Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Today's Blind Items - Put Her In The Movie

I don't think it will be that tough to figure out the main subject in the blind, but it is a story I have been wanting to write for a few years now. I always tend to want to write it this time of the year. To make it more puzzle friendly, I am including some of the people that were on the sidelines during this period.

When I met her, I knew who she was, but really just as someone who enjoyed her previous record when I heard it, and would have told her if I had run into her. I thought that record was brash and really expected nothing less in real life from someone who made that kind of record. The thing was though, when I first met her she was 180 degrees from that.

I almost never met her. I'm trying to think of some other way I would have met her if not for that weekend, and I don't think we would have crossed paths. I tried to think of every possible way to get out of going to where I did meet her. You know, where all it would have taken is one gust of wind and I would have pulled out. I don't like heat. I hate it in fact. Some of the greatest feelings I have had in life were when I was hot and planted myself in front of an air conditioner. Who remembers those moments? Me, that's who.

Things were different for this particular event back then. Very different. I do remember making a call to this foreign born former A list singer group/solo in my 120 Minutes kind of world (SO) and landed two tickets for a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time friend of the site who I would still do anything for because she wanted to see her at the time favorite band. When I got the tickets, I of course told the former A lister that the long time friend of the site considered SO to be her favorite singer ever.

Anyway, SO was supposed to perform in LA two nights before her show and I had plans to go and hit whatever booze she ordered in her rider. She canceled her show though and we decided to do dinner instead. The thing about SO is that I understand her so much better the more I drink. She says I use it as an excuse to drink more. Probably. My drunken self got ahead of my common sense and I agreed to go see her perform. The only reason is because she was going a day ahead of time, so no traffic and she had a place to stay where I could crash for a couple nights. How was I going to get back home was something I should have thought about, but didn't.

So, I went and I sweated a lot. It was during the hottest part of that day during soundcheck that I first met the subject of our blind. Let us call her TD. Unlike what most of you might think about TD, she was incredibly shy when I first met her. SO introduced her to me. After a brief hello, SO left us alone while she went and did some press or drank tea with honey or something. It was just myself and TD. Felt like 20 minutes but it was about a minute before she said "It's f**king hot isn't it?" Only she said it in an accent that made it come out something like, "f************king hot in it." I laughed. Out loud. Hard. She laughed that I laughed and smiled this huge 10,000 watt smile.

TD wasn't famous back then. People knew her and her biggest song ever was out, but no one was buying it. No one was playing it. She got the gig courtesy of the record label that pushed for her and a management company that combined her with someone else. I promised SO I would stay sober until she finished her show because she said I needed to or she wouldn't let me crash back at her place. The night before, there had been a little too much drinking on my part. I agreed. I saw TD a few times that night after she performed and she popped up at the place where SO was crashing. I told TD if she was ever in LA to give me a call and gave her my number.

I never expected to hear from her again. I was wrong. It was not quite two months later she called me and said she was in town and said she needed a place to crash because her arrangements were not working for her. Those arrangements were a really nice hotel suite. The problem was she was trying to hide from her boyfriend at the time because he found out she hooked up with this permanent A list rapper who ALL of you know and who all of you knew then and who NONE of you would ever suspect of hooking up with TD. Let us call him RE-MIX.

TD says she called a couple other people, but those people all knew the boyfriend. She needed someone no one knew. So, she came over. I gave up my futon and there she slept. The next day she was pretty manic and out of sorts. There was a lot of smoking. A whole lot of lighting the next cigarette with the one before it. She did ask me to go to the event where she was performing. I thought she was asking out of guilt, but when we went to lunch I could tell she meant it. That laugh of hers was crazy. I remember even that day, no one came up to her and asked her for anything. No photos. No autographs. Nothing.

I went to the event and did see this former bubblegum pop singer turned actress try to hide the fact she was hooking up with her then co-star who was relatively unknown at the time and is now probably A/A- list depending on his big of a fan you are of the defunct network hit. She was also seeing a celebrity and some old guy and didn't want anyone to know she was seeing all these guys because she thought it was bad for her image.

I remember seeing this at the time A- list actress who is probably a little lower now, but still crappy at acting doing some lines of blow at an after party.

I never even spoke to TD again that day after dropping her off. Nothing from her at all until three months later when she was back in town and once again asking to crash on my futon because once again she was hiding from people. I gathered she liked having places where no one could find her from labels to management to agents to boyfriends. For two days straight she hung out with my family and watched television until all hours. She loved infomercials. There were a couple concerts thrown in but for the most part it was television and beer and chain smoking.

