Monday, August 13, 2018

Blind Item #2

At least two actresses have spoken to news outlets and said they were told to pretend to act like tweens when they had sex with this child porn loving writer/director. When one refused to do it after the second or third encounter she was ghosted by the director.


  1. Replies
    1. Wow look at that, right on the first guess. No need for 50 comments on how it isn't James Gunn today, I would hope.

    2. haha... it’s definitely NOt Jared Leto😉

    3. "He did nothing wrong! I bet you're just some bitter, basement-dwelling Sedevacantist!"

    4. It's early. Angela the man and plot are still spooning in blissful slumber - give them a couple hours, they'll be up to defend him

  2. Ah, yes, Gunn likes those young baby doll girls. Read a couple juicy stories about that last night.

  3. It's to the point where I WANT Disney to hire this guy back so all this stuff can come out all over again, only bigger and even more disgusting, so Disney is revealed even more as the pedophile farm that they are.

    Really, we haven't even gotten mainstream exposure of the video where Gunn tells Jenna Fischer is going to anally rape their infant daughter so she's broken in for her husband. What a funny guy!

    "Guardians of the Pedocracy," for sure.

  4. PBS did a short piece on how recent Disney princesses have the features and proportions of prepubescent children. They don't get into the reasons for it, but it might give some insight into the culture at Disney, where someone like this fit in.

  5. They aren't real underage girls. As long as they're over 18 and consenting, who cares? He's keeping his "perversions" in check and not harming anyone.

  6. @rosie

    Been up since long before your crack of dawn after a rather late night with music all around.

    Tell me, what am I suppose to defend for you here? A hint would help.

    If 4chan is anything to go by, which a many of you deem appropriate, it ain't just one director in HWood who likes his Barely Legal fare. Hell, 4chan outright likes 'em prepubescent!

    So Gunn or someone else, could be anyone, seems a common theme for insecure men to want babydolls.

  7. They're really reinforcing the stereotype of pervy looking dudes actually being pervs.

    Yup those pictures definitely raise some red flags:

  8. I wonder what it's like to need 21 years sober

  9. It is profoundly sad that Disney has degraded itself to the point where I can no longer bring my kids to Disneyland or watch their productions in good conscience. Now all I see is the forcing of PC thought and LGBT agenda into everything they produce. Just like Pedowood, Disney is dead.


      "That's just that way it is, it's been that way for years."

      Disney is merely working as intended.

    2. Disney has never had an Out gay or bi character, so I don't know why dumbasses think they're promoting a gay agenda. And they have a history of making vilians act stereotypically gay, such as Scar and Jafar and Ursula, which is bad for the image of queer people to be associated with. Disney is actually really backward and promotes being a young simpleton woman who is rescued by a man she barely knows. Recently, they just show young women as depressed like Frozen or a carefree save the day type person.

    3. You act like this is new for them 🤔🤔🤔

    4. The pedo stuff lol I could care less about a gay agenda I think that's a way for straight people who go get to blame..Disney made me gay 😲😲😲

  10. @Cail

    Thanks for the link! Yeah, Disney has tapped into the neoteny of human aesthetics which is so so exaggerated right now. It's always been there in human culture, cherubs and such, but way pronounced in this day and age. Once a woman menstruates, she is damaged goods. They don't even wait for her to marry or to give birth any longer, which is when females used to disappear from any narratives of Disney or others. Now it's much younger.

    Disney trades in some very questionable aesthetics.

  11. DDonna...that's the first time I actually heard the clip about the daughter. Holy shit. Even if it was supposed to be a joke, there's not a chance in hell my ex would have any form of custody of my daughter after a comment like that. Wow.

  12. "This B- gossip blogger is supposed to be on the verge of the fight against child molesting. You should tell that to the numerous children, never older than ten, that he gets offered for sex every time he goes into the Filipinos for his "vacation". This man is a disgusting pig besides being a total pretender and a fraud."

    See how easy it is to make up a blind item from scratch? It took me one minute to write this.

    Enty, why "at least two actresses"? It would be more effective with "at least four". Also, why none of the news outlets would publish this?
    I should remind you The New Yorker and The New York Times were brave enough to publish a full investigation against Harvey Weinstein no later than last year. They are liberal leaning newspapers, yet they destroyed the reputation of another liberal who was a Hillary supporter too. The New Yorker also published a piece on Leslie Moonves two weeks ago. They're not afraid to go against powerful people. A director fired from Marvel is arguably less influential than these two guys.

    The alt-right bunch here or the last few people who still believe that this site isn't full of lies will reply that there's some kind of collusion (or, most likely, "(((collusion)))") between these liberal media to undermine the investigative work of people like Mike Cernovich or Jack Posobiec, who publicized the accusations against Gunn. By the way, should we mention that one of these fecal justice warriors was charged (long before he was famous) for rape, and has posted multiple tweets, that are clearly not jokes, belittling actual rape? And these guys should be your moral compass?

    And why are Fox News, The National Enquirer, Breitbart and Infowars not willing to publish these claims by the actresses? There were various "news outlets" they talked to. Why do The New York Times and The New Yorker actually have much more balls against Weinstein and Mooves than macho man Alex Jones against Gunn? If Enty knows for a fact that there are actresses willing to talk about what they had to do during sex with James Gunn, why doesn't he connect them with outlets that would be VERY happy to share their claims?

    Because these claims published here by Enty are imaginary. What you're getting here is a desperate attempt at saving the original narrative by Cernovich and Posobiec. The campaign against Gunn has backfired. It only unearthed terribly bad offensive jokes that Gunn regarded as edgy and funny six or eight years ago. Disney is considering rehiring Gunn, after realizing that they had been manipulated by disreputable sources. Other studios have zero issues with these old tweets of Gunn.

