Saturday, August 31, 2019

Blind Item #1

This A list director of comedies refuses to call out his friends (A- list mostly movie actor in an acting family, A list director of superhero movies) for their awful behavior but has an obsession with the permanent A++ list celebrity.


  1. Replies
    1. Other 2 Gunn and Elvis? Or Michael Jackson?

  2. Apatow hates Trump,
    Always ‘tweeting’ about him.

    1. True. It is Trump I bet.
      But could be Rob Reiner for the Director. He’s mental

  3. Ok,Apatow the director,Franco and Gunn for his friends he defends and Trump his obsession,probably calling him out on the same things his friends were accused of.

  4. B626 - good for Apatow!
    Comrade Trump is not and never was a "permanent A++ list celebrity."
    He was and is a con artist, multiple bankruptcies businessman who NBC and Mark Burnett falsely sold to the public as a wildly successful businessman in a reality show, one of the biggest lies in TV history, that he used as a springboard to the Presidency.

    1. I think many would call that last part
      "A Success Story"

    2. Oopsies your TDS is showing!

  5. Apatow is always defending Lena Dunham too although she is probably not the worst of the worst.

    Could this be Adam Sandler?

  6. I think it is Appatow, James Franco and James Gunn. Appatow's wife, Leslie Mann definitely has benefitted from his directing abilities. Wonder if she did the old casting couch thing herself. LOL I understand not liking Trump as a person/ his policies, but, when people in Hollyweird try and take the moral high ground when it comes to will always fall flat to most people, especially after the whole #metoo movement. That and all of them were clamoring to be invited to hang out with Trump, but, as soon as he was nominated as a Republican they lost their shit.

  7. What is "obsessed" with calling out a pathological liar of over 14,000 documented lies, in a position of enormous power who lies on a daily basis, who is incompetent, stupid, unqualified to be a dog catcher, never mind POTUS, is so stupid he thinks you can nuke a hurricane? Most of the country and the planet call him out EVERY DAY also.

  8. Reminds me of the people who obsess over Donald Trump -- who is undeniably a buffoon and embarrassment -- but say nothing about George W. Bush, who killed half-a-million innocent people.

  9. i like Judd and well i hope he continues with the hits. Franco really has the dad bod now so he must be stressing. the truth will not set u free Franco. Be gone

  10. @J.

    Or Obama who actively encouraged and financed Iranian sponsored terrorism in the west

  11. Fair enough, Vic.

    Although I'd emphasize Obama who won a landslide election in a country then disgusted with republicans and was given control of both houses, and proceeded to protect Iraq war criminals, bail out Wall Street criminals, and implement Mitt Romnet's piece-of-shit health plan - with shocking ineptitude.

  12. I get the Trump hatred but
    So hard to vote for
    Monica Lewinsky’s
    boyfriend’s wife.

    1. I wish Monica was the least of his shady past. She got lucky, the intern before her was murdered for turning him down. Pushed into a back room with her employee friends at Starbucks in D.C. and assasinated together.

  13. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Studio 54...TDS is so tired and boring.

  14. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Rob Reiner is in Final Stage TDS...his blood pressure must be through the roof. Isn't he also on the short list of the man who raped Corey Haim the first time?

    This is either him or Apatow.

  15. Read "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump", by scores of psychiatrists who see this SICK, unfit mentally ill man and this today on Twitter:

    John M. Talmadge, MD‏ @JohnMTalmadgeMD · 2h2 hours ago

    We don’t have a child, we have a very old man who is impaired cognitively, stunted emotionally, and warped behaviorally. Three strikes! He can’t think in abstract terms, and his speech betrays a decline in brain health. #Presidementia #TestTrumpsMind #25thAmendment #Trump3strikes

    And the greedy con artist who charges the Secret Service over $200,000 for staying in his Trump properties, where they HAVE to be, because he is there, pocketing the money for himself.

