Blind Items Revealed #1
July 2, 2018
This famous and horrific crime has an anniversary next year and is due to be the subject of yet another movie, this one a big budget production by an A list director. The facts are well known except for one niggling detail that a couple of the original investigators who are still alive are hoping will one day be cleared up. The complete list of who was present did not include this significant other of one of the victims. He was supposed to be on set in Europe. However, a source who was present reports seeing him at the crime scene that night. Considering all the awful but unrelated things reported about this person over the years, this at least warrants an investigation.
Manson murders/"Once Upon a Time in Hollywood"/Quentin Tarantino/Roman Polanski (Sharon Tate)
This famous and horrific crime has an anniversary next year and is due to be the subject of yet another movie, this one a big budget production by an A list director. The facts are well known except for one niggling detail that a couple of the original investigators who are still alive are hoping will one day be cleared up. The complete list of who was present did not include this significant other of one of the victims. He was supposed to be on set in Europe. However, a source who was present reports seeing him at the crime scene that night. Considering all the awful but unrelated things reported about this person over the years, this at least warrants an investigation.
Manson murders/"Once Upon a Time in Hollywood"/Quentin Tarantino/Roman Polanski (Sharon Tate)
I wouldn't be at all surprised if someone could link Roman to Manson. Two vile human beings who loved to control women.
Wow... Pure Evil
No way in hell do I believe that Polanski witnessed the slaughter of his wife and did nothing. If, indeed, " a source who was present reports seeing him at the crime scene that night," then it was after the crimes were committed.
Bugliosi was a fraud
Wouldn't there be airline records that the police would have looked into? Obviously they didn't have the computer records we have today, but there would have been some paper or cab rides, passport stamps...etc.
Like Kubrick, Polanski was connected to deep dark forces and he tried to allude to them in his works. Worth researching Tate along with the "Friends of Hecate" and Polanski's next movie "Macbeth" which is based on the Shakespeare play where Hecate plays a prominent role. Then there are the dates, rituals, etc. There is no bottom to these rabbit holes.
These days, it's hard to imagine someone could be in a completely different country than he claimed without leaving some evidence, but back then, who knows. If he said he was overseas, and a few people vouched for him, and the investigators were "encouraged" to accept it, that could be enough.
On the other hand, one witness claiming to have seen someone isn't a lot of evidence to go on. Any major crime will have conflicting witness statements that can't possibly all be true. I wouldn't be surprised if there were more to the case, but one witness simply being wrong is also very possible.
Absolute crap, there are PHOTOS of Polanski heading to the airport in London, i believe, with a police escort the morning the murders were discovered. So then, i suppose waaay back when, Roman was home, witnessed the murders, ran to an airport, grabbed a super sonic flight to Europe, where he was also see the day the murders happened, so yeah, he flew from Europe, home to the states, to witness a murder, and then immediately managed to fly back to Europe. which was what a 7 hour flight each way if not more from CA? give me a break. This source needs to lay off the meth
Date stamp on the photos?
Yeah sure.
I spoke with Bugliosi once. Went to hear him talk while in college. Before the lecture, in the lobby, he asked me where the men's room was located. Years later, that same building was the site of a mass campus shooting.
I know uncanny,right😉
There are so many mass shootings now it's not even unusual any more. It's horrible. I remember, maybe mid-1990s, two kids in Arkansas started shooting at kids from their school from outside (pre-Columbine). This was major major news for weeks, and everyone was thoroughly shocked. Now it's everyday.
Before that, though, when Bugliosi and I had our chat on urinal locations, life was simpler.
Enty now that you've "exposed" this one. How about revealing the one about GW Bush's doctor's murder which you claim as espionage related, huh? Turns out he was murdered by a guy who held a 20 year grudge vs. the doctor who he blamed for his wife's death. NOT the fairy tale you wrote here for all the InfoWars jackasses you recruited here to get page views. Thanks for that move too!
Anyone who believes this utter shite must be a gullible moron of the highest order.
This crime was horrific enough without fictional embellishments.
This sort of bollocks undermines this website's believability.
Never mind Enty I just scrolled down and see you made up another conspiracy theory blind for them to make up for the previous phone one.
Roman arrived the next day and had to be pumped full of tranquilizers to be able to fly home because he was distraught over Sharon and Paul's (baby) murder. He's not perfect by any means, but I highly doubt he would arrange for or watch his wife and child being murdered. He was finishing the movie he and Sharon had worked on together. (They All Laughed, I think it was.)
Don't forget Lee Harvey Oswald's role.
Oh no Sandy's "totally solved Manson murders" safespace has been disturbed!
I thought I remembered seeing those photos floating around.
this is complete and utter bullshit. jesus.
People are reacting like this blind says a lot more than it does. All it says is that a couple investigators are saying there's one contradictory witness statement that they'd like to see cleared up. That's not even unusual.
+1000000 @ truthseeker. I remember that photo also. Enty's favorite tipster-Issac Gaffey. Meth is his friend🤣
This website is full of shit. Zero credibility.
Lots of people saw things and people during that time. I think it's called Shrooms, peyote and acid.
Who was the witness? It must be one of the killers, cuz everyone else present was murdered.
Or so I thought.
Who would believe that Enty holds all these secrets but only sees fit to post blinds about them, instead of taking purposeful action?
Polanski is a pedo rapist pos. Nothing he did or will do would surprise me.
Could not be true.
Bullshit. I was in London when this happened and the day the murders were discovered the paparazzi immediately started harassing Polanski and following him around.
I had lunch w Bugliosi in 82. He never mentioned anyone else
I queued in MacDonalds with Bugliosi in ‘91, he asked for extra pickles on his burger.
Don’t think he’s above it, but wasn’t Polanski overseas? Any possibility the overseas spotting was bogus?
Not buying that Polanski was present during the murders. I have read that he didn't want the baby and Sharon Tate didn't tell him about the pregnancy until it was too late to abort. A former boyfriend was trying to take care of her because Polanski treated her poorly. He's a gross pedo. But I find this all hard to believe. Why wasn't he murdered then? Did he hide? Did he have some weird connection to the Manson family?
Sounds made up. But who knows.
What Polanski did to at least one & probably more underage girls is horrific. But he also has gone through a life of absolute hell!
He is one of the few members of his family that survived the Nazis & then has his wife murdered by the Manson Family.
It's no wonder he acts the way he does, as he has a serious & most likely never treated case of post traumatic stress disorder.
That doesn't excuse his behavior since the murders almost 50 years ago, but it does inform as to why he does what he does.
He's a mess mentally!
The Manson murders were a false flag. The photo evidence of this is compelling.
Manson was a drug dealer for the stars and connected to the mafia. La Bianca was also running drugs and his was a contract killing. My take is deep down the grudge was about drugs and money. One of the victims was starting in the amphetamine business, Wojciech Frykowski, a close friend of Polanski.
Very interesting stuff in the link, Sadie Slays.
Rose McGowan wrote in her memoir, “The first time I met Tarantino, and for years after, every time he’d see me, he said, ‘Rose! I have your movie Jawbreaker on laser disc! i can’t tell you how many times i used the shot where you’re painting your toes!'” She continued, “That means Tarantino paid extra money to jerk off to my young feet and told me about it loudly, over and over, for years, in front of numerous people.”
I wouldn't believe McGowan if she had video
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