    Various alt-right people, including the person who wrote this blind, are trying to fire a few last shots to give weight to a story that was made-up. Nothing will ever come of it. No actress will talk about having sex with Gunn. And these people will eventually say that the fact this story never broke is evidence that the liberal media are doing everything to bury it. Not that they are liars.

    1. It seems like you're trying to cover for something, why is that?

    2. Someone needs to lay off the Adderall.

  13. Well no big loss being ghosted by this dude. Even if he doesnt do the child porn thing like it is alleged here. he has pedo friends and those things he produced and the jokes he made are very much less than tasteful so he's a gross asshole either way.

  14. +1 Thonker. Even if allegations are false then there's enough evidence of him being a skeeze that he still gets what's coming

  15. Yeah, I'm trying to cover for the Jews or the Illuminati...

    Why isn't there a media outlet willing to publish these claims?
    The New Yorker and The New York Times have published similar claims made against people who are arguably more influential and powerful than Gunn. Quentin Tarantino, Chris Hardwick and Aziz Ansari had details of their sex life exposed on various websites by women they had dated. Yet, none of them has sued the woman or the site.
    You can also bet your ass that many right-wing publications would be EXTREMELY happy to publish a story that gives validation to the various implications against Gunn.
    So, it's weird that no media outlet would eventually publish an interview of these (at least) two women...

    1. You seem inordinately concerned with the confluence of politics, entertainment, and organized pedophile networks in the United States.

      Is this because Macron has involvement? That's about the only reason I know of that an alleged Frenchman would care this much.

  16. The best thing about the baphomet-inspired dude "Angela" is that he is such a long-winded arrogant narcissist that you just see how wordy his propaganda is and blow right past it. Most boring and self-involved shill here, not even close.

  17. hahaha @Ddonna glad to know I'm not the only one that sees the length of Angela's comments and just waltzes right past them!

  18. @donna @ophelia at times we over here at Team Geeljire think we may have summoned Lenny

  19. well they took infowars and alex jones off youtube. what does that tell you?

  20. Anonymous8:28 AM

    I think Enty is a pedo himself.

    Think about it. He has an OBSESSION with pedophilia in Hollywood.

    You know, like those conservative family values politicians railing against sexuality who get busted for trolling for same sex hookups?

    And those leftie abrasive male feminists, like Devin Faraci, who turn out to be sexual predators?

    It's overcompensating to distract from their own vices.

    Enty is always on and on about pedos, because he is one himself and he hates himself, but he's not going to reveal it, so he's just going to sell out the fellow pedos in his orbit to protect his ass.

    I mean, he claims to be an entertainment lawyer, so he's right there with them, and he has how many blinds a day? Hoe does one have *so* much access unless he is one of them?

    Enty is a fucking pedophile himself.

    1. Screenshotted this one for posterity/Hall of Really Good Ideas

    2. Even if Enty was a pedo himself, regardless of his reasons for outing other pedos; at least we know who they are. The reasons for why people do things is hardly the only thing that matters.

      4/8 chan pedos or enty himself wouldnt make someone like Gunn any less disgusting.

      That said Enty blinds don't sound like he's really into underage people, so I'm going to keep on assuming he's not.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Geeljire is also a pedo. So is Unknown, J and DDonna tartty, because we all know that if you claim an accusation is fake, then you are a pedophile yourself. And they will defend Enty, so that makes them pedophiles.

  23. I'm done here. Going to hang out exclusively with Michael K at D-Listed.

  24. Feel like the Share Blue crew have really hit rock bottom. Dregs of the dregs. You can tell the end game must be near, they've gone totally unhinged and desperate. I'm enjoying their squirm.

  25. "False equivalency. 4chan is not the issue."

    4chan is actually the real issue at stake with these recent blinds. The final decision on Gunn won't be taken because of something published here, whatever Enty's claims about the influence of the site are. The Disney CEO will ultimately make his own decision based on the facts he is submitted to and the message the decision would send to the media, the employees and the shareholders.

    The alt-right trolls on 4chan and elsewhere have tried for years to be regarded as sources as legitimate as regular ones. Cernovich and Posobiec built their case against Gunn on the findings by people at 4chan. Disney taking these findings at face value was a huge victory for this crowd. Now their work is being undone, and it looks like James Gunn could have the last laugh.

    That's why this site is now pushing more and more pieces against Gunn, while it has stayed much more quiet regarding Dan Harmon, even if it has suggested that Harmon had done even worse than Gunn. Harmon got the support of Adult Swim and the claims never reached mainstream news. Gunn being fired made the headlines and gave some feeling of legitimacy for the trolls. But some backlash has started. That's why they're doing now everything they can to be remembered as the ones that got an actual pedophile fired from his gig at Hollywood, rather than some trolls who wanted to destroy a Hollywood director.
    It would matter a lot for the power of their next operation. Because you can be sure there will be another campaign against one of their favorite targets.

  26. Anonymous8:37 AM

    oky, DDonna Tarttty, keep swinging all you want, we know you are a child molester. You talk a lot about satanic Hollywood, enough so that clearly you have something to hide.

  27. "4chan is not the issue"

    It is when one complains about Disney's obsession with children from the POV of 4chan, which also obsesses about wee girls.


    "he is such a long-winded arrogant narcissist"

    One moment you are funny as shit and the next you spew some bullshit. If you read the totality of Angela's arguement, you would realize that unlike Q he is trying to build an explanation for the current state of CDAN (as well as media sensations) and why it's fallen into the hands of conspiracy porners. Sorry it takes some effort to read the whole thing, but then you guys love that Dancing Boy, who writes nonsense, so what the hell is so hard about Angela?

