Thursday, August 29, 2019

Blind Item #7

For just the first or second time in months, these two reality siblings who spend more time feuding than not feuding broke bread together. They had to have someone else along to make sure there was some kind of polite conversation.


Tricia13 said...

Spencer/Stephanie Pratt?

MDAnderson said...

Kim and Kyle??

Marlin said...

Kim and rob k

Heather said...

Kim and Kyle Richards?

akbar johnson said...

Kaitlyn Jenner and his penis?

Anonymous said...

Kim and Kyle. You have to wonder what happened to those two.

Brayson87 said...

@akbar, Too soon 😥 😅

Count Jerkula said...

Savannah and Linsdey Chrissley

Jon said...

Kyle just needs to stop with her condescension towards Kim. Without Kim, Kyle would be an absolute nobody. She doesn't seem to get that.

squirrelmistress said...

yes kim supported the whole family as a child while mama was between husbands.

squirrelmistress said...

kim richards i mean

Queen Bee said...

I was thinking the Chrisley's too.

Brayson87 said...

Once a date had me watch Chrisley Knows Best at her place, that was when I knew we had no future 😅

nancer said...

i get tired of hearing kyle needs to be nice to kim because of all kim did for her when they were kids. when is that debt repaid to the point where you CAN state opinions or voice your thoughts is the other person is screwing up? all that was at least 30 years ago!! it's really not fair. i would have strangled kim long ago if she were my sister.

K said...

Kyle actually gives Kim a monthly stipend as she can’t afford her current lifestyle on her own merit these days. Kyle has done this for YEARS.

Samantha the 1st said...

Brayson87 ugh, I could not watch even a few seconds of that show without my stomach hurting, while everyone was saying how cute the show was and what a great dad, that Chrisley.

Samantha the 1st said...

I like Kyle, and I like Kim.

But I do think Kyle has undermined Kim in ways, only to bolster her up just enough to keep her going.

Thot Crimes said...

@akbar johnson - Kaitlyn Jenner and her penis; bigot.

orangesoda said...

Definitely Bruce and his penis.


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