Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Blind Item #1

The two main accusers in a recent documentary are trying to get a bill passed in CA which would allow them to sue for treble damages against the accused, who is a permanent A++ lister.


  1. MJ and those guys from finding neverland.

  2. maybe eliminating the stature of limitations on pedos?

  3. +1 gauloise, Thanks to Chappelle all I can find is them reacting to his comedy special.

  4. I hope they get it.

    didn't know Chappelle was such a dirtbag

  5. Neverland really was his gingerbread house to lure children. Strange haven't heard much from his defenders lately.

  6. @Chuli, His one special where he talked about Cosby kind of walked the edge, have to see which villain he brings up next.

  7. Isn't the jury still out on MJ here?
    Enty has gone from saying there's bodies buried at Neverland to saying MJ was a pawn to cover geffens crimes.

  8. Chappelle says he believes Michael because Culkin says he never touched him or did anything inappropriate. I believe MJ too fwiw. He goes on to say he thinks R. Kelly is guilty.
    Finding Neverland was funded and produced by Oprah, Weinstein and Geffen and is hinky as fuck imho. I don't believe Safechuck and Robson even a little bit. They lied for years and now that MJ is unable to defend himself, they change their stories and go for the cash grab.
    Plenty of good journalism out there debunking the film and its intentions.

    1. You refuse to see any truth or your own contradictions because you like shitty music. Wow. Btw, you do know Muhammad Ali was not only a pedophile, but he had a child with a minor. But that gets repressed by the same media you say is good journalism.

  9. Did they also plant the hidden closet with kids' pics in MJ's room, or hire contractors to build all the secret rooms hidden around Neverland? We all did the mental gymnastics for years that he wasn't a filthy pervert but that time is over.

  10. If pedos and rapists want to start selling each other out then let them. It's not like the justice system can keep one alive long enough to get any answers.

  11. "Jeffrey Epstein's 'fixer' who ran major modelling agency vanishes 'like a ghost'"


    All the loose ends being taken care of apparently, wonder how many pieces this guy is in now.

  12. MJ was a pedo, the fact that every child star he hung out with is a complete mess should tell you something. Also, I believe it is why Paris is a mess. She wasn’t a little boy, but she most likely saw too much.the whole family is messed up.

    1. One of the other Jacksons got to Paris. Why she is a mess and MJ’s sons okay.

  13. I don't believe those two dudes for a second.

  14. Here you go Jackson deniers:



    1. I've known about this and Robeson was his ardent defender until after he did not get that job as a choreographer with MJ. MJ probably had other victims just not these two. @brayson.

  15. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Why aren't there more victims coming forward? There's precedent set that coming forward as a victim of abuse by MJ equals a big payday. It seems that former victims would be emerging by the dozen.

  16. By no means do I think MJ is innocent, but I also don’t believe Wade Robson. And let’s face it, Geffen is a fucking criminal also. Lesson / Hollywood is a cesspit filled with lying scumbags.

  17. Dude, if they found that much legitimate child born MJ would have been charged with possession. The FBI wanted him sooooo bad. They terrorized him, raided his home, put him through humiliating physical examinations ...and he still got off. Wade and that other dude should never have been allowed to travel with MJ. No parent should have allowed their kids to befriend a grown man who was obviously psychologically and physically affected by his upbringing but he was no paedo.


  18. I do not believe those guys at all either. They are fucking disgusting IMO and take away from actual victims.

    There should ABSOLUTELY be statute of limitations on sexual crimes. you should not be allowed to 15 years later decide to ruin someone's life over something you cannot prove. Personally, I do not think you should be allowed to go public with allegations until you prove it in court.

    And yes, I am a woman

  19. Macauly had a really messed up childhood from his parents in general, but I do believe him when he says nothing happened. He has nothing to lose career wise to speak of by being honest. I'm not 100% sure if I think MJ did anything to any child. I do think a lot of parents started getting greedy when they saw all the lawsuit $ he was throwing out. So is he 100% innocent, maybe not, but he's not 100% guilty either!

  20. My eyes bleed reading ppl defending jackson.
    That kid wade denied it for years because that s what abuse does to you. Doesn t mean the others not coming forward werent abuse

  21. I don't think Michael Jackson abused any of the child stars he hung out with.

    I think it was a ruse by Michael Jackson in order to convince non-celebrities that it was perfectly safe for their children to be around him. For example he could say "Macauly Culkin's parents didn't have a problem with Macauly spending time with him so why should you?"

  22. Yeah I'm guessing he didn't touch Ryan White when he hung out with him either.

  23. Hope they win because I believe them.

    Hope they (or someone) can also get some laws changed to favor victims of what are called 'historical' (past) abuse cases.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Brayson87 Why are you lying? It's only bunch of old toys and the photo was made AFTER MJ's death? Seriously?