  28. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Hey, Unknown, why are you defending Enty? He's a pedo. He works in Hollywood. So you defending him makes you a pedo-supporter. It's not that it's a false accusation made to smear somebody, but an undeniable truth that is meant to be held sacrosanct on a gossip website, so therefore you are showing your true colors supporting him. You are a pedo- supporter.

    That's how this all works, right? Am I doing it right?

    1. Seriously keep going, I thought we were a week out from this point but if you want to lampshade yourself, you have the fucking stage.

  29. Worst astroturf gambit of 2018 ITT

  30. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Geeljire, proving himself to be as pedo supporter as well.

    I mean, anyone who speaks against my accusations is a pedo supporter. That's been demonstrated by the rules of this site.

    Make an accusation = real, and anyone who speaks against it is willfully blind and a supporter of pedophilia.

    Well, I am openly making an accusation against HOLLYWOOD ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER Enty, and you are speaking against my accusations Geeljire. So you must be a pedo supporter.

    I mean, that's exactly how it works

    1. "Yeah, and its BS. I think Enty and the rest of us are getting played. This site is becoming infected by QAnon/Pizzagate/alt right white supremacist tipsters who are trying to discredit anyone not on their side, and we are all eating it up. We want to be concerned about this, but its reaching Satanic Panic levels of tomfoolery. I bought into it too. But I think its fake, and Enty, in the wake of getting some attention for calling Weinstein/Lauer/Spacey et al, is desperate to keep appearances -- and hits -- up. Anyone can send a tip to Enty and he will post it word for word as his own. I should know. I sent him the Tony Todd kindness blind last October and the recent S. Craig Zahler one. And he reprinted them word for word. I think his site is getting over run, and you are all falling for it."

      And why are you covering for noted Central Intelligence Agency boyraper, the Dalai Lama? This is where it starts getting strange because people have known that outside of CDAN and entertainment circles for some time. So why is wee little Melvin so triggered by people discussing these things? It's like David Brock redhanded behind the keyboard here.

  31. Anonymous8:53 AM

    You even have a creepy cartoon tiger as your avatar, Geelj. Is that to lure children in online? Cute cartoon cats?

  32. Just blowing past the baphomet, Angela, Plot & Melvin posts now. I see their names, I don't read.

    Looks like it'll be a big week from the Share Blue Brocksuckers as their desperation heightens. Alefantis much, guys? Law of inversion not working out so much anymore? LOL. Have a nice afterlife! Not.

  33. @Melvin

    The obsession with pedophilia here is just cynical.

    It will make for shocking blind items, that get more response, more traffic and more ad views than vanilla ones about cheating or drinking celebrities.

    And it has converged with the alt-right's strategy to demonize the entertainment industry, including regular media. They've always used pedophilia claims as a weapon, while failing to do anything good to protect children (like stricter laws, pushing the pedos out of 4chan, or driving attention to the guards who have actually molested immigrant kids in the detention camps created by your current administration, and there are official reports of them).

    Lately, you've even seen the "Dancing Boy" blind items, where being a victim of molestation has turned into an opportunity for self-promotion.

    Anyway, it's very easy to write convincing blinds. You just need to turn two or three facts in the direction you wish. It's much more difficult to take responsibility for these blinds.

  34. Anonymous9:02 AM

    It's because its fucking stupid altr-right conspiracy bullshit designed to make people who don't support Trump look bad. And you, Geelj, are either part of it, or just an easily coaxed idiot. One or the other. I'm thinking the former, since you were always so adamant against plot and Angela. You're nothing but a spineless troll jacking it to the little breadcrumbs of attention you get online. I'm pointing out the stupidity of it all.

    So, if Enty wants to continue to host this garbage, then I will continue to claim he is a pedophile himself.

    But, Geelj, maybe you're right. Maybe I am wrong about the Dali Lama. In that case, is it really *that* hard to believe Enty is one of them as well? After all, he supposedly works with them. And he wouldn't be the first hypocrite out there speaking out against something he does in private. Think about it: if all these Hollywood types really are pedophiles....well, Enty is a Hollywood type...

    1. Wildly out of his depth, this one.

  35. They were asked, they said ok.

  36. @Angela

    "it's very easy to write convincing blinds."

    Let's see -

    Word is out! This lesser of the regal type is confirming the scoop of old friends and certain family members. Stay tuned!


    He is finally talking to the authorities about that incidents, years ago, on the set of that summer blockbuster which everyone loves but where many children were damaged beyond repair. Some are still acting but most disappeared from the scene.

    Oh this is fun! Another -

    She pretends to love her job and it's personal rewards. In reality, she takes or outright steals anything that isn't nailed down. Promoters and executives are getting wise.

    Dang! How much mullah is Enty making again off this site?

  37. Hey Melvin.

    Denying and disputing allegations of pedophilia against unnamed weirdos doesn't get me out of bed in the morning. Sure seems like an obsessive priority for you, for some reason.

    Still scratching my head over your demand that charges of pedophilia be allocated 50/50 between liberals and conservatives.

    Your name too... spend time around corpses? Quiet time?

    Wouldn't wanna know what goes on in your head.

  38. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Why am I out of my depth, Geelj? Seriously, think it through. How many times do you see very conservative, family values male politicians get busted in same sex scandals or get accused of being secretly closeted like Pence?