    The greedy con artist who has fleeced the American taxpayers to the tune of millions for flying to and staying in his properties, who is trying to fleece governments out of money and have next year's G7 be in the Doral in FL, which he owns.

    1. Anonymous10:18 AM

      The Trump presidency is worth it just to watch you shit your pants

    2. What kind of psychiatrist is giving their unsolicited opinions on a person they have never met? Not one I’d hold in high esteem. But hey, whatever!

  16. If the "permanent" A++ list celebrity is supposed to be Trump, that's likely jumping the gun, because clearly the 2016 elections taught him nothing, and there's no way he'll always be A++ if he gets roundly defeated, and subsequently indicted (which he will upon his return to New York).

  17. Read "We Don't Give a Fuck" by Trump supporters.

  18. Studio54, if Hillary had campaigned in icky Wisconsin, instead of trip after trip to glamorous California, she'd be president. Also if she hadn't engineered to rig the primaries against Bernie. She put her hand up, she volunteered to be your champion, and she failed horribly.

    Don't like Trump? Thank her.

    1. Hillary is a Satanist. True story.

  19. @Samantha the 1st, Lena Dunham is one of the worst, she just isn't important anymore. She sexually abused her sister, and while she was a child herself at the time,she discussed it in her book as an amusing story. Her sister is going to be her brother soon,if not already. Think of the story if Lena was male,and how the reaction would be.

  20. Considering how long they’ve been married I think the casting couch comment is a low blow. Knocked up is loosely based on their relationship.

  21. Tricia...I haven't heard anything about rob reiner...what's the scoop?

    1. Miss Davie above mentioned it. Rumors about him. His cover photo is the 4boys FYI My stand By Me. His hatred and vitriol in his tweets against Trump way exceed anything rational,or even political. It’s unhinged. Same for a a few other Hollywood types who seem to have a common denominator of being linked to Trafficking/Pedo Activities.Tom arnold is another example. Strangely,here are pix of him with that Rachel girl(Epstein’s other purveyor) very chummy at a private party

    2. From Stand By Me*(Feldman,Phoenix,OConnel and Wheaton)

  22. Ugh. I thought this site was being moderated. So many Trump troll dolls getting hard-ons while "owning the libs" is so goddamn boring, but if anyone dares attack a damn housewife this whole site goes berserk.

    1. Liberals would screw up a free lunch.

    2. You can go to Celebitchy, where everyone with even a slightly different opinion from the liberal hive mind, is banned. I think that may be more to your liking. They definitely subscribe to the mentality of “anyone with a different opinion is a troll”.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. ETA @ Donna - you said it lady.

  23. @TeeHee@U
    That says alot about Republicans. Even the scum of Hollywood doesn't want to hangout with them. Republicans has ZERO morality and they love using religion to front their hatred of human beings who are different from them regardless of skin color, languages, religions. All they care about is their own pockets.

    1. That's weird, I an a Republican and I don't feel anything like that.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. @Donna
    Nobody says Trump trolls are useful human beings....... They even hate their own fellow Americans.

    1. Nobody cares about your judgments based on what politicians/political party they support. I’m sure that’s extremely triggering, but it is what it is.

  26. Trump is an inept fuck, and deserves no sympathy. Anyone that supports him is a fucking idiot as far as I’m concerned.

    Anyhow, it’s Apatow, Franco etc.

  27. Let's Trump or those who would kill a newborn because they didn't want it.Trump it is, you fucking scumbag libs. I love every second of your misery under the orange man. Suck it!

    1. Better than Killary. Sometimes you gotta take what you get.

  28. Aye alright Gollum 🙄

  29. Guesser - I don't understand why anyone would stick up for Dunham, either. And it sounds like a very weird, hyper-sexualized household she and her siblings grew up in.

    Never understood how/why Dunham got a show, either. Or what Apatow sees in her.

    About Haim (anyone) - I've heard it was Charlie Sheen, in his trailer on the set of "Lucas."

