Thursday, August 29, 2019

Blind Item #3

This former daytime start turned night time actor/fill in band mate is doing what he can to help the alliterate actress even if he sounds like an idiot re-purposing her beliefs about the situation in which she has found herself.


  1. John Stamos/Lori Loughlin

  2. He does NOT sound like an idiot in his comments, and I've never liked him, but he's making a great point---this is EXACTLY like the Epstein case in that if Laughlin or Prince Andrew goes to jail, the dumb public will celebrate and their pathetic revenge fantasy will be satisfied.

    Meanwhile THE REAL BAD GUYS--- nobody knows their names----will continue to run the girl delivery services, filling the vacum left by Epstein.

    The college admission scam will continue---thousands of students---upper, middle, and lower class will benefit from the scam but nobody will feel any rage towards them, or the faceless college staff that operate the system.

    But get a few famous scalps and we're all pacified and happy....

    1. Anonymous8:01 AM

      Hi Lori is that you? Or your dumb fuck kid?

      The feds have you dead to rights. Not only did you make them go to trial, you walked into the courthouse stridently with a makeover and a smile trying to crack a joke with the uniformed officer, who glanced at you like you’re a maniac.

      Get ready for a classic pig style takedown, in front of the whole world. Learn from it. When you’re busted, take the deal. You make Felicity look like a Mensa member.

  3. Except there's legislation on the floor that could deal with parental donations to academic institutions. . .

  4. @s.s. is right,wealthy and famous people have been paying one way or another to get their dumb kids in prestigious colleges, if they just made a "donation" no one would care.

  5. Why can't we have a few scalps and continue investigating these networks? "Winning" a few does wonders for one's motivation.
    This is not an either/or fallacy, so Stamos might stay in his lane especially given his proclivities towards teen-age cast members.

  6. Yeah like legislation that limits donations to schools isn't going to face a lot of opposition. A few dumb kids in the door vs new buildings and more resources, you don't need a degree to do that kind of math. Might actually be beneficial to keep the elite gene pool dumbed down.

  7. I'll be delighted any time one of the privileged celebrities goes down.

    Fuck them.

  8. Stamos gets points for sticking by a friend, but Lori seems crazier than her daughters at this point.

  9. The thing about Loughlin's case is, regardless of whether thousands of other people did the same and weren't charged with a crime a crime was, in fact, committed... the same way the fact that the police pulled over the guy in front of you when you were speeding too doesn't mean you weren't breaking the law, too.

    Keep in mind: Her celebrity isn't why she was arrested - she was arrested because she committed a crime, and she's not the only one arrested or charged. There were regular (rich) people caught and arrested as well, but the press is not reporting about them because they're not celebrities.

  10. I agree with the sticking by a friend part, but the rest is bullshit an apologist would say.

    and welcome back from your Braycation.

  11. Anonymous8:09 AM

    College is a scam...PERIOD. The whole idea that you have to have a certain type of degree from a certain type of college to even open your mouth in public or get a job as a receptionist needs to die.
    Anyone who has dealt with recent college graduates knows in about 30 seconds that they did not learn anything real. It's all a scam.
    As someone said above this is exactly like Epstein. Give the public a sacrificial lamb and then go on pretending that nothing is wrong.
    Epstein is dead so let's just forget about pedophile networks.
    Lori and Mossimo are in jail so let's just forget about college admission scandals.
    On and on it goes.

  12. @Brayson--Good to see you, mate.

  13. The parents would have been better off taking their money to Harvard, they don't even bother keeping it under the table there.

    Thanks Thot!

  14. @Donna, Good to see you too!

  15. So glad to see Brayson here that I forgot what I was going to share.

    The two largest exam testing companies in the US have been heavily recruiting "secret test takers" recently to infiltrate proctored exams. They are basically spies that look for any abnormalities or shenanigans committed by other test-takers or the proctor during the test itself, and report back to the company.

    It's actually a decent side-hustle, plus you might get to bust some assholes.

  16. Buying your kid's way into college is actually ok if you do it above board by donating a building, scholarship or bench.
    When you scam the system and lie about it, committing fraud in the is a crime.

    I always wondered how these idiot kids kept getting into Ivy league schools - that NO ONE I know would ever get I know.
    Hang them.

  17. What's the phrase? Oh Yeah "You do the crime, you pay the time". She took a risk and it didn't pay off. Yes there are worse crimes, but we have laws for a reason. If she shouldn't be punished, then it shouldn't be considered a crime.

  18. Those who think she deserves to spend the rest of her life in prison for this are crazy and as someone mentioned it does sound like a "revenge fantasy." You did not like her for whatever reason and are now celebrating at her blunder. Kind of a sick thing about human nature. And no....I am not her or one of her dumbass daughter but perspective has been lost. And, as many have mentioned people will still be making donations to get their kids into school and the rich will still be trafficking girls for them to abuse. Epstein is dead. We should be going after all of his connections and those who are still alive instead of talking about him.

  19. I liked her. I even like Hallmark movies. I dont think she should be given any special consideration for her crime because she is likeable or rich.

  20. Should we atop prosecuting drunk drivers because people are just going to keep on drinking and driving? Which crimes fall under that umbrella?

  21. Totally agree Farmgirl! I liked her and her Hallmark movies and I feel bad that she's facing jail time, but I'm not going to give her a pass.

  22. It probably would help if Lori had showed a little remorse, top notch PR and legal representation there. She could have just been a dumb mom trying to look out for her kids, but instead now she's the amoral villainess of the story, willing to step on other people's children for her overprivileged spawn.

  23. I don’t fucking feel bad for Lori or her vacuous, mediocre kid. I’m sick of HW getting away with stuff, and whilst the gravity of this doesn’t compare with Epstein, I’d happily see some rich dumb fuck get punished for breaking the rules.

    Would love for all the shady adoption shit to come to light also. Angie and Madge - I’m looking directly at you.

  24. Maybe they are "hanging a nun," but LL was foolishly smug and the govt. does NOT enjoy being openly taunted. She is now learning what an unamused govt. looks like.

    There were a lot of other names on that list not all famous. Huffman was smart enough to keep her head down.

    Yes universities have taken 'donations' for years and legacy admissions etc. But sending in a fake to take your SAT is next level.

  25. @TeeHee: ‘Didn’t like her’? ‘Revenge Fantasy’? I had no idea who this person was until she and her husband were arrested. But now that I’ve been following the case, it’s apparent that she’s stupid, a shitty mother, and a liar. Who in the world would have their daughters pose as members of a crew team? Especially when they didn’t even want to go to college. These girls don’t have a chance at normalcy with these two idiots as parents. Oh, and nice touch taking a private jet to court. So absolutely out of touch with reality.



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