    If its so conceivable that the Dalai Lama or James Gunn are pedophiles, why couldn't Enty be one? I mean, he does seemingly have great access to a lot of secrets. You need to get really close to get to a lot of those secrets, particularly the Geffen ones. I mean, he has to be SUPER protective of those secrets, to the point of killing people for them. How does Enty get them? Possibly by being part of his inner circle? Hmmm? Why is that so hard to believe when you buy into all the other accusations on this site? Seriously answer me that, Geelj. How does Enty get his access? How does he know so much about pedos? What kind of position to do you have to be in to know seemingly ALL the secret pedo stories -- the Rothschilds and the Geffens and the secret houses in New Orleans -- enough to put them out nearly daily?

    Enty sure does have a lot of access to secrets, and an abundant fascination with pedophilia. So why is it inconceivable that he's as guilty as the rest of them.

    1. Dozens of questions
      Doesn't want to actually know the answer to any of them
      Worst astroturf gambit 2018 and even burnt the Melvin account for it

  39. Holy Shit! I can't stop myself! Another...

    Spoilers! This movie based on a book is diverting from the plot in ways to appease a certain group. This group doesn't deliver over threats but the mass of Hollywood insiders that belong make sure their interests will not be ignored. Too bad, because they are ruining the book.

    Everyone like those? Admitted, the grammar is a little too uptight and not sloppy enough, but those could work for the crowd here, couldn't they?

  40. So it's automatically Gunn? Not Douchecanoe Franco?

  41. "overt threats"

  42. +1000 to Melvin and Angela, Enty is just cashing in on the conspiracy nuts who seem to get off on reading these paedophile blinds.

  43. @Melvin if your accusation above is true would that raise the philosophical debate that if he realizes the error of his nature and hates it & devotes his life to outing those who act on it - is he as evil as his peers?

  44. We'll do 100 comments again
    We'll bring your hated pageviews and Entybux
    We'll have bystanders wondering about these bizarre diatribes defending James Gunn
    You'll do the work for us

  45. Anonymous9:26 AM

    See, Geelj, you just wanna go back to your cheesy "worst astrotruf gambit" quote and not engage anyone in actual conversation. Just like DDonna immediately going off about Baphomet, and Unknown just being Unknown. None of you wanna wrestle with the fact that Enty could be a pedo himself. or that accusations against him might just show how idiotic and empty your alt-right campaigns are. Because, let's get down to brass tacks, the fact that none of you have any cogent argument when Angela et al did, prove you have no interest in discussion. You're all just trolls, needy for attention, having a grand old time disrupting the web in your juvenile ways. You're just all sad patehtic people, and Enty is selling out his site catering to you.

    1. Not paid by the word/post over here, buster

  46. Anonymous9:28 AM

    @Ophelia...good question, thank you for actually raising honest conversation.

    I would say if its true...than he is just as evil as his peers because he is just using the info at hand to get site clicks rather than actually help. If he wanted to truly turn a spiritual corner, then he would go to the police, and press (Ronan Farrow?) even at great cost to himself.

  47. Melvin, above you said I defend enty. Actually, I don't comment on him and don't have any thoughts about him, apart from a bit of gratitude because he runs a sometimes fun website.

    Why do you make things up? Last time I saw you here you did the same thing. What's with the dishonesty? Or is it delusional hysteria beyond your clearly limited control?

  48. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Again, Geelj, really leaning into the troll thing there, buddy.

  49. "and it looks like James Gunn could have the last laugh."

    I wouldn't bet your house on it @angela...

  50. Hey that's a fair point.
    If I'm trolling a Shareblue employee, am I interfering with someone's livelihood like some problematic cis e-patrician

    1. I thought their job was to not get trolled and definitely not to look at those QAnon tablets too long

  51. It's a big world, all kinds of people.

    Some of those people think pedophilia is cool and spring into action when others condemn it.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. I'm going to go out on a limb and say the multibillion dollar revenue company knows more about the person responsible for hundred of millions of that revenue than anyone on this board.

    I know, I know. Call me crazy. That's just my insane belief.

  54. First plot and Angela arrived, and then once Melvin popped his ugly head in you knew the pedo lovin' gang was all together for this blind. This one must hit really close to home for them.

    Keep up the great work Enty!!!!!

  55. Here's some fake blind items about James Gunn I've just pulled out of my ass.

    "You would be shocked if you saw all of the stuff this child porn loving writer/director had done before he got his breakthrough gig years ago. The worst case was this sort of superhero film he worked on, along with a A-/B+ film and TV actor previously busted for having sex with an underage girl, and then in the middle of one of his dry spells. A whole sequence of the film revolves around a character supposed to be a dimwit, who would say obscene things without realizing they were obscene, but in the original script, he was supposed look like he was 10, along with very precise descriptions of his gestures and body.
    "The writer pushed for the character to be played by an actual kid, but along with the overall creepiness of the script, the producers were rightfully worried and had an adult play the character instead. The writer then left the project, and decided that his next script would be a kids movie, with lots of kids. And that's exactly what he got."

    "This very disgraced writer/director is at it again. Don't believe his claims that he's a changed man. He's still very much into underage boys and girls. Ask this solid B-list mostly TV statuesque actress who's done drama on a longstanding crime franchise, but whose heart lies mostly in comedy. She was attracted to him when working with him on a common project, but he would reject her, as he was then obsessed by this former A- film and TV actress who doesn't work as an actress anymore (but is definitely A list in her current business) who was then playing a teenager on TV. They all had dinner together at the A- lister place, and he would talk to her as she was a toddler.
    "Our B-lister, carrying some old torch towards him, went to his place to tell him she was supporting him. He didn't open the door. Some half-naked 16-year-old girl did. Apparently, getting fired sent him on an underage bender, and he doesn't care who sees it."

