done a day's worth of productive labor, unless you think fantasy creation is a vital national endeavor...

  12. James Cameron routinely gets too fixated on his female leads. He married Linda Hamilton (Terminator) and Suzy Amis (Titanic) -- wives # 4 and 5.

  13. Gah didn't realize Bay isn't married. +1 Cameron

  14. When do directors, actors, singers, etc. ever have time to actually make music or music with all these shenanigans.

  15. Spielberg will probably never work again, so not him.

    James Cameron seems like a terrible person and some of his highly regarded movies really aren't very good.

  16. @j - you don't make any sense. If someone's entire job experience and history is in one field and sleazy executive uses there reach to shut off every opportunity to advance in that field, that person should just what, be a realtor or cobbler? Dafuq!?!?!/

    1. Apparently yes. They are supposed to be happy to just give up one of the potentially most lucrative careers on the planet.

    2. @JT Yes. J preaches, daily, that if women don't like the (unlawful) rules, they should get out. No change to the system necessary. Status quo is the way to go.

      Or J is just bored with life and likes to cause conflict on the internet.

      Either way: loser.

  17. DDonna Why won't he work again?

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Was going to say Cameron, but he hasn't directed anything lately.

  19. Sara, Cameron is directing 2 avatar sequels that are both filming currently

  20. @DDonna Tarttty spot on. I didn't like Titanic and Avatar was meh.

  21. This sounds to me like it happened on a movie that is finished already, and Cameron has nothing in the can.
    I could be wrong, Enty Grammar being what it is. Certainly sounds like Cameron. Just seems like if they were still shooting, it would be mentioned; like he'd be retaliating on set or trying to get her written out of the sequels. Something like that.

  22. Work in community theater, if being a Thespian is so important.

    If you're asking me whether some random beautiful person deserves millions of dollars a year for being beautiful, my answer is no. And lots of people -- thousands -- have their "entire job experience and history" trying to be movie stars. That doesn't mean they all get it.

    In a world full of people who don't have any fucking food I'm disgusted by the thought that some beautiful airhead simply couldn't possibly ever no way no how drive a truck for a living. If they can't do regular jobs, and they don't want to couch for the multimillions, let them starve.

  23. @JT0130 I was going to suggest that J's problem was with Enty's choice of hyperbole rather than the actress's stance, but I guess I was wrong.

  24. Imagine a world in which this actress said no. And the next actress said no. And a third and fourth said no. And on and on, no one would sleep with the director for a part. Why, at some point maybe the part would have to be given to someone judged most talented!

    But that wouldn't happen, now would it. Because someone will always sleep with the director for the part.

    If you're an actress and you're propositioned like this and you don't like it, go to the cops. If no crime is committed, but a regulation has been violated, go to the EEOC. If no regulation has been violated, then suck it up and deal. Maybe -- and I know I'm some kind of crazy person to suggest such a thing -- maybe consider working in an industry where just having good looks isn't enough, where you have to think and work and there's some objective tasks you can accomplish and be rewarded for.

    Who do I think I'm kidding? Nothing'll change. Pretty girls (and pretty boys) will continue expecting the world to give them everything they want, they'll continue thinking they deserve this because of their moral stature, and those among us who don't think critically will shed tears when something doesn't go just right for them.

    1. “Working in an industry where just having good looks isn’t enough”...I used to work in finance at a top investment bank. You think there were a lot of ugly women on the sales teams, selling to our overwhelmingly male client base??? This problem isn’t just in Hollywood, it is everywhere. Any job that involves face-to-face interaction will always advantage attractive people.

  25. Wish they would set their phones to record these creeps.

  26. cant be salsana... she has two other franchises, guardians and trek rehash.

  27. I don’t see a problem with a director expecting a little favor from an actress. It not only helps the director connect with his actresses, but it also keeps tension off the set. Me Too is such bullshit....

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  29. Kay, I say women should report crimes to the police. You seem to hate that idea.

    How odd.

    1. @J. I don't hate that idea at all. What I do hate is when people like you put all of the burden on the victim to change the world. Two things need to happen: these crimes need to be reported; the system needs to have consequences for those found to be guilty.

