Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Blind Item #5

The wife of the director who openly cheated on her in the past couple weeks and made her look ridiculous is seeking comfort from a wife who is married to a permanent A lister who has an entire second family, so maybe not the best person to seek out for comfort.


MDAnderson said...

Lela Rochon and Denzel’s wife

Tricia13 said...

Antoine F. And?

J said...

lol, I think it's perfect.

Tricia13 said...

Denzel’s wife?

MontanaMarriott said...

Lela Rochon

MontanaMarriott said...

Paulette Washington/Denzel's wife

SCORPIO19D said...

Lela Rochon and Denzel Washingtons wife

Janine said...

Lela Rochon. I have no idea who the other wife is.

Huckleberry said...

"Seeking comfort" with a wink or just seeking comfort?

Pissoff said...

The weak shall inherit the earth.

Trapped said...

Paulette girl get half and fuck Denzel

Vita said...

Holy crap, how did i miss denzel has a second family??

JT0130 said...

@trapped -- I know right. Unless she has no idea. I find that hard to believe thought. If Denzel has a 2nd family then it is a matter of time until the public knows as well. THere is no way a kid is going to keep quiet about a famous father. Is the mother the maid like Shriver and Schwarzenegger?

LouiseBelcher said...

Is Sanaa Lathan Denzel's side chick? Don't think she has kids though...

EponymousAnonymoud said...

Yeah holy hell thats the more interesting part of this blind...

Chillax said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rosie riveter said...

Not gonna lie, this is hot

The Woodman said...

+1 Tricia

Large Marge said...

"Seeking comfort" better be lesbian sex.

Aoife said...

Sanaa Lathan has long been "rumored" to have a child by Denzel hence the "whole second family".

They both deny it but of course that means jack.

I don't take "seeking comfort" as being lesbian sex in this situation.

And yeah Fuqua is the director.

Samantha the 1st said...

Guys, the blind says wife + can it NOT be "lesbian sex" in the "taking comfort?"

Mahogany1 said...

I don't know why I thought Jada and someone.


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