  56. There are days I pray for a comment moderated board...

  57. Yeah Angela, didn't read all your insane ranting, but even you must understand that ENTY has a history of being right, A LOT. While you have a history of being a pedo defending, politico weirdo, so no one cares about your made up blinds or lends any credence to what you write.
    We know it is the powerful chicken tendie and juice box 14 year old crowd on 4chan that secretly run the world, and people like Weinstein, Gunn, Harmon, Geffin are all innocent foot soldiers of the DNC and the powerless Clintons/podestas/Bohemian grove crowd, and you MUST protect them! We got it... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  58. Man, someone sure got triggered. Why is James Gunn so *important* to run interference for? No one can love Guardians of the Galaxy that much.

  59. It really is weird. Gunn is a mediocre talent with credits no one really cares about.

    And yet the defense is SO intense.


    I learned a new term today lol

  61. Honestly, I initially figured Disney just wanted to dump James Gunn's ass and this was as good a reason as any. However the more info that comes out, the shadier he looks.

    The gist, Disney wants him gone, all the whining and pleading is not going to change that.

  62. Hey Enty, how come you didn't have any stories about James Gunn before the alt-right smears started. You had to wait until someone found a decade old tweet to release, what, 25 stories so far? Cut the bullshit.

  63. The way people attack Plot and Angela with such vitriol must mean they are on to something!

    That's how this works, right?

  64. They are breaking out al the pedo sock puppets today! Blow the dust off of them and straight into action. lol

  65. Yeah, he's one of those that did some smaller movies that got some niche attention (like Super), and then suddenly a studio hires him to direct a $200M blockbuster. That happens more than makes sense, but I think most people figure it's so the studio can boss the guy around more than they could an experienced director.

    I wonder if Gunn's rather risque comedy choices caused executives at Disney to open up around him about their own unusual interests and hobbies.

  66. @Melvin that's a good response. I would argue that not everyone is brave enough to openly out someone or turn them in (he must have some sort of evidence since he frequently references his "team" of fact-checkers).

    Except the profit from this site pokes a hole in that...unless all the profits go back to covering the Enterns' pay.

  67. @Cail I've also wondered why the ardent support from Marvel. They have plenty of other great writers on their team and the budget to hire others. The person they had in mind to place James Gunn was going over well with the public as well. From a business sense it doesn't make sense to pick this fight with their parent company.

  68. @Ophelia, I was vaguely aware of Gunn because I follow some fairly obscure movie reviewers, and they had remarked on his quick rise and apparent talent. But yeah, the average moviegoer couldn't have picked him out of an NBA lineup. From the perspective of Marvel and all the people whose paychecks depend on the Guardians franchise continuing to do well, the best strategy was to make this go away as quickly as possible. Keeping the story going is really shortsighted.

  69. Yes, Steve, I'm now convinced thanks to them that I'm a pedo myself. ;)

    I don't care much for Gunn. I enjoyed Tromeo and Juliet (which was much more structured than the usual Troma flick and had a good Jackson Pollock joke) and Super, but I'm not a fan of the GotG and the guy himself.

    As I said, this is about alt-right guys trying to gain recognition and respect through their trolling and using public figures they despise, such as James Gunn, as targets. That's why you have this current push on him, because their "victory" that came from putting stuff he had written out of context is turning out to be short-lived. Gunn wasn't fired from the film industry, the other studios are fighting against each other to work with him, and Disney is considering rehiring him.
    The alt right trolls want people to have doubts about him, to consider for a moment that they were right to attack him. That's why they add countless claims of more serious allegations against him, even if these allegations never surface. They want more people to be open to their discourse. If some people start to think there can't be so much smoke without a fire and that these alt-right MIGHT be right, they'll be more open to the next message the trolls will carry. And that's what matter to this crowd. To gain legitimacy, credibility, even if it's a slow process.

    And for Enty being right....

    Which Enty? The old one who was quite witty and would speak of lighter issues or the current one(s) who have an infinite reserve of tersely written stories about child molesting?
    And what actual stories that Enty has produced on his own have turned out to be true? There were countless Weinstein and Spacey allusions on other sites (or even on TV shows). The growth hormone/Sly story was previously featured in some local newspaper. There's zero evidence that Jennifer Lopez needed some singer to sub for her on her albums (studio trickery would be enough). Daniel Craig doesn't strike me as a completely stupid guy. Countless celebs were labeled here as gay, then straight, then gay, then straight, then bi, then pedo. The Anthony Bourdain/Asia Argento/Harvey Weinstein murder story doesn't make a zilch of sense when you think about it. Et cætera, et cætera.

  70. Dammit. I got off at the wrong stop. Hate when I do that!

  71. I think we've all wondered, how can we make some of that sweet sweet shill money for ourselves? We could all come up with better distractions and diversions, something more creative than basic repetitive long posts. Bearding agency promotional gigs are nice but not consistent, they're not going to make it rain every Thursday for the ladies at the club. How do regular CDAN commenters like us get our hands on some of that ice cold cash that comes from shilling for the soulless?

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. Hehehehehehe! ^^^^^

    My pockets are full of shill money
    Benjamins spilling on the floor
    Going for some groceries
    going to the store
    gonna squeeze me some melons
    gonna squeeze me some gourds
    Just like Plot and his homies do
    with the kiddies at the Teen choice awards!!!!

  74. @Brayson87, the sad thing is, many shills do it for free. That's how much they hate the people they think will benefit if these things are uncovered.