    1. Charlie's into hookers, but I bet that's what kicked off Corey's drug problem.

  30. @Samantha the 1st, have you seen her Father's "Art"? And for those who look it up,have eye bleach handy.

  31. Guesser I've seen it on google, it's extremely disturbing 'art' imo, at least to have in a household with kids in it.

  32. I can't visualize the 'art' from memory so I must have blocked it. I mainly remember my reaction.

  33. I suppose I can say I told you so. The international pedo rings that we were imagining have been brought to light, and just as I said so long ago, that it matters more to you that your guys not be exposed than to protect the victims. Even if 100% of what you say about Trump were true, it pales in comparison to what was and will come about the others. Why the hysteria? Because you know what's coming,and it's going to be scary.

  34. Of course Trump is permanent A ++ because no matter how we feel about him he will forever be a Former President. If that doesn't qualify someone what the hell would?

  35. Hillary couldn't beat Trump even with the Google stanning for her. This just came out in the emails the whistleblower released, but of course it's all effectively censored. Anyone see any reports on msnbc or cnn?

    I thought not.

  36. The tears of rage from the liberals in this forum makes my life worth while. I don't even get mad anymore and I along with every other rational person in America will be voting for him again in 2020 just to watch the impotent rage.

  37. Trump Derangement Syndrome is real as evidenced by some of the comments. Find a safe space and a pacifier and all will be well.

  38. Turitella, Dr Robert Epstein on twitter destroys google and Hillary @DrREpstein

  39. That’s what makes your life worthwhile? Fucking sucks to be you 😂

  40. Four more years, starting with 2020. Suck it liberal scumbags. Drink your own salty tears while we mock your NPC asses. The Democrat party will cease to be and you will gay yourselves out of reproductive existence. Too funny.

  41. Haha holy TDS for sure on here. Also, given what we know about Appatow...I stand by my statement. And, who says they are monogamous....if this site and a few others have taught me anything along with all the #meToo stuff over the last 2 years is that Hollywood is in fact a hedonistic cesspool of people who literally do anything or anyone to get ahead and have will continually will be complacent in the "system" all the while pretending to have the moral authority on us "common folk."

    Speaking of TDS, Will and Grace have officially lost it. At least, there is some push back. I have to agree @Tricia, the level of vitriol and hate and just non stop obsession of Trump by The Hollywood celebrities is weird. It is beyond irrational.

    I always disliked Obama and was at a VERY liberal college and grad school but I did not spend all day everyday hating him. I went outside with friends and we talked about other things than politics 24/7.

    Also, Kathy Griffin herself is pictured cozying up next to Trump in a golf photo from like 10 years back and many Hollywood stars appeared on the Apprentice and would rap about wanting to be Trump.

    I had no idea how mentally insane people were until 2015. But, I am starting to think they were always this unhinged just hid it because they were never challenged on their ideas or exposed to ideas outside of them.

    Like Trump or not, idgaf. Still does not change my belief that Hollywood actors sound deranged on Twitter and anyone lecturing on morality...should not be someone who slept with up and comers in exchange for roles, molested them, or casting couched their way to the top by blowing the HW types.

    Also, those who voted for Trump in 2016 such as myself already knew what type of a man he was but thought he was way better than Killary. Problem is the #metoo movement exposed all the degenerates in Hollywood to the mainstream not just on random sites.

  42. LOL Trump was a real estate mogul and businessman for DECADES before he was on the apprentice tv show. Ugh. People just knew him because he was a NY socialite who was loaded.

    No use arguing I guess. The man has kept his word on the SCOTUS (which is main reason I voted for him) and immigration reform. I'll vote and campaign/ vote for him in 2020 for him and you against him. Oh well. Such is life. That is the democracy we live in. You will never convince me nor I, you.