      People like you who throw around the word "whore", "slut" and insinuate that the victims need to somehow better themselves, stand in the way of progress.

      How odd.

      I stand by my assertions that you loooove the status quo.

  30. Whose career has Spielberg ruined?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I reckon there was a substantial amount of money that parted hands with Mr.Spielberg in order to ruin a career or silence a victim... but hey-other than that he seems like an affable and altruistic lover of all things children....

    3. And professional.

  31. Kay, the status quo is that women don't seem to make many police reports of these Hollywood sex crimes. The status quo seems to be that they frequently make charges via extrajudicial avenues (Ronan Farrow, gossip here, etc.) months or years after the events. I want that status quo to change dramatically.

    Regarding the word slut, take Asia Argento. She slept with a married man... one who had presumably raped her already... for five years while waiting for him to make her a star. If she's not a slut, the word means nothing.

    You don't know what I like or don't like. I'll tell you this, though: I like seeing simpleminded, self-righteous, scolds like you all frustrated. Here's more news: I don't think the way you do, and many other people also don't. That's just how it is. And no amount of your hysteria's going to persuade me otherwise.

    You'd notice... if you were attentive and eager to learn... that I never address you before you address me. That's because, while I do respond to your poorly-thought-out ad hominems, I don't give a flying fuck what you as an individual think. You're inconsequential and uninteresting. That said, I so like the idea of you all flustered and ready to cry. : )

    1. @J Keep imagining me flustered and on the verge of tears. Add a pair of heels and toned abs, and I'd be your dream date.

      I hate to break it to you, but not only does your opinion on a gossip site carry as much consequence as mine, but you are far more egregious in your ad hominems.

      Hysteria? Examine the root and implication of that word and tell me that your use of it, to a completely calm female on the internet, isn't proof of your persistent misogyny. That's not an ad hominem. That's a valid statement which, if true, undermines every poorly thought opinion you spew on the daily.

      And, I say this calmly, kindly fuck yourself with your "eager to learn" comment. You have absolutely nothing to teach.

    2. You sound like a neckbeard, J.

  32. Something drives you to reach out to me, Kay, again and again. If you stopped, I'd be very happy. But the fact that I think differently than you do... it compels you. You can't really control yourself. Something in your emotional makeup.

    See you next time you bother me.

  33. James Cameron came to mind.

  34. Coppola has no power to prevent an actress from ever working again. That ship sailed long ago.

    1. Maybe... but the film he just wrapped that I mentioned earlier “a distant vision” is a “coming of age take about a bit and a girl... Brady McGuinne/Chandler Parsons the couple

  35. Spielberg is way too creepy, things just stop being coincidences at some point. And that was a fake Himmmm post. And yes, Tricia, Spielberg is surely professional at this point. Thank god for the internet, this is how dynasties crumble.

    1. There are no Dynasties built on the lives/bones of others. Only temporary dust.....

  36. HDNYC, that's true, unfortunately. And it only means there are more alternatives for our poor victimized actresses (and actors) whom life is so unfair to should they make the horrible, unimaginable, choice to give up their wholesome dreams of Hollywood stardom.

  37. Spielberg is dead? Yes?

  38. @J

    " I like seeing simpleminded, self-righteous, scolds like you all frustrated"

    "while I do respond to your poorly-thought-out ad hominems"


    Project much?

  39. @J

    "You can't really control yourself. Something in your emotional makeup."


    No, you don't ad hominem at all. You are the rational male, par excellence!

    "See you next time you bother me."

    Oh dear, Mr. Rational Male is getting vewy angwy.

    1. Lolcano. A big one. 😂

  40. Back to the question I had before -

    Who's career has Spielberg ended?

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  42. @J You're either a troll, or so severely autistic you can't understand basic human interaction even in theory. Either way you have my pity.

  43. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Harassment has happened to every woman in the workplace. All of us. A bad boss can destroy your reputation and career. We all deal with that, every day.
    And unlike Witherspoon or Kidman, maybe I don't have some hot shot attorney on Speed Dial.

  44. Anonymous5:13 AM

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