  75. Great work shills Angela, Plot, and Melvin on defending Pedo James Gunn. Now here is your next client, Rainn Wilson.

    Defend away!

  76. It's funny how many people (if they are different people actually) have suddenly started using the word "shill" at the same time.
    There are five of them, while the word had barely been used before in other threads.

    That is as if we had a bunch of people (yeah, if they are different people) who just can't think for themselves, and have to rely on the same words to repeat the same argument.

    Also, due to my good memory, I can vouch that Enty, a few years ago, regarded Rainn Wilson as one of the good guys. There is actually a "kindness" blind item about his wife Holiday Reinhorn who helped other writers.

  77. So, as Dwight would say, "Idiots".

  78. Well, as long as his wife helped some writers and Enty said something nice about him, then all those pedo tweets are fine and dandy! Makes total sense!

    1. It’s Beyond. Don’t hold Rainn Wilson accountable for the tweets and their illustration of a delinquent mind;rather discuss how he quite possibly bought a homeless person a donougt..(and hell so funny on “The Office”!)#valuegoals#

    2. He and his wife helped other writers eh? Certainly hope they didn’t coach them/or support said writers Twitter use....

  79. Yeah I saw the pics of this guy at that party with the women dressed as young girls and while I wholeheartedly support two consenting adults doing whatever the fuck they want, the pictures are disturbing. There is no crime being committed but come tf on??? Where there's smoke there's often fire. No matter how "funny " or nice or talented or wealthy or politically powerful *ahem* or famous a person is . They can be disgusting too. They can be dangerous. They can be predatory. And imagine being a woman and working with/ taking direction from someone who is lacking in empathy in this way. Someone this misogynistic. I'm guessing many of the actresses who defended him don't really " know " him. Boys will be boys indeed.

  80. "Lol
    Ummm. Nobody reading this"

    LOL. There are still total cunts who comment on this, despite not reading it.

    Pick a fucking side, simpleton. Either ignore it, or address it. But you can't have your cake and eat it too.

  81. @Halloweenie Have you missed the chubby dude on the first picture who had his hair done in pigtails and is dressed like a schoolgirl? Because if that's a pedophilia themed party looks like, I didn't know the theme would involve middle-aged dudes in their middle-life crisis. It's anything but titillating.

    @Tricia13 Unless you're slightly slow-witted, which is a hypothesis I can't exclude at that stage, I was alluding to the irony of using Enty as a reference for everything, then starting an attack on Rainn Wilson, who is a guy whom "old Enty" had nothing against on.

    And, BTW, you all, I'm still waiting for some actual instances of Enty being right on many things, besides the stuff that countless gossip blogs and other sources had already commented on.

  82. @Neal

    "you must understand that ENTY has a history of being right, A LOT"

    Like when? We all knew Harv, Singer and Rattner were pervs many years before Enty hit the internet. So what else has Enty exclusively revealed that was not snatched from other sources, better sources.

    I can remember only once, in all the years I lurked here (from the beginning) where Enty revealed something ahead of the press or the former (excellent) gossip boards. This was the old Enty, not this fictionalizer from Southern Virginia.

  83. @Angela


    @Dav games

    "Hey Enty, how come you didn't have any stories about James Gunn before the alt-right smears started. You had to wait until someone found a decade old tweet to release, what, 25 stories so far? "

    Damn excellent question!

  84. I have to say that this was more than a little disturbing.
    Angela, Melvin and Plot (and a few others) are either completely deranged or busy making money for their clients. It's really disturbing and made me realize that the apologists are batshit crazy, whatever the motivation.
    I must be a pedophile too, or possibly a latent one who's just getting off on the scenarios of pedophilia, do I have that right? If you only knew.
    You really are a bunch of sick freaks. How you people look at yourselves in the mirror is beyond me.

  85. @Cree

    "That said Enty blinds don't sound like he's really into underage people"

    If I had to guess, and it's just a GUESS, I'd say this main Enty is into all manner of dominating sexual behavior that abuses or degrades the object of his lust. It's definitely women and young girls he particularly likes to focus on, with lurid descriptions provided.


    No one is making any money for clients here...okay at least I'm not. I think I've been pretty clear with everyone what my agenda is and it isn't attached to any person.

    "I must be a pedophile too, or possibly a latent one who's just getting off on the scenarios of pedophilia, do I have that right?"

    Of course not! But any time I've asked a question or posed a different scenario to the QAnoners here, the very first thing they do is call me a pedo, as some sort of...legit retort? diversion? attempt to intimidate me? I don't know since it doesn't accomplish much.

    What Melvin is trying to show (he can speak for himself, I'm only guessing) is that throwing the pedo accusations around are ridiculous that even the sacred cows of this site are not immune from.

  86. How come that somebody calling herself "Mary Lamb" would be a perfect example of the sheep mentality?

    Let's suppose for a minute that these two actresses exist (and why would Gunn always have sex with actresses, as if there were no other women in the industry?) and that these stories are true.
    These actresses would know that Gunn has disgusting fetishes and that he treated them like shit. Then, Gunn is still in a weak position right now, as he was fired from a high profile gig, and their testimony could be the final blow to his career.
    If I were in a capacity to get a creep or maybe a criminal permanently banned from an industry, I would do it in a heartbeat, as it would be my duty to do so, and I wouldn't just speak to some news outlet that doesn't call me back. I could easily find a website interested in my story. Or I could, like Chloe Dykstra, publish something on my personal blog, and get it republished by other sites.

    Instead of that, the actresses have spoken to different news outlets, but no detail about the outlets has actually emerged. Why don't these women try harder if they are willing to talk? Why would news outlet kill a story about Gunn while they have published stories about Weinstein, Moonves, Lauer, Spacey, Singer, Tarantino, etc.?
    That's what makes this blind item frankly unbelievable.

