Friday, August 30, 2019

Blind Item #5

There is more and more buzz about this underage sex loving A- list actor being alive. I suppose the world's condemnation about his love of underage sex and the resulting loss of acting gigs might have caused him to fake his own death, but would he do that to his child?


  1. Sounds like Paul, but I think the media turned a blind eye to his underage GIRLfriends.

    1. You want to know the biggest named celebrity the media turned a blind eye regarding pedophilia behavior? Muhammad Ali. Pedo has a known child with a girl he got pregnant when she was 15 and he was in his 30's. Why won't the media expand on this?

  2. Doubt it's Paul Walker unless he's a Targaryen.

  3. This cannot be true.

  4. Are you saying it wasn't actually his brother playing him in all those scenes?

  5. No way. Too many people saw that crash right? Has to be someone else I think

  6. PW fits, but it makes zero sense that he would fake his own death - way too much F&F cash to miss out on.

    Wasn't it just the 1 longterm underage gf, or were there more?

    1. I was. Always under the impression it was just that one girl he was with. When I found out he had been with a child for along time, I was so sickened by that.

  7. @Nonya yeah, but Paul always made a big deal that the money wasn't important to him. He didn't care for The Hollywood lifestyle as far as I can tell

  8. Did he lose any acting gigs

  9. Staging a car crash in front of a crowd of witnesses would be the worst way to "fake" one's death. Whose body did they drag out of the car then? This isn't the 1930's anymore; we have DNA tests.

    1. There wasn't that. Many witnesses I thought.

  10. Yeah it's not a James Dean situation.

  11. Yeah OK Enty keep feeding the conspiracy theorists that are still here waiting for you to out Spielberg as a pedo. Try holding your breathes instead and do the entire world a HUGE favor.

  12. What a load of crap.

  13. Enty showing us he truly does not have anything he will not stoop to.
    Well played sir.
    Now give us a grifter fake baby blind, and make it snappy
    thats the one-two punch that will REALLY PUT YOUS ON THE MAP

  14. @Nonya: There were a lot more. Apparently he considered himself an expert at breaking in teenagers.

    1. Oh that is disgusting. If he was sick enough to do that, then who knows what he was capable of

  15. lol @ the guy who is in racecar movies misunderstanding the reality of his skills.

  16. Well. I'm usually one for conspiracy theories and other weird shit. This. I don't know.

  17. I don't think people actually saw the crash, it was on a quieter street on a sunday. They heard it first, then went there.

    1. That's what I understood too.

  18. ...And his child made out just fine after blaming & suing Porsche, when it was the driver's recklessness that caused the crash.

  19. I'm SURE he'd rather do that to his child than have her own rep smeared with a PEDOPHILE dad. IN some parents eyes they'd rather be thought of as deceased than disgraced and humiliated. I know his current girl was underage when they met but I wasn't aware there were other underage issues. I wish everyone would stop using PEDOPHILE interchangably though with underage sex. Yes both are crimes but the former is far more egregious and deep rooted. A girl can be 15 and look 20. A pedophile craves sexless type children under a certain age... not YOUNG men or women. You can easily say one is a far greater sickness. I was a 16 year old who went to bars with a fake ID and could have been 22 easily so the idea that a guy who maybe likes his women young (straddling the line of legal) vs a man who jacks off to naked 8 year old boys is like night and day isn't it? Sure I am going to catch flack for this.

    1. Ephebophilia is the correct term but he wasn't just 20 something, he was in his 40's.and got with his girlfriend when she was 16 and he was mid to late 30's. There is CLEARLY something wrong with it and still falls under the bracket if pedophilia. The exchange of power is Extremely unequal and they are children unable to consent both physically and mentally.

  20. @kiki, Training bras or training wheels, those adults are still sick pedos. Maybe you could argue what level of Hell they deserve. I'm sorry your parents didn't watch out for you better and at 16 you wound up in bars with adult men. Hopefully it worked out better than giving massages to a billionaire at 16.

  21. I always get uncomfortable when I read someone writing, "well actually the correct term for him is ephebophilia...etc."
    Granted that in 95% of the cases this is probably not the writers intention, but - to me anyway - it's smacks of soft excuses for this devience. A pathfinder for acceptence.

    "Well she was fifteen but could pass for seventeen..."

    That leads to, "Oh come on, she's nearly eight! Hubba hubba!"

    Where does it stop? "Hey man, at least I waited till she was off the tit!".

    This seems to be what the establishment is pushing on us.

    If we swallow this then I'm glad the world's burning, we deserve no less.

