Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Today's Blind Items - The Actor

There is an A list mostly television actor who has his own network show. During his time on set when he is not actually shooting, he goes on social media and randomly messages his fans. He then shoots short videos of himself on set to prove who he is and tells the fans he wants to fly them out to see them on set because he is lonely. Our married actor then convinces them to send nude videos multiple times each day. At least once, he flew a fan out and had sex with her on set, threw some money at her and told her she was not worth the airplane ticket.


  1. Michael Weatherly?

    1. Wouldn’t surprise me if it were him. He’s been a grade A a-hole for yearrrssss

  2. Sounds like a fun pastime.

  3. Better go Greyhound next time dude.

  4. Boredom leads to as much infidelity as lust. Really I'm just impressed that these women were apparently adults, that's how low the bar is now.

  5. Why don't the fans expose him?

  6. @cheesegrater, Because apparently he's got the nude videos they sent him first, see how he planned that one out?

  7. After about 2 maybe 3 episodes of "Bull," I stopped watching.

    He was better on "NCIS!"

  8. Nathan Fillon was my first thought for some reason

  9. Nathan Fillion is not married.

  10. Anonymous11:28 AM

    The Bull guy...I don't even know his name. Bull is unwatchable as is just about everything else on network TV. How do they keep churning out this crap?

  11. Certainly not a good example of how to deliver constructive criticism.

  12. I thought he quit social media after Dushku allegations

  13. What are these fans expecting? That he’ll “fall in love with them”? Come on. How can I feel sorry for such unbelievably retarded people? I’m more worried about the rest of us, that may come into contact with people this catastrophically stupid. Can they drive a car? Do they have a job? Why don’t they have a caretaker?

  14. If it's the guy from Bull then HELL NAW. I wouldn't do him with LL pu$$y.

  15. Whoever he is - what an ingrate.

    "At least once, he flew a fan out and had sex with her on set, threw some money at her and told her she was not worth the airplane ticket."

    It sounds like he is not after sex, he likes to humiliate. Dude, just hire a professional sub, then, you cretin.

    But a real sadist (emotional or otherwise) does not want consensual domination/humiliation.

  16. Wasn't this recently a blind item?

    1. I think there was a previous blind about Rob Kardashian doing the same or a similar thing.

  17. I'm sure fans aren't expecting being tossed out told they aren't worth a plane ticket. Don't think anyone expects love but that is just SH*T. Just Weatherly. Douchebag was 30 dating 18 year old unknown Jessica Alba on DARK ANGEL. I think he is just a conniver.

    1. I definitely didn’t mean to give the impression that I think his behavior is ok or admirable. He’s a total POS, no doubt about it. But, I have zero sympathy for ANYONE that goes to sleep with married people. Those people deserve what they get, as they have no respect for anyone. I don’t subscribe to the idea of “well if you cheat with a married person you’re not responsible in any way because you didn’t make the vow”. There’s zero excuse to sleep with married or taken people, I don’t care who you are or who they are.


      (And women)

  18. Donnie Wahlberg from Blue Bloods? He seems pretty sleazy.
    Probably learned this trick when he was out on the road.

  19. Just to play devil's advocate...Why isn't anyone empathizing with the poor wife? Everyone is pressed that the women who accepted a free plane ticket to f*ck a married man got treated shabbily? Do they get a pass for adultery because they were fans?

  20. Brayson I don't even know who the blind is about or who M. Weatherly is.

  21. Damn he’s a creep. He had an article a couple years ago about how his family made him a better man. Lying prick.

  22. Although brayson is right.

  23. Shakey - that blind was a Rob Kardashian flying fans out. Not as heinous as this one.

  24. The wife is an unknown quantity, even more so if the husband is (to me and/or others) too, and it's a blind so how does anyone even know for sure who they are. How accurate is the blind/gossip even if we did know for sure who its subject was?

    What was clear though (per the blind) is what was said to the person and what was done to them. So that was my focus. Can't speak for others.

    I think that would be a more apt criticism if we were attacking/blaming the groupies/fans and not the guy; but we weren't, or, none I noticed.

    We don't know how much or what the fans were told. I don't equate naivete or being lied to or manipulated, with stupidity.

  25. This is really awful that is sad people are blinded by celebrity and of course they know it too. The fan got played.

  26. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Some entitled Caucasian male.

  27. Sounds like Terrence Howard being Terrence Howsrd

  28. I don’t know who this s or if it’s real but it’s not Michael Weatherly. He’s being accused of everything now. If he was as bad as all this we would have heard about it years ago. No one else has come out about him before or after Eliza. Makes me go ummm.

  29. Yo everyone saying Michael Weatherly, guess what he doesn't HAVE social media anymore and it's been like two months already. So try again.

  30. It’s been almost 4 months since Michael Weatherly left social media and deleted his accounts. So yeah try again.



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