Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 19, 2019

This A+ list mostly movie actor was looking for a new person to be put under contract and to be close to his yachting ex. He wants nothing to do with any kind of relationship other than platonic with the A- list singer/wannabe actress. At this point, he is tiring of her team and fans trying to push a non-existent relationship.

Bradley Cooper/Irina Shayk/Lady GaGa


  1. Gaga needs to give it up and go back to her spirit cooking parties.

  2. Looks like Brad needs to offer more pay, he's still "single" as far as females go.

  3. It'll cost him a considerable amount more to negotiate the cost of a female wanting to look at that hideous moustache all day

  4. LOL Irina and his daughter bought him at least 5-10 years living the way he wants to since journalists say that being gay is the best thing in the world yet simultaneously taking hush money to keep people in the closet. If everyone should be ok with gay....then, let's start making it that way.

    You mean...it might cost the studios money?!?!?!

    If someone's divorce/ sexual assault ALLEGATIONS are all news worthy, why not an actor's sexuality.

    From my perspective, all you can say is I am a gay but not out and you get a shield from your life being scrutinized by the media.

    Nope. Equality works both ways.

    If you want to be an actor who is based on talent alone, go to Broadway or local theater or do only independent movies. .

    There are thousands of non-working actors that are better than you willing to take your place in Hollywood film industry, but, these high profile actors still want the money and perks of hollyweird lifestyle yet never want to be question on it (looking at @Bill Skarsgard quote in Page 6 about how acting in Sweden was so much better than America based on the fact that it is talent based and does not have a celebrity culture...but the reason he even got into the door was his LAST NAME and is making sequels ....I was hoping this site would have called him out).

    Ugh. Maybe Bill and Leo can meet up and talk about the environment on Leo's private jet or yacht of whatever.

  5. @teehee4u it's not always about the industry caring - a lot of celebrities don't come out because of family. It's hard enough when you're a private citizen to deal with the gossip - harder for the parents/grandparents dealing with the backlash from those who aren't 'woke' (ug, hate that word). But, imagine it splashed on magazines. Maybe Grandma Cooper doesn't need the entire bingo hall to know, even is she is accepting.

  6. It is the name of the game. Sorry. If there is nothing to be ashamed about....than why care about Grandma Cooper?

    How do you think that anyone accused of SEXUAL ASSAAULT and can no longer work think and we all know that some of those cases were when someone was drunk; did something they should not have, and did not called the next day. There is in most cases ZERO evidence to back it up.

    It is an exploitation of young girls to think that men they like...well it is ok to be gay. The psychological effect on those girls alone.....I am with with you with the relatives, but dating a young girl and sleeping with her because don't find you attractive. This shit actually scars women. I wonder how. I know. It is HORRIBLE.

    ANd, also from what I have learned, old adages are ones for a reason. People are not happy and depression and opiod addiction is at an all time high.

    Simply put: I do not think those in the closet in Hollywood it is for their Gmas (they are naked of screen FGS) ...it is because more roles and money is to be made if they are the closet. Greeed.

  7. I will never understand why everyone thinks Bradley is gay. There has never been any actual proof. And there also seems to be tension between Bradley and Irina(my own narrow observation as someone who knows neither one personally). If she agreed to have a kid FOR him, wouldn't he be grateful? I'm thinking there wouldn't be any tension.

  8. I just don't care and I don't think I'm alone on this one.
    Being long term coyly closeted is not about worrying about some vast horde of homophobes waiting to spring up and ruin a career and more about publicity because the gossip is priceless. Seriously, unless you're the flavor of the month/week/day, no one cares except maybe the sad weirdos who have gone to the trouble of developing a crush.

  9. @Dani: I think think that Irina and Bradley just never got along. Imagine having to fake it for 5 years.

  10. Bradley was the prime suspect behind a long blind post on reddit about being in the closet

  11. Aquagirl: To me, they've always seemed uncomfortable with each other and they interacted like people who have never touched each other behind closed doors, which doesn't explain the kid of course, lol.

  12. The reason actors like Coop feel the need to stay closeted or, at least, quiet is because, as a sex symbol, the perception is that being gay would alienate a portion of his fans who couldn't sit in a darkened theater and believe his Romantic Lead Actor perforances knowing that he is down-low puffing peters....

  13. Don't forget folks, being gay still isn't accepted/widely accepted in many countries on this planet. Countries that garner big numbers in the theaters. That's the main reason for the closet being closed.

  14. I see a hairstylist who caters to many of the A-listers in the film industry. Bradley Cooper is Gay, Dani. Irina likely went the turkey-baster route to pregnancy. He is GAY - deal with it.



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