Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 21, 2018

This foreign born former way closer to the throne than he is now celebrity can't leave his home country right now for fear of being questioned about four Malaysian tween/barely teen girls he sexually assaulted/raped over a five day period six years ago while with a billionaire. Apparently the payments for what happened recently showed up in a federal investigation pertaining to something else happening with some businessmen from the country.

Prince Andrew/Malaysia


  1. Wow that was a fast reveal I sure wonder what international occurrences could prompt the revealing of this specific blind about a British royal

  2. A Royal!!!! Say it ain't so!!!! 🤣

  3. Y'all know about IMDB
    but do you know about...

  4. lol @ sucker Brits subsidizing these worse-than-useless parasites.

  5. Tim Leissner?
    Kimora Lee Simmons?
    Russell Simmons?
    Southeast Asia?
    Prince Andrew?

    Hmm good thing that cabal thing is a personal delusion of mine right?

    1. Your ISIS buddies rape Yazidi women and children. Just following the example of their dead paedophile prophet, Moo-ham-mad.

  6. Remember the most important thing about being married:

    1. Before some actual lawyer comes in, "be made to testify against"
      Guess today's CDAN theme it's organized crime in Southeast Asia, probably a good day for blinds about the Gulf of Tonkin and Admiral Morrison and the Sassoon family's relationship with opium trafficking on behalf of that British empire and royal family that don't have any wealth or influence left because the media outlets they own say so

  7. Dont buy this one.

    Its a pretty well known that Prince Andrew is gay.

  8. My tax money at work people, sent the creep to the tower or have him 'accident-ed'. I'm guessing he won't do the decent thing with a locked room, a bottle of scotch and a revolver.

  9. I've heard gay. I've heard into really young teenaged girls.

    We aren't going to know for sure which (or maybe both!) for a long time, it looks like.

  10. Criticized over his astonishing dealings with a Kazakh oligarch, Prince Andrew is nevertheless still being allowed to act as an official foreign trade envoy.

    ‘Airmiles Andy’, as he became known because of his fondness for overseas travel, is on a taxpayer-funded visit for the Government to Malaysia, where he is trying to encourage its businessmen to forge links with British entrepreneurs.

    ‘His Royal Highness is determined to carry on his work for UK business,’ a courtier tells me.

    "Airmiles Andy", as he became known because of his fondness for overseas travel, is on a taxpayer-funded visit for the Government to Malaysia

    There were calls for an inquiry into Andrew’s business dealings last month after this newspaper disclosed that he had helped a Greek sewage company and a Swiss finance house pursue a £385 million contract in Kazakhstan.

    Leaked emails also showed the Prince’s private office was far more involved in the £15 million sale of his marital home, Sunninghill Park, to a Kazakh oligarch, Timur Kulibayev, than previously admitted.

    In addition, the emails revealed an extraordinary attempt by Andrew to arrange for Coutts, the Queen’s bank, to take Kulibayev on as a client.Andrew stepped down from his government role in 2011 after a string of controversies.

    For much of his ten-year career as the UK’s official foreign trade envoy, critics accused the Prince of developing close links with disreputable foreign dictators and wasting millions of pounds of taxpayers’ money on private jets and helicopters.

    He was finally forced to resign after details emerged of his friendship with a convicted paedophile, American billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.

    A Buckingham Palace spokesman said that while in Malaysia, the Duke would also be undertaking an engagement in support of Huddersfield University, of which he is Chancellor.

  11. filmfanb, he may be bisexual, but he has repeatedly been linked with underage females, he could come up with a better cover if 100% gay.

  12. When it comes to serious perversion that extends to torture, I'm not sure sexual preference as normal people think of it is relevant.

  13. Fair enough, the circles of people I know back in the UK, always say he is gay and Fergie was a beard. Hence why they still live together etc.....

    Maybe he got a taste for underage from Mountbatten

  14. @plot,we already know. Andy is useless to the Monarchy now. He may have to go away, no way will they allow him to get arrested. The money crimes will be his cover and some real will be made.

  15. Hints are a remarriage might be in the air....’t-want-to-happen/ar-AAAdWFX?li=BBnbcA0


    Oh here's pictures of that time Prince Andrew went to Malaysia, let's play "WHO IS INVOLVED?"

  17. @longtimereader, people like this never do the right thing,unless maybe facing long imprisonment. No conscious. @ Geeljire, you come up with this amazing info, and then end up trolling yourself.

  18. He's had links to well-known pedos for ages. I've heard the young teenage girls thing too. This isn't surprising and unfortunately I seriously doubt that if true, this will ever come out.

  19. Anonymous11:00 AM

    I dunno about this one. I find it rather suspect that it gets revealed right before Princess Eugenie's birthday and amidst rumors that Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson may or may not remarry. It comes across as more of a smear campaign at this point in time.

    1. Prince Andrew has been smearing himself as a pedo for quite some time by being a pedo

  20. I was a partner in a hedge fund owned by Donald Sussman one of Clinton's main backers in the election and the "godfather of the hedge fund industry". I have vast amounts of information on fraudulent financial markets which are fronts for dollar payments between criminal groups. The figures we are talking about are billions of dollars PER DAY in transactions going through these markets. The markets are operated by the Crown. I need to get in touch with researchers who can use my information. Please can you get in touch if you want to discuss this info. I have plenty of documents proving what I have to say. I was gagged by the High Court of the UK from sharing this info but my current circumstances place me outside their jurisdiction.