It was during those two days that we started talking about movies and she said she always wanted to be in a movie. A mysterious character. She could be a singer, but she wanted to be someone who was the key to everything. It had to be a drama. She wanted to to be the piece to bring it all together and wanted to use an American accent. She could do it really well. I jokingly told her we should try and shoot a scene. She said we should. She was serious. A week later we were in a northern city and she sang a song which she never sang before or since which she thought was the perfect movie song of all time. She then did about a half page of dialogue which she nailed in one take. I sent her the DVD of her performance and for months she said she watched it every day. She got into a fight a few months after with her boyfriend and he broke it. She said it was the most she ever cried because she always had that dream. I offered to send her another copy but she didn't want it. That was our last conversation for the final three years of her life.


  1. SO is Lisa Loeb. And The Cranberries singer Delores O Riordan?

    1. Can we put our Talmuds down for a moment because I swore Lisa Loeb was Tay Tay but I guess that was just a pseudobeard for getting BLACKED.COM?

      What do you know that I don't here? Leverage your network!

  2. I was thinking Amy Winehouse, but Delores works much better. A chain smoker when she drank. A lot of mental issues that owuld explain some of the bizarre conduct. Great guess, Sandybrook!

  3. "I am pretty good but sometimes I hit the bottle," she added. "Everything is way worse the next morning. I chain smoke when I drink. I have a bad day when I have bad memories and I can't control them and I hit the bottle. I kind of binge drink. That is kind of my biggest flaw at the moment," she told me."


    1. I thought this is "being Irish"

    2. Rubbing one's penis between the thighs of a 6 year old is "being Arab" in the 7th century and called muhammad.

    3. One of these days you're going to post on your main by accident, you do know that right?

  4. I thought TD was Winehouse and all the rest were figured out by SB.

  5. It could be Winehouse, I just don't ever remember Enty saying they were friends, the way he was with Delores and Lisa.

    1. Maybe this is an anonymous Himmmm blind.

  6. Is SO suppose to be foreign born??

  7. Think TD is Amy wine house and Nas for the rapper

  8. I like Winehouse for this better than Delores. Why would anyone think Delores was brash from her records?

  9. Oooo it was TD getting BLACKED.COM not SO
    sorry guys!

  10. There are three players here
    SO-Dolores O
    TD-Amy W,
    and old time friend to the site-Lisa Loeb

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Writing around this time of year makes it Winehouse who died on July 23rd. So that's why he's wanted to write it for a few years.

  13. I just came here to say, that beyond being unable to follow this for clues to the blind, it was almost wholly unreadable.

    1. Maybe he writes so horribly so no one can figure out who he is by his writing style.

  14. Bubblegum Popstar turned actress Mandy Moore?

  15. Then Zachary Levi/Chuck she was hooking up with.

  16. Winehouse was supposed to sing the James Bond theme in 2008, she started recording it, but fell out with Mark Ronson and never finished it.

    This is prob the "she sang a song which she never sang before or since which she thought was the perfect movie song of all time"

    She died in 2011, 3 years later

  17. For Christmas (a while ago) my daughter bought me an Amy Winehouse's CD(?)

    Damn that woman could sing!

    RIP, Amy!

    Hope your demons leave you alone now.

  18. The only other thing that scared me off about Amy as a guess is that Enty (well, at least 2011 Enty) was particularly brutal on Winehouse (and BLake's) antics. Remember when she was trying to adopt the young girl. Or all the drug problems? And a whole lot more? Enty was not particularly kind to her, if I recall correctly. And this blind sounds like it comes from a place of love.

    1. Well, I'm no PhD but considering enty spends most of his life outing gay ppl, outing drug use, infidelity and basically just slinging mud and spreading rumors about ppls personal lives.... not to mention ridiculing those that make mistakes, relapse, or are spiraling out of control or overdosing, I'm pretty sure his "place of love" is nowhere he would ever take any of you. I'm pretty sure it's been long abandoned and nothing but a toxic wasteland.

      Keep on strokin that holier than thou who though....

  19. I was sitting next to this group of people at the VIP area at Coachella back before they had different levels of VIP and one young woman on their blanket was so striking and so magnetic and her laugh and look were everything. And by the time I figured it out I realized I had missed Amy Winehouse. She had just done her show, and was sitting there with no one bothering her,just laughing with friends. One of my biggest regrets, it would have been magic to see her then. This must be the particular event that the writer spoke of that was so different back then. It truly was.

  20. I immediately thought of Amy Winehouse as well <3

  21. @Moose maybe he was brutal out of a place of concern for her?