  87. The various Gunn stories published here for weeks have just relied on innuendo, with very few facts mixed in.
    Jenna Fischer hasn't publicly supported her ex-husband? Enty makes it evidence that she knows something about him and that's why she divorced him. Problem is that they have remained in good terms ever since their divorce in 2007. There could be multiple other reasons for her to stay quiet. Maybe Gunn asked her to. Maybe she doesn't want to suffer ludicrous accusations by some internet trolls. Maybe she doesn't want to give publicity to these trolls.

    Selma Blair supporting Gunn because she still hopes to get a part through casting couch with him? That makes again zero sense. Enty claimed that she had already lost a part despite the casting couch with him. I can vouch on Ms. Blair's intelligence, but why would she keep on barking up on the wrong tree? Are there no other parts in the industry available, no other director willing to have sex with her?

    And the support of the cast that's just hypocrisy from them? We didn't get anything like that about Brett Ratner, Kevin Spacey or Harvey Weinstein. Dave Bautista is ready to leave a presumably very lucrative franchise if Gunn doesn't come back, and he could be blacklisted by Disney in the process (the most powerful studio these days). Yet, he wasn't afraid to publicly support Gunn. All the leads in the series have signed a letter supporting Gunn. Why should I take the word of anonymous and unproven sources over the public testimony of people who have worked directly with him? These are people who are ready to risk their reputation, and for some of them their career, if it eventually came out that they knew something involving Gunn and child pornography.

    Once again, you're all witnesses of an attempt by alt-right groups and their allies (which this site has obviously turned into) to spin a story in a monstrous way, get a few results and gain credibility in the process. You have to see how they operate, how they try to silence anybody who brings attention to their methods, because that won't be the last time they'll try something like this. Fortunately, they're not very bright, and they do a poor job.

    Just don't get the feeling that some very well-informed insider is willing to spill the truth about various crimes and horrors that take place in the entertainment industry, and that you are his trusted confidants. Why would anybody sit on this kind of information while they could share it with some cops and get perps arrested and jailed? You're not his friends, you're the minds he's trying to influence. Basically, you're his product.

  88. Is "third encounter" a clue? Close Encounters of the Third Kind? Spielberg?

  89. Record-breaking number of comments from pedo-defender Plot-TWISTED and his subplots. Their vitriol and sad, desperate attempts to counter-accuse clearly fell on deaf ears outside their evil echo-chamber.

    This one was a bullseye. Good job, pedo-haters! The bad guys are losing, but we can't let up for a second.

  90. @Angela
    You need to reread the blind, here ya go.

    "At least two actresses have spoken to news outlets and said they were told to pretend to act like tweens when they had sex with this child porn loving writer/director. When one refused to do it after the second or third encounter she was ghosted by the director."

    The writer of the blind did not say that the actresses spoke to him/her, they said that they have heard information that the actresses spoke to news outlet. Whether true or not, it's a small world and it's completely feasible.

    Anyone who doesn't agree with you is a sheep? Yeah, I've seen that all over the place in the last few years - virtually 100 percent of the time by rabid right-wingnuts.
    You're stuck on the Alt-right, 4chans and Brietbart followers perpetuating these claims yet you curiously speak their language, fluently.

    I don't give a shit if Trump himself were to uncover a disgusting pedophile apologist (at least) or if it were Hilary Clinton. Who cares who unveiled the information?
    It's not about politics but some of you can't or won't get it.

    James Gunn's disgusting tweets made my skin crawl. I don't find pedophilia or rape funny and ANYONE who does has major problems.
    The photo of Gunn dressed as a priest with women pretending to be girls, the video '100 Pubescent Girls Touch Themselves' that his pal Huston Huddleston sent him and he replied that it excited him so much that he came all over his face? Lotta smoke going on with this one.
    Don't worry, he made a shitload of money for Disney, the vultures waiting on the sidelines will pick him up.

    You may be a fan of his movies but I have no skin in the game.
    Many Woody Allen and Roman Polanski fans stand on their heads defending them too.
    Show me your friends...

    1. Well said @mary lamb.... see -the the most serious of issues can find people on the same page/In total agreement-even if it wasn’t always the case , or as it were .Thats kind of the point of life,in many ways really; Humanity and decency over all else. Certainly political agenda.
      Cheers for the post.

  91. @mary

    "I don't find pedophilia or rape funny and ANYONE who does has major problems."

    Neither do I, and agree with your assessment. On the other hand, we have plenty of people on these boards joke about prison rape. Is that real rape? What about all the disgusting humor on other show that are very similar to the jokes of Gunn and between his friends? Isn't it worse to have the public viewing the cynical use of pedophilia and rape on South Park then to go hunting down the private jokes of Gunn and pretend they had any effect on the viewing public like Family Guy does?

    Why not take on the worst offenders who have the most influence and practice their disgusting humor out in public, for everyone to see and normalize?

  92. Very well said @mary lamb.
    Unfortunately they won't reread the blind (as you've suggested) nor will they acknowledge what you say except to spin it into something else, not at all the subject we're on.
    At any rate, it was a good post

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. Man yall like a bunch of kids in here fighting over gossip 🤣🤣🤣 why so extra today ladies?

  95. @ Mary

    So, you're now playing the "I'm a moderate" card.
    As you may be aware of it, it can also be the oldest trick in the book for extremists. Like when people start with "My best friend is black" just before they say something really racist. So, I hope you'll understand that I can't take your words at face value.