    The non deliverable currency forwards which are used by participating firms of the SFEMC are taking forward bets on rates that actually DO NOT EXIST AT ALL. The contracts are essentially fully trusted disguised dollar payments between participants and brokers. The system is an anonymised and disguised plarform for vast illcicit payments worldwide between e.g. hedge funds and people-trafficking operations or drug cartels via the IB intermediaries.

    The important aspect relating to Clinton Foundation is that these IBs and hedge funds are making vast dollar payments disguised as "non deliverable currency forward" trades. This is a platform for worldwide criminal activity such as slave/child trafficking. Hopefully someone with some finance background will get in touch to take this forwards.

    Proceeds are laundered through a network of hedge funds operating through fake markets such as the "NDF" market of the Singapore Foreign Exchange Market Committee.

    I believe they are connected through the fraudulent trade in "Non Deliverable Currency Forwards" or "NDF"s. These are forward trades on NONEXISTENT curreny rates which are dollar payments disguised as legitimate trades. The hub is the Singapore Foreign Exchange Market Committee (SFEMC). The HFs such as Palladium will be on one side of the trade via a broker investment bank. On the other side could be any criminal organisation, the trading is totally anonymised to facilitate secrecy.

    I was manhunted by the police and locked in a nuthouse to silence me in 2013. This manhunt was triggered by the hedge fund partners at my firm who were desperate to silence me as I was aware of their criminal activities. They were forced to release me. The High Court gagged me from revealing the info I have on these criminal activities. The manhunt and incarceration were reported in the Evening Standard.

    I have insider information on a global money laundering syndicate of hedge funds and IBs linked to the Clinton Foundation

    The Sandler Foundation, D.Sussman, Pizzagate and the Death of Aaron Dover

    Aaron George Maurice Dover is shown on the FCA's Register as being a former partner of LMR Partners from january to december of 2011. this can be verified directly on the FCA's register here: (click on the "HISTORY" tab to reveal his previously held controlled functions.

  21. U.S. woman who claimed she was forced to have sex with Prince Andrew sues British socialite for denying that she recruited her to be a sex slave

    Virginia Roberts just happens to be the PIVOTAL connection between DONALD TRUMP, JEFFREY EPSTEIN AND PRINCE ANDREW. Many if not all of you, especially the paid trolls defending Donald Trump, like to claim that Epstein hardly knew Trump, this is hardly the truth. Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epsteins lesbian pedophile procurer of underage victims for Epstein, groomed and culled Virginia out of Trump's Mar-A-Lago residence when she was a 15 year old employee of the facility (Florida Labor Law - 16). Her father, who had worked as a maintenance man there, helped her get her the job. Virginia had already been a victim of domestic sexual abuse as a child so she had been an easy target for someone like Maxwell. The claim that Epstein was kicked out of the Mar-A-Lago is true, but that they had been buddies is not. The only reason Epstein was officially kicked out of the club was because it was the daughter of a member he could not silence.

    Donald John Trump is the biggest "The Departed" mole in the United States Presidency since George Herbert Walker Bush.


    Donald Sussman's yacht is called "The Alice's Restaurant"

    Alice in wonderland is a popular Mk-Ultra conditioning tool.

    Guess what they cook on board "Alice's Restaurant" - why Alice, of course.

  23. "Well known", as far as these things go, in the UK, that Prince Andrew is a wrong 'un.

  24. Don't forget his family member - the Duke of Kent is the (public) head of Freemasonry.

  25. @Unknown,you have it backwards, they are getting married to divert attention. Any Brits know if the not having to testify against spouse applies there?

  26. @Solo

    " I was a partner in a hedge fund owned by Donald Sussman one of Clinton's main backers in the election and the "godfather of the hedge fund industry"."

    Yes. I'm sure that is true.

  27. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Princess Eugenie's wedding isn't a diversion but I could agree with Fergie and Andrew's being suspect. And yes, you can testify against your spouse in the UK. The defense/defence can compel testimony if need be, but it falls under the category of "privilege." A spouse could waive their right to privilege but if I remember right, they can't waive their privilege in testimony when asked about matters pre-dating the marriage and can be compelled to testify.

    I'm not saying the Royals aren't involvement in some shady practices, but this seems like a pretty shoddy cover up if it did happen. I'd also be curious who the "billionaire" is he was partying with in Malaysia. I could be completely wrong about all of this, but it just seems off with everything going on.

  28. too bad Samantha Grant isnt a daily reader


  30. But what’s Prince Edward been up to?

  31. There is an FBI investigation into Malaysian money that was used to finance The Wolf of Wall Street. Apparently, it was embezzled by family connected to the top of the government.

    Psychopaths, by the way, are pan-sexual, so take whatever gender they can get, all ages, etc. It is all about power and control, which would explain the rumor of Andrew being caught with a male servant and the Epstein business.



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