    Root them out, kill them, move on.

  22. Well said.

    "Training bras or training wheels, those adults are still sick pedos."

  23. But he wasn't getting any flack for this? Enty repeatedly complained that he wasn't giving a hard time for th girlfriend. So why would he fake his own death? This is a nonsense blind. Do better, Enty.

  24. Paul Walker had that spotless clean groomed creepy bryan singer look

    I'm not surprised he is a pedo

  25. Can we please STOP trying to normalize pedophilia?????? 35 yr old adult with a 16 yr old is not the same as an 18yr old with a 16yr old.

    1. In my country - a western Anglo Saxon democracy - 16 is the age of consent. So kinda depends where you are.

  26. @Gen-z99 It's pretty rich calling people idiots when you don't even know that it's They're and not their.

  27. lol this is such a bullshit blind. Pretty sure TMZ had photos of the crash and it looked pretty bad.

  28. The crash happened at an event, and there were at least a couple of witnesses, plus photographs right after it happened. No way in hell it was faked.

  29. @April: Part of the reason he wasn’t given any flack IMO, is that he was rarely seen in public with her. She never attended a red carpet event with him, and there are actually very few pictures of them together. When he first died, there was literally one picture circulating of them, and they were on a hike.

    @Mooshki: They were at an event and left the event to go for a ride.

    @Gator: His daughter lost her father. No amount of money can replace that. I know, because I lost my father at a young age.

  30. A pedophile is attracted to children, mostly male, around or under the age of five. Or at least those that look that young. Epstein was NOT a pedophile. He was a hebephile: Hebephilia is defined as a chronophilia in which an adult has a strong and persistent sexual interest in pubescent-aged individuals, generally aged 11–14, although the age of onset and completion of puberty vary.

    Someday I hope the press and the general population understand the difference.

  31. Because why?🤔

  32. If it's Paul Walker, then all the gullibles are coming out for this one.

  33. Why, unknown? They're both attracted to children, both disgusting. You might not think 11-14 year olds are still children, but they are.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. So the last two gf’s were both 16 when he met them. Jasmine Pilchard-Gosnell & Aubrianna Atwell. Apparently he used to also sleep with other girls in that age range as well. After they got out of ‘school’ they’d come to his place for sex as he felt that he was good at ‘breaking them in’.

    As if this wasn’t strange enough, many of his friends said that Jasmine was like a step-mother to his daughter, Meadow, and broke the news of his death to her. And they say that she was living with Paul. Many other people (i.e., neighbors), said that they didn’t live together and had broken up two years prior to his death. Apparently she was stalking him and wouldn’t let go...according to the neighbors who apparently knew him well. She was begging him to marry her, at, I guess 21. (Another reason not to date young girls.)

    I did remember noticing that she was not involved at all with his family after his death, which one would expect if they were a couple for 7 years.

    Please note: I am in no way suggesting that he’s alive. I’m just posting background information which I think is pertinent to the pedophilia claims.

  36. Vic - plus 1000 on your comment.

    Faust, also +

    Looks like Unknown after that did not read either of your comments, though.

    I do get sick of the edge-casing as well. A child is a child. I don't understand someone middle aged being 'into' a kid with braces (as Polanski has said he is.)

    To the edge-casers: I mean, I may have "looked" old enough, at 15, to have a waitress offer me a cocktail before dinner, while out with my parents; but I was emphatically a child, and anyone who so much as spoke to me, or watched me for 10 minutes, would've figured that out. Plus it's the adult's *responsibility* to KNOW who they are messin' with.

    Edge casing is when people try to normalize bad things, or blur lines, for anyone who hasn't heard the phrase.

  37. I didn't know any of this about Paul Walker btw.

    Well at least he can't turn that behavior onto his daughter now, if so.

  38. Unknown, I'm right with you honey. I pray for the day when the press figures out the difference between a nearly 70 year old man lusting for 11-14 yr olds and that same man lusting after 5 year olds. It's so important to use the correct terms when writing about the freak getting locked up

  39. Thanks for the explanation Samantha the 1st! I never heard that term before.

    The people that defend pedophiles by saying that it depends on the age of the CHILD, at best, doesn't have children, at worst...are sick fucks who are doing whatever they can to try to normalize it so they can keep getting away with it.

    But if they do have kids? I hope they are on a watch list because God help those kids.

    I agree with what was said above, that there is a HUGE difference between a 45yo/16yo and 18yo/16yo.

  40. He's dead and he was a peado. Leave it at that.



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