Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 18, 2018

Apparently botox and breast lifts can only do so much. This former A+ list mostly television actress from an iconic role who now mainly does movies and not always very well is filming a new project. She went to lunch with a younger female assistant, but only about a decade younger. A waitress asked the assistant in front of our actress, "Your mother looks so familiar." The actress was not pleased.

Jennifer Aniston


  1. Ouch! Jen still looks hot. Flo better stow it and kiss her grits.

  2. Demi Lovato not doing well.


  3. That's the problem with being a narcissist. Aging happens to everyone.

  4. Detox..withdrawal from pills..it's a bitch

  5. She's a spit away from 50 and her face got hard from all the tanning. What does she expect.

  6. no one told her life was going to be this way. %%%%%%%% 😎

  7. Iggy Pop still has fans, so Jennifer shouldn't worry about her looks.

    Of course, Iggy has a lot of talent... I suppose that's an important difference.

  8. hahaha +1 reference John

  9. Yeah not happy about this. Jen was never fap material for me but there's no doubting she was a premier coked up whore of her era. Show some respect!! Jen has never yachted and she's only given her virgine to randoms when she's been high as fuck, in Hollywood that makes her a virtual Virgin Mary. Yeah she's old as fuck now, and fucking her now would be disgusting, but respect one of the GOATs (IMO).

  10. Geez......the woman looks awesome!

  11. Well, yeah, I'd be pissed too. That's rude as shit! Why wouldn't you tell the person who looks familiar that they look familiar?

  12. They probably knew exactly who she was, and they were just being nasty.

  13. Once again, not sure how old the assistant is or if she resembles Jen. But yeah Jen looks like someone's mother now, everyone turns into a MILF or DILF eventually.

  14. I’d still wear her like a hat

  15. I still say Jen and Heather graham have found the fountain of youth and are keeping it to themselves. Stunning women!

  16. I guess that's why she had her bikini out last week over in Europe.

    1. And she looked great! She also looks fantastic in the movie she’s currently filming.

  17. not feeling sorry for her at all

    anyone who can be friends with that human drain clog Chelsea Handler, gets a major side eye from me

  18. this makes me chuckle. i have never liked aniston. she shouldn't be allowed to call herself an actress. i have always found her ordinary looking. meh. she is old enough to be someone's GRANDMOTHER so it's hilarious that she's getting all pissy about someone thinking she's the mother of a young adult.

  19. She should start a band. Girl Haggard.

  20. Sally Fields is the best aging woman in Hollyweird. She's a freak. Made all those beach movies so her skin should be leather but she still looks like Gidget.

  21. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa!
    Best laugh I've had all day!

  22. the thing is young people today were born too late for Friends, they would not really know who she is or about her & Brad & Angie which she still tries to milk in the weekly tabs.

    1. There are a lot of teens/20-somethings who watch Friends now.

      Jennifer does not try to milk things in the tabloids. The tabloids make up whatever they want. I mean seriously, if you were her, would you want to have to read 83x that you’re pregnant?

      Now Angie leaking to the tabs is another story. She’s got them on speed dial.

  23. She's overrated and is below average looking.

    1. So over-rated that she’s getting $25 million for her Apple show with Reese?? Jennifer is very smart and definitely not below average looking.

  24. Yes, Friends was in the 1990s and that's ancient history now. And Brad & Jen and Brangelina are all past their expiry date. Time marches on.

  25. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Aniston always looks like a guy to me. Big jaw and no hips

  26. She looks great. Still has a smoking body. I always wonder what the people doing all the criticizing look like themselves.

  27. @Aquagirl Yes, there are plenty of people who are grossly overpaid and overrated, she in my opinion is one of them. She's also below average looking to me. It's my opinion and it will say that way. You saying opposite isn't going to change my mind about that.

  28. I met and spoke with Jennifer Aniston about when she was making that movie with Paul Rudd and she was very nice but painfully thin.

  29. Yeah, but if she gained 10 pounds, people would be calling her old and fat. BTW, she looks amazing.

  30. I only wish I looked like her, and I am 5 years younger. Tons of younger people watch and love Friends. My 22 year old daughter watched them in her teens (rerun on cable almost constantly). My 17 year old Binge watched the entire series on Netflix last fall when she was home with pneumonia. Jennifer is one of the few “older” actors both my kids and their friends know by name and face. In comparison, they groan 8f my husband says they should watch Seinfeld and my 17 year old claims she doesn’t know who Angelina Jolie is (and I don’t think that is because of the brad Pitt thing- she told me she didn’t know him, either.

  31. Don't forget all the smoking and drinking, @timebob.

  32. Another fake blind from misogynist Enty.

  33. Is he only a misogynist when he's talking about PlainJane Jen?

  34. Oh, please, the waitress was just being a cunt.



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