    James Gunn disgusts you up to the point you feel compelled to conclude that he's deranged and probably a pedo? That's your right, and it is a free country.
    But has anybody else ever disgusted you up to point you wrote against the person on the Internet, preferably here of course?
    Have you, for instance, ever published anything against people like Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly, James Woods, Scott Baio, or Roy Moore who have faced accusations by actual people who were then using their actual name? Have you ever written something against a Birther? Have you ever denounced anti-semitic accusations, like the ones that are published daily here by a very active commenter, or even just opposed that commenter who calls every opponent to his ideas a "pedo"? Wouldn't he be more deserving of your "moderate" views? Have you ever noticed that the actual alt-right is always making the same kind of accusations against nearly everybody about pedophilia?

    Let's go back to Roy Moore. The accusations on him weren't tweets he had published and three photos, for which we have little context, plus a bunch of dubious blind items on this very site. Women went on record to claim he had harassed them when they were almost or barely legal. There's documented evidence that he had been banned in the 70s or 80s from a mall due to his attitude with young saleswomen. These claims could be a lie, the document might be a fabrication but they have more grounds than the file against Gunn.
    Yet, almost half the voters in Alabama were ready to support Moore, and dismissed these claims. Why don't you call them on for voting for a suspected pedophile rather than attacking people like me? What does make, in your eyes, giving James Gunn the benefit of the doubt for these CDAN blind items worse than giving it to Roy Moore? 650,000 people gave it to him last year.

    My only assumption here is that the recent blind items are fabrications, just like they are on numerous subjects on this site. Yes, the site made claims against Weinstein, Spacey and a few others for years, but so did various other blogs, often before CDAN. TV shows such as Action!, Family Guy or Difficult People made jokes about these people for quite a time. On the other hand, the recent batch of attacks against celebrities like Gunn, Harmon or even Geffen and Spielberg has been met with zero echo on other regular gossip sites, and these blinds only started to appear here after the alt-right trolls on Breitbart or 4chan started to push them. If Enty had stories about Harmon for years, why didn't he publish them when he first got them rather than in the middle of the recent witch trial?

    Either Enty is the best informed person in the entire industry, as he seems to have close sources for everything everyday, and he's also totally free to reveal stuff about the child molesting habits of famous people, or he's making most, if not all, of this stuff up. The pragmatic guy inside me whispers to me that there's a 99% chance that he's pulling these recent stories out of his rear end.

    I also predict that there will never be any published testimony by these "at least two actresses". Not because no publication is willing to share them, not because the studios will eventually kill the story, but because these actresses are just a fabrication by Enty or whoever wrote this blind.

  96. @Angela
    Are you being deliberately obtuse or are you really that dumb?
    I'm not moderate, not feigning a goddamn thing and certainly not a 'sheep'. I speak my mind and don't care how or why someone like you, or anyone for that matter, would care to spin my words to suit your agenda.
    I am a liberal Democrat. Put that in your pipe.
    What I said (which was exactly what I meant) was that I don't care what political party a pedophile adheres to and don't care WHO exposes said pedophiles.

    Is that clear enough? Now you can take your obfuscating, misconstruing diatribe and stick it up your ass.
    I've had very much to say about the men you cite above but how is that any of your business? Are you trying to validate your suspicions that I'm a FAKE? That I'm not even a moderate (that you seem to claim for some hilarious reason)? That I'm really one of those ALT RIGHTS you speak so often of -even when NO POLITICAL REFERENCE is made in the blind? Welp, you couldn't be more wrong.

    Why you, and others here, desperately try to make everything a partisan argument is truly confusing. It's like you have so much pent up anger that you have to spit it out every chance you get and in any direction.

    I'll say it one last time......
    Republicans, Democrats, politicians, doctors, lawyers, teachers, bus drivers and MEN AND WOMEN IN EVERY PROFESSION, RACE, CREED AND POLITICAL AFFILIATION are pedophiles, rapists and abusers.
    Do I have to draw you a picture?

    Let me tell you something, my dear. I post many places, when and if motivated to do so. I have nothing to prove, especially to the likes of you.
    Just from your pathetically lame and disgusting analogy "My best friend is black -dot-dot-dot" shows me exactly who you are.
    Maybe you need a secondary course in reading comprehension.

    I've not even finished reading your comment and just saw how you NEED to go 'back to' Roy Moore. He's disgusting, absolutely disgusting and the fact that Trump continued to endorse his (along with fellow Alabamans and other politicians) is unconscionable.
    But guess what, he's not the subject of this blind!
    You've got it stuck in your head that I'm a Trumper, a Republican, anti-semite and a BIRTHER, hahaha. Sorry, that last one tickled.

    I skip many comments on this site. If I were to address every bigoted, crass comment, I'd be here all day. Doesn't always work, though.

    I suggest you stop making an ass of yourself with your assumptions and stop reading Brietbart, 4chan or whatever.
    I sure hope you never serve on a jury.
    I'm too tired to check for typos. Suck it.

  97. I have no idea if Gunn is dirty. I haven't seen anything that hasn't looked like a sudden coordinated campaign, but I guess we'll see.
    Meanwhile though, look at all the trolling and replies here. Enty is definitely incentivized to keep pumping out Could-be-Gunn-blinds.


  98. James Gunn loves child porn

    he worked with ellen page

  99. (((Angela))), (((controlled opposition))) - (((Breitbart))), (((Infowars))).

  100. @Bill

    If you hadn't noticed, Reichbart and Infowars are in their decline. No one needs to oppose them anymore as they have become superfluous and small, and pathetic.

  101. Spielberg. "Encounter"



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