Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 19, 2019

Apparently this royal has no idea there are the recordings of him sexually assaulting another underage girl. The reason why he is not welcome in this country. He thinks the ban is because of the more publicly known sexual assault of that other underage teen.

Prince Andrew


  1. Prince Andrew has to be shitting himself lol

  2. No problem. Stay in England, Andrew.

    The Brits are more than happy to pay for you to live in huge castles, drink champagne, and drive expensive sports cars.

    Because, like Meghan Markle, you are royal.

    1. We're really not. We have been disgusted with family of parasites for years.
      Our ppl are living on the streets while this lot are living off of their misery...

  3. Just arrest the fucker already, and Maxwell, too.

  4. The press conference proves how scared they are. Worst PR ever.

  5. All the "royals" went to church the day after Epstein's "suicide" thanking whatever god they pray to. Hopefully all the guilty will pay.

  6. @ J but they AREN'T more than happy. Markle has started a big backlash. Folks in Britain are just looking for a reason to cut off the royals. Elizabeth is beloved but Charles is not. I wouldn't be surprised if things change once HRH passes. And Andrew isn't helping the cause by this. I hope he gets taken down. NOT JUST because he obviously deserves it but because the more the Epsteins and Andews are held accountable for actions they were once able to hide the better it is in general for grave misjustices by the rich and elite to be discovered and toppled. It is upsetting the rich status quo that NEEDS upsetting!

  7. I think they accidentally opened the worm can by accepting megan cause since her expesive life she s carrying from brits taxes THEY ARE PAYING ATTENTION TO THEM AND NOT VERY HAPPY ABOUT "HAVING ROYALS" ...

    So andrew making mistakes could be a great opportunity to FINALLY get rid of them ...

  8. Good point VV...why those entitled inbred idiots are still around is baffling - in ANY country.

  9. Maybe kiki, but I was in London a week ago and saw neither scaffolds nor tumbrels.

  10. With all the scandals the Royals have been involved why don't they abolished them?

  11. But, evidently someone is aware of a recording of an underaged girl (aka: child) being sexually assaulted and it's not been turned in?!?!

  12. Sylvia.....why don't they just get rid of the royals? Brits are ruled , just like US. I believe the Epstein brouhaha will take all of the rulers down. Heard about the abandoned Getty house that looks like Epstein's island set up?

  13. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Markle is a reflection of the UK.

    It is amusing that Brits call her a yacht girl.... May be true. Have you ever picked up a guy? Your daughter, cousin, sister, or even you? Go down the pubs, and pick up some guy for a night?

    So what if Markle wears a wig? You have spent money on your hair.

    So what if she pursued Henry? You've never pursued something or someone that you wanted?

    So what if she uses Charles" money? If your father in law offered you a hundred grand, what would you do? I would take it.... Quickly.

    There are other things yes... she has gone too far. But it started somewhere... and we all have the shadow side. Every one of us.

  14. The new PR person is going for a 'just like us' spin.

    PH and MM spotted dining in a pub.

    *MM stuck to water.* She is pregnant, guys. I am TELLING you.


    "We never heard Archie cry once."

    No pix of the outing. It was phoned in by tourists, it sounds like.

  15. Markle's too old to get pregnant, her actual age being something like 42. She's getting ready for another fake pregnancy. And Archie doesn't cry or move because he's a dummy.

  16. 42 is not too old to get pregnant, especially with top medical care. I know people who got naturally pregnant into their mid to late 40s. I don't know MM's age, though.

    About the pub - I still had the window open so I looked at the menu... and is that typical pub food? The article is 'they stopped at a regular pub.' I don't see a fish and chip or a shepherd's pie on the menu.

  17. Too old, really not good for anything.

  18. +1 pickyvegetarian and J.

    I think it’s harder to get pregnant naturally when you’re that old, if you haven’t been pregnant before. But a previous successful pregnancy isn’t a guarantee, secondary infertility is a real thing. What makes me question it is that Meghan supposedly told her exes she couldn’t have kids. She was probably lying though, I wouldn’t put it past her. It’s all just so suspect.

  19. The Queen will be dead before all the shit really hits the fan. Which I feel is soon arriving.

  20. I don't believe for one moment he has been banned by the US, maybe Mummy or the Foreign Office banned him from going or he banned himself because he is too afraid he will be detained.

  21. Actors typically shave 2-3 years off their ages early in their careers, but I think MM is under 40. And, they can afford top grade medical 'assistance.' The women I referenced were all late-life married, first baby for each. Two of three had two. Meaning, ages 45-47. It ain't over 'til it's over, to quote Olympia Dukakis in Moonstruck.

    I guess we mostly find MM/PH more intriguing gossip than another older dude into 17 year olds.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Nope. Have yet to sell sex for money as Markle did her entire “career.”

    Don’t paint everybody with such a broad brush.

  24. Okay! I don't know if anyone is still reading this topic.

    But look at about 4:10 here.

    CLEAR bump. SIZEABLE bump.

    First video I've seen of this recent drop in on the clothing thing.


  25. what goes around comes around

    the royal family murdered Diana

    they deserve everything they get



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