  43. 3rd party voter here, registered Independent. There are not many of us, and I would never admit this to my liberal friends or conservative relatives. Both sides have gone crazy, but the liberals are worse. It comes down to this -- if Hillary would have done the fairs and fish fries in the midwest, and been able to locate Wisconsin on a map, she'd probably be president. Both Obama and Trump were able to read a map and get there. I live in San Francisco and I swear in 2016 every other week part of the city was shutdown for another stupid $25k/plate dinner for Hillary. She spent her campaign time slurping up rich food and good wine on the coasts, and ignored the Midwest. Just deal with it. And yes, Rob Reiner is on the verge of an aneurysm.

  44. @sneaky and @Tricia dropped a couple small bombs here re Clinton and Reiner pic w/Chandler.

    I looked up @sneaky's reference--very shady indeed

  45. @Studio54

    Your comments won't change anything. This place has turned in the last three years into a haven for Trump supporters, with the content and the tone of the blind items adjusting to that crowd. We have the outspoken Trump militants, some QAnon enthusiasts, the conservatives who glee with joy every time a liberal personality gets accused here of being a pedo, the pseudo "independents" who claim that they're being objective and impartial but share 99% of Trump's political views, etc.

    Apatow is indeed a target for these people, who are such thin-skinned they can't take any negative comment about their idol. Indeed, one of the latest blind items on Apatow was posted a few months ago, in February, and dealt with his supposed support of Ryan Adams. It was actually just a rewrite of a piece on Apatow published a few hours before on Breitbart, with the names changed into circumlocutory phrases. Putting the same ideas and the same conclusions into a blind item makes it look like it's the findings of an insider with direct ties to Apatow rather than the opinion of a writer on a website with diametrically opposed political views and zero connections to Apatow. To some people, it will look more legit, and as it's the stuff they WANT to believe, they won't challenge the authenticity of the story.

    That's how it works here. Enty offers them more confirmation bias. This liberal personality who's said some mean things about Trump? Don't worry, they're actually a child rapist who will be put in jail once Trump drains this particular swamp. That's the kind of message they want to hear, that all political dissenters will be exposed, shamed and silenced. That's their own idea of what hope and good is.

  46. @Angela, your poor reaction is typical if the type of treatment I get from liberals. You aren't the first, and you won't be the last, to accuse me of being a closet Trump supporter when I let people know I'm not in the right or left camp. And putting the word "Independent" in quotes? Wow, you're the first person to do that! Who taught you, Snark University? (Ask them for a refund.) *eye roll emoji*

    It is possible for people to not conform to your very small world view of them. Whenever I tell a Trump supporter who I voted for, they want to sit down and talk about it. When I tell a Hillary supporter this, they accuse me helping elect Trump. Uh, no I didn't. Hillary was too busy with her head in a plate of fancy food to get elected. The woman drank her way "campaigning" through California.

    Your little missive to Studio54 typifies why I said, in my opinion, liberals are worse than conservatives right now -- speaking as someone from the outside. Stop looking at your naval and take off the pink pussy hat. It's not a good look.

  47. @Angela, many Trump supporters could not stand Obama. The difference between his Presidency and President Trump's is that we did not plan protests and carry on for years as though Obama had won the day before. A lot of Trump haters act like petulant entitled 13 year olds who did not get their way. The gravitas of the haters has gone out of the window.

    Get ready because Donald Trump will be re elected. Just letting you know now so that you can inform other libs. Maybe you all can start having hissy fits now and be done with them so that we do not have to endure more years of crying, whining teenagers.

  48. tRump's MAGAt followers are screwing themselves over so hard, and they don't even realize it. If they weren't so hateful, it would be funny.

  49. The hatred and vitriol of trumpers is sadly typical.

  50. @E, that’s the least of it. Look up Mena and the kids on the tracks. And I don’t care who becomes President, as long as it’s not some nutty Democrat. Man you guys have really lost your marbles. The first Dem
    debate was a clown show.



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