Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Blind Item #5

This A list singer was looking for an excuse to not do meet and greets and found it. I suppose she will immediately reduce the cost of those VIP tickets down to the normal cost of tickets. Oh, wait, she isn't. You get to pay quadruple, but don't get anything in return. Nice.


  1. Reminds me of how earthball Meghan Markle treats people.

    Of course, Meghan has a lot on her plate.

  2. Meet and Greets are the WORST. The fans spend all day working on something witty to say and don’t realize you have half a second with the artist and the artist is just thinking of the show (if before) or how hungry they are (after).

  3. +1 Tricia


    Really with the all drugs she's on you'd think she'd be more chipper. Time to put her on the Britney RX cocktail.

  4. Grande she wasn’t going to do a meet and greet period

  5. Just by happenstance I met Ashley Judd once. She gave me this dead fish hand shake and I farted. Oh the look on her face! Best meet and greet evah!

  6. @Substance D! Bwahahaha!!!

  7. Sounds like a chat and scat.

  8. If you pay any type of money for a 5 second handshake or 30 seconds of time in a group meeting you're a fucking idiot.

  9. Anonymous9:26 AM

    I don't understand paying them to do anything except what they are hired to do...in Grande's case being a garbled Mariah Carey in her heyday impersonator.

  10. Never too depressed or panicked for legal action though.


    Damn Forever 21, where did you go wrong?

  11. Oh please. She's shown images of her brain scans. What more do you need to know this girl has some legit PTSD. She cancelled one meet and greet. Her fans understand.

  12. Brayson97 - she has a team of people. You really think SHE'S doing all the paperwork?

  13. No, the reduced ticket price is cheaper than what those tickets went for over here. You probably shouldn't get your "blind items" from stan twitter.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. @CB, 97 actually works a different site, I'm 87 ;)

    I doubt she does any of the paperwork, I also doubt she's completely uninvolved with the lawsuit.

    I've seen a few brain scans before, just because her brain is f*cked up doesn't necessarily mean it's from PTSD, given her history I'd bet more on all her drug abuse.



  16. She's doing the same thing Justin Bieber did Justin charged 1K for M&G and midtour canceled them and had his fans pose with a cardboard pic of himself. How he didn't lose fans after this its beyond me. Scooter Braun really knows how to profit even from their jerk behavior.

  17. @brayson...pretty funny that she’s suing forever 21...right as they are gonna file bankruptcy.
    Wonder which came first?

  18. @Meliticus, Fast fashion controversies killed Forever 21, still it was fun to take petite women shopping there ;)

  19. Was Grande's meet and greet a paid thing or a fan club thing?

  20. They had cute dresses back in the day.

  21. What Brayson said. Brain scans could be fucked from all that mess she snorts/shoots between her toesies. Plus brain scans aren't always accurate. If you're in a state of anxiety while getting them that part will artificially be more lit up.

  22. she does drugs probably to deal with trauma and pain lot a lot of these grown up kid stars.

    Im not endorsing the behavior, but its understandable.

    she had fans under 10years old and their parents slaughtered in the lobby after her concert. I wouldnt give her a pass before, but after that? you fucking bet I will.

  23. Has to be Ariana. Wasn’t she caught saying “God, I hope they’d all just die” (them being her fans) while leaving a meet and greet? Honestly, I want to like her, but she’s just constantly making it hard for me.

  24. yeah that sounds familiar. I don't have much sympathy for her either, honestly all she's gone thru is karma for how much of a brat she is irl



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