Monday, December 10, 2018

Blind Item #9

The front man for the child sex trafficking hoax pushed by a former actor appears to be using the donations to buy heroin.


sandybrook said...

Feldman and???

Nor Cal said...

Could the former actor be Ashton Kutcher? He fronted a sex trafficking charity that enty said was bogus.

Unknown said...

Isaak Kappy?

sandybrook said...

Asston isnt a former actor. Hes in The Ranch

John Gilchrist Lodge said...

Must be Isaac Kappy. Haven't seen him grandstanding on YouTube in a while. His most recent forays have him throwing F-bombs every other word and acting imbecilic while calling out random persons...that doesn't exactly compel me to tune in anymore.

AkhaldanSolo said...

I'll bet Enty is talking about Kappy. I wonder if he's still down under hanging out with Fiona Barnett? That Gabe Hoffman and Enty have a real hard on for Kappy and I still can't figure out the mess all of them created. Opensecret is attacking alleged abuse victims and abuse victims are attacking AnOpenSecret on Twatter, it really is a total mess. Pretty bizzare how everyones allegations disappeared and all we are left with are sides accusing one another. That's ok time will ferret out the truth. Seems like all of you were acting like a bunch of twats.

Drumstixx said...

+1 Julie I was curious and got on one of his live streams for a flip second and he was off his face.

Unknown said...

Has anyone noticed that if you ask the Open Secret account any questions at all, they get super defensive? I've seen them act rude so many times when it was uncalled for that it's all pretty confusing...

Tierney said...

I *wish* Asston was a former actor. I wish he was a former everything.

Tierney said...

Carissa - I got the same reaction from Himmmmm.

Brayson87 said...

Kappy ain't right, based on his own behavior and physical tics in his own videos. If it isn't drugs there is something up with him neurologically.

Fuchsia said...

Vegan Mikey? Or Nathan Stolpman?

kaidy said...

Isaac Kappy is not receiving money nor is he on heroin. People can't deal with his personality because he's not PC or afraid to speak up. As for Enty's allegation - I think he is referring to Vegan Mikey (Whelan). I don't know Mikey but I'd like to think that he's not a hoax.

Unknown said...

The Feld Man. Is this even a blind? Everyone but his totally deluded fangirls know that he's not using that money for anything other than drugs and vacations.

Dunno about the former actor. I don't know the Kappy guy or Vegan Mike. They make videos? If they are Youtube guys I likely steer clear. Most of the big name Youtubers annoy me to no end.


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