  22. One of the things I recall the most about Enty's posts regarding all things Amy were how he always alluded that he knew why she was acting out. Almost as if he was privy to first hand knowledge. At the time we all thought that Enty was saying that Amy acted out because she was seroconverted by some random hook up and she was now HIV positive. I believe when she died he inferred something along those lines during a BI reveal.

  23. This blind sounds like it,was written by the music guy Hmmmm. Moose is right, Enty went along with the Amy nastiness.SO is Dolores, longtime friend of site,Lisa L, Mandy Moore the fake good girl,not sure of the Rapper,I will guess Jay Z, because he's straight lol. Still think it is Amy, but Enty never gave any sign he knew her. So I am going with an as told to by music guy Hmmmm.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Amy Winehouse did play Coachella in 2007 - and "Back To Black" was released in the States in March 2007, which would fit with the idea that Enty knew of her ("Frank" came out in 2003), yet she was not yet a star ("B2B" didn't really blow up until later that spring in the US)

    That also works with Enty complaining about the heat.

    And that timetable would work perfectly with the three years he did not hear from her, since she died in 2011.

    Yea, it is def Amy. LOVED that woman's voice> "Tears Dry On Their Own" is a classic.

    1. Well duh.... when have you ever known a narcissistic, morbidly obese, sweaty, nasty attorney that liked the heat?

  26. Anonymous11:35 AM

    I'm trying to make Amy Winehouse work but so far Lisa Loeb and Delores aren't adding up as the other options. Delores had a break from concerts between 2003 and 2009 so the LA concert wouldn't work. However, I see that in 2007 Amy Winehouse performed at the same Coachella as Bjork (who has a pretty difficult accent too). Although I can't find anything about Bjork scheduled to play 2 days before Coachella (could be a red herring though?). Amy didn't pop back over the States until around September 2007 though (at least for LA area).

    Could the rapper be Nas? They did have duets together and such, and he was having a big feud with Jay Z around that time frame so he would be pretty popular?

  27. @Unknown,the Bjork guess works as a friend of Enty and a singer solo and in a band. Enty changes dates and combines two separate events into one,that's his typical red herring.

    1. ... its not a red herring. It's confusion from years of alcohol abuse and trying to keep too many lies going at the same time.

      Maybe someday a few of you can grow up to emulate your idol. smfh

  28. Anonymous12:02 PM

    @Guesser - agreed. He's been known to do that, which is why I was trying to separate the red herrings from the "truth." Amy is the only one that really seems to make sense with the blind.

    I love me some Cranberries but this blind makes it seem like the singer was new/unknown solo artist with an accent, not an artist who was big with a 90's band, went solo, and then reunited with said band before her untimely death. SO has a strong accent that requires Enty to drink to understand her better, and I don't think Lisa Loeb's accent quite cuts it.

  29. Rehab, Amy's first and most famous song was released in Oct 2016. It didnt enter the US charts until the end of March 2007, and stayed at the bottom of the top 100 until it finally blew up in June.

    So that all fits with the blind, and with the dates of Coachella as well.

  30. @Guesser - if it is Amy, Nas is the likely rapper. Amy's song "Me and Mr. Jones" is about Nas - and they had two collaborations - "Like Smoke", and "Cherry Wine", both of which were released after Amy's death. There was genuine affection between the two of them.

    1. So do you know who “Addicted” is about, then?

      That song is hilarious. It’s basically about, “dude get your dirty paws off my weed. This is the good stuff, get your own damn weed.” 🥗

  31. Anonymous12:11 PM

    @Moose - that's what I'm thinking. She also said she had a crush on him at one point and that they were really close. He was married to Kelis during that time frame so who knows. Then Blake went to jail and she stopped touring in late 2007 I think.

    I just remember Rehab being a hit in the States and then boom, Amy was everywhere (Back to Black was one of my favorites). I still remember when she left Blake and hooked up with Pete D. Ugh... She just couldn't seem to figure things out. :(

  32. But....when Amy Winehouse was alive Enty called her a filthy junkie, body shamed her & wrote whole articles about her looks relative to her age. The old CDAN posts about Amy were completely mean spirited & beyond piling on. I’m not saying this isn’t meant to be Amy, could just be completely made up bullshit.

    1. Unless this is a different Enty, or-- less likely -- the mean posts were meant as a wake-up call, as others have suggested.

    2. I have seen several stern but empathetic posts to/about addicted hot messes beseeching them to get help so I don’t buy the “wake up call” excuse. Anyone who watched even 5 minutes of Amy footage knew she was fragile to say the least, she did not need to be called an ugly junkie to know she needed help. I also think the “different Enty” thing is bs. Unless (one of the) Enty(s) said it in a post, as far as I’m concerned the idea came from CDAN zealots trying to excuse the many inconsistencies on the site.

