Friday, August 30, 2019

Blind Item #6

If the foreign born A-/B+ list actress is pregnant, then why was she drinking and chain smoking as recently as two weeks ago? If she is pregnant, it didn't come the natural way which means there would probably be twins. If she is pregnant, it means she did the calculations that she can make more money from the pregnancy than from the movies she could do in the interim.


  1. Replies
    1. Ah that makes more sense....

    2. Does she smoke??

    3. I think so....

    4. She’s claimed to have been asthmatic, which means smoking would be off limits to her, but she smokes so more hypocrisy from her.

  2. That's the wonder of using a surrogate, you can be having a baby and do all the drugs and drink all the booze you want. Just try not to give your surrogate a dirt nap afterwards like the Carters supposedly.

    1. What? They put a hit in their surrogate?

  3. If you smoke in the first place, you're stupid.

    So this is merely stupider behavior.

  4. Poor baby, if she is really pregnant...why these sick people have to bring baies in their sad lives

  5. Surrogate but will she use the Beyonce Belly or admit using a surrogate?

  6. nothing worse than seeing a pregnant woman smoke. be prepared for verbal abuse from complete strangers

  7. The rumor goes something like this:

    'They allegedly used a very exclusive surrogate 'farm' only elites use. The women are very young, and healthy, and from impoverished circumstances. The women are housed, fed well, and cared for. So the surrogates feel fortunate to have been chosen.

    They allegedly said out loud that they hope word did not get out that they used a surrogate, and that they wished that there was some way to make sure it didn't. Someone took them literally, and had the surrogate killed.'

    Emphasizing that is ALL rumor and ALL speculation.

    Unknown asked -

    "What? They put a hit in their surrogate?"



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