    You are so desperate.

  26. THANK YOU -

    People who were abused know it will change their life and relationships once they 'come out' as an abuse survivor. It's also not something that was talked about in past generations. It's typical that people never speak out, or only years later.

    People who attack victims/survivors no matter when they do come out as a survivor are either mean, ignorant, or trying to silence victims because *they* are a predator and don't want things to change.

    "My eyes bleed reading ppl defending jackson.
    That kid wade denied it for years because that s what abuse does to you. Doesn t mean the others not coming forward werent abuse"

  27. JL I hope not :(

    Poor Paris :(

  28. Maybe the payments to astro-turfing companies dried up (allegedly.)

    "Strange haven't heard much from his defenders lately."

  29. MJ wasn't a ped. He just liked to have little boys sleep in his bed. Defenders of this scumbag are pathetic.

  30. Maybe read up on rape trauma syndrome?


    Or maybe there have been a lot of payoffs. Plenty of stories including from LaToya (in the past), about large checks written to parents.

    Also see above about how significant the impact is on 'coming out' to any abuse survivor.

    When the accused is powerful or famous it's that much scarier. Also, accusers often get death threats. Fact.

    "Why aren't there more victims coming forward? There's precedent set that coming forward as a victim of abuse by MJ equals a big payday. It seems that former victims would be emerging by the dozen."

  31. SMH, people who use this to try to diminish credibility never seem to upport anyone they deem a "real survivor."

    If you don't know, you don't know. No reason to accuse them of lying.

    TeeHee@U typed -

    "They take away from actual victims."

    How does anyone else 'take away' from another victim btw? Their coming out has lent support to MANY others. In and of itself.

  32. * support

    I miss typos when fired up, sorry.

  33. How exactly would that happen?

    Court filings ARE public record.

    "Personally, I do not think you should be allowed to go public with allegations until you prove it in court."

  34. @DIA, Hey if you want to worship a live pedo instead of a dead one pretty sure there are plenty of cult leaders who would be willing to take you and any of your family in.

  35. but can they sue if their parents (unknowingly? maybe) took payment $$ for access to the minors and signed legal papers? NDA's? etc. to prevent litigation? I am sure who ever was the shady lawyer back then has all the paperwork still filed away. somewhere.

  36. This is wonderful news! Thank you for this blind Enty.
    Those young men are so courageous. Jacko's cult is blind. Jacko had a life size child blonde boy doll in his bed with him when he died.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. I hope those two grifters lose. There is a massive paper trail proving that they are lying, and the actions of director Dan Reed, HBO, and Channel 4 suggest a guilty conscience.

    People are only upset at Dave Chappelle because he said the quiet part aloud.

    I'm not confident justice will prevail, but if it does, a lot of these idiots screaming about "Jacko" and standing on discredited, debunked source material have to suffer under a false accusation themselves, with an angry mob against them and no resources for legal defense. The lot of these idiots sound like the crowd at Emmett Till's lynching and should be regarded accordingly.

    1. +10000. i do believe these two and just want money. it sucks not to have talent.

    2. do not believe these two. uggh

  39. The amount of evidente clearing MJ is quite frankly overwhelming for anyone who bothers to research it. Sorry but those two have been prove beyond doubt of lying about their accusations, and this is after they started making them.
    Anyone still buying the MJ is a pedo crap is seriously brain dead!

  40. Michael Jackson slept with a revolving door of little boys between the ages of 6 and 12.

    What grown man does that, unless his "orientation" is that of a pedophile?

    Would you defenders give the benefit of the doubt to the 40 year man down the street if he had slumber parties for all the neighborhood boys (ages 6-12 only) and allowed them to sleep in his bed?

    No? Well, why not? Because the 40 year old man down the street is a dirty pervert, but Michael Jackson wasn't - and, hey, he was a great dancer!

    He was molesting and raping little boys in plain sight without a care in the world because his grooming of fans and families worked - and because he had an obscene amount of money, which he used to pay off boys who wouldn't keep his dirty secrets. He was running out of that money though, and if he were still alive, I'm betting that he would have been found guilty of child molestation by now.

    People need to take their blinders off. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, trust your eyes - it is a duck! Don't allow yourself to get caught up in emotion to the point that you are willing to make excuses for questionable conduct, especially when it is being done with children, out of their parents eyesight.

    I'm glad James Safechuck and Wade Robson finally spoke out. They were little boys who were violated by an adult male pervert when they should have been protected. I stand with them.

  41. More victims aren't coming forward because they were paid off and had to sign legal contracts. Not hard to understand. The guy was a predator.



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