  33. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Enty has also flip flopped a few times on folks, and wasn't there speculation at one point about there being a couple different "Entys?" It could also be that he regrets some the things he said about her after her death or is just fondly looking back on that particular time.

    Who knows. The only thing I know for sure is that the venue is most likely Coachella because Palm Springs area is hot af and miserable in the late spring and summer.

  34. Anonymous12:43 PM

    It could be that this particular Enty was a bit more savage than usual because he knew that she was throwing her life and talent away for Blake and Pete. I know that sometimes a person can get really bitter when they see someone they really cared about just making all kinds of poor choices over and over again.

    I just dont know who else this would fit? I'm trying to find singers who died recently (last 20 years or so) that may or may not have sung at Coachella and there aren't that many that would fit the bill. Are there any other big music festivals in a hot location?

  35. Amy Winehouse died on July 23, 2011. The date she died fits with this line at the beginning:

    "I always tend to want to write it this time of the year."

  36. I definitely think this is Winehouse.

  37. Would be strange for someone claiming to know AW well to be surprised that she would hook up with Nas. I wouldn't get the Re-mix reference to him either. Sounds more like Diddy or Wyclef Jean.

  38. Amy Winehouse 100%. Can tell where he quoted her saying something but that it sound like something else which is how cockneys talk and she died in the month of July.

  39. Amy singing 'Love is a Losing Game' at the Brits gives me goosebumps. I absolutely adored her. It sounded like he was implying she had a London accent. We all say 'innit.' I do it.

  40. Does the mention of "my 120 minutes kind of world" mean everyone is alt and indie music? These are all female singers and I'm just not too into female vocalists in general. So I can't name a lot of them off the top of my head. But I'm wondering if it's Delores O'Riordan as others have mentioned. Don't know much about Winehouse other than she died. I didn't even know she was foreign. No idea. In fact I had pretty much not known who she was at all until she died. Generally if you aren't a guy with a guitar I can't name you much of the time. ^^;;

  41. @Kate

    "the mean posts were meant as a wake-up call, as others have suggested."

    No, they were just mean, catty and nasty. Enty rode Amy as hard as he is riding Rose McGowan lately. I guess if Rose dies soon, Enty will say he was her bestie soon after.

  42. @Amy

    One of my favorite live performances of all time, Amy was magic at the Brit awards. What a voice.

    1. Her voice and she had something about her that it's hard to find. Watch 'Amy' and it's hard to dislike her. She had her many issues but deep down was a lovely person.

  43. Amy Winehouse had the kind of accent where you’d say “isn’t it” and it’d sound like “innit”.

    Dolores was Irish.

    Also, Enty owns a futon. Cool Enty. 🍷

  44. @Scandi

    "Maybe this is an anonymous Himmmm blind."

    In which case it can go in the bullshit file. Someone researched a concert and inserted himself into the occasion, which is the Hmmm MO.

  45. It's Amy Winehouse. Jay-Z hired her to Universal Music when he was president. He was on the remix of Rehab, which would fit with the Blind name Re-Mix. She could have boned him or Nas.

  46. "The problem was she was trying to hide from her boyfriend at the time because he found out she hooked up with this permanent A list rapper who ALL of you know and who all of you knew then and who NONE of you would ever suspect of hooking up with TD. Let us call him RE-MIX."

    I'm sorry I have a hard time believing anyone would be surprised Amy was banging the brotha. Maybe whoever she was dating on paper, but not over in these parts!

    Can't wait for the "Teena Marie Once Had Interracial Sex" blind!

  47. C'mon everyone knew about the nas hook up at the time. Great singer with a few good songs and lot of derivative, pastiche material. Death was a good career move.

  48. Before the drugs, Amy was drop dead gorgeous. People forget that and she was extremely talented vocally too. Her demise and ultimate death was sad to watch. Watch her live in London concert 2007. All the songs she performed are on YouTube. She was magnetic and utterly beautiful.

  49. Amy Winehouse had a thing with Nas for awhile. He is the subject of the song Me and Mr. Jones.

  50. @Viking

    Amy was naked, when she sang, for all to see. She hid nothing behind technique or lyrics she didn't feel. Talent and the ability to be so honest and vulnerable doesn't happen very often (Judy Garland? Kurt Cobain? Fiona Apple? Billy Holliday?) and is dangerous to the performer's psyche in many ways.

    I miss her. I want her to be here writing more of her songs that plumb the depths of the soul.


    I'm saving the documentary for this winter, when I do almost 100% of my movie and TV watching.



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