Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 25, 2019

This royal keeps digging himself further and further into a hole, forgetting of course that every room was rigged for audio and video recording.

Prince Andrew


  1. so are these actually going to surface Enty?

  2. Royal with an arrogant scene of entitlement?

  3. Nothing new here people

  4. *snort* you said hole.

  5. Wonder if he had all the sheets stripped off his bed or is avoiding car rides in France. What's the extradition treaty with the UK look like?

  6. and they will call them deep fake videos.

  7. Good. The deeper the better.

  8. He probably didn't even stop to think about video. He's the typical middle age (now old) man who lives a permanent midlife crisis. They aren't bright enough to think this far ahead

  9. So, is best bud Jeffrey Epstein back on his island or are these photos fake?https://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2019/08/epstein-rothschild-mandelson-savile.html?fbclid=IwAR3F0TrXXRHq1JNTJMp9cIXrtAtlCILM9qBpSlxKEmS76jtF0Yxrki-Q30Q

  10. Not to be all tin foil hat, but I just read an article this morning about the new Chinese app that allows anyone with an iPhone to create deep fake videos. I believe it went live over the weekend, which will be the perfect excuse for all these people to use when videos are released about what they did with children.

    1. Deepfake has been around for a while now. The things I have seen done with it and the audio recordings. It's insane. Imagine a long dead actor popping up in a new movie. It's possible, deepfake porn has been outlawed.

  11. He's a prince you jealous peasants.

  12. @molly - That doesn't look fake to me. Someone should do measurements and compare them to Epstein. Although, he'd be stupid to go back to the island knowing that its being highly watched right now.

    @Thia - That's not tin foil at all. I'm sure "they" are trying to get ahead of the game should any real pictures/videos be released. Oh sorry, that's what you said. I'm slow today haven't had a cup of Joe yet. :)

  13. @James - Yes, I know, but this is a regular app that seems more easily accessible by regular folks. https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/new-easy-use-deepfake-app-19165738

  14. Who in fuck's name (apart from victims who have no power) would want Epstein alive?

  15. @J - the only reason I can think of is that he's got a ton of data and video hidden and only he knows where it is.

  16. Faking his own death would be one way to escape justice. His body was certainly claimed quick enough by an "unknown" associate.



  17. You'd assume he'd wait until after some cosmetic surgery to reappear in public. But then you'd also assume that someone wouldn't hire staff to help himself assault underage girls three times a day every day.

  18. Yeah, Brayson, surely he'd rather stay alive, but I suspect he'd need powerful accomplices to pull off this stunt.

  19. I wonder what happened to the body, if there was a funeral and did anyone show up for pedostein. Lots of noise about his "suicide" but the media has been pretty quiet since.

  20. I suspect it was either instantly cremated or buried at a grave site kept secret from the public to avoid desecration. Strange his carcass might be in hallowed ground, but they did cram in all those pedo priest corpses over the years so it's not that weird.

  21. Show us the videos, already. I am looking forward to that nasty arrogant liar going down.

  22. the news report on who claim the body is over fueled. they dont release bodies to unknown persons, the person is unidentified, that doesnt mean the coroner is releasing bodies to unknown people. the person is known is just unreported.

  23. Well no sh!t, but that doesn't exactly sound like family or trusted friend picked him up. Sounds like whoever signed some papers and had a mortician pick up the corpse from the morgue for destinations unknown. They should have hung up his corpse outside the local high school he liked to recruit girls from and let the girls beat his carcass with sticks like a pinata. Maybe stuff his body with gold coins so they'd really lay in deep with their sticks or brooms or whatever.

  24. Still a lot of very bad energy around this entire story. I do not think the tragedies are over for some time to come.

    So, I don't even wanna comment til it's all said and dust.

    On the video app: if it's public now, imagine how long the powers that be have had it.

    Not surprising at all imo that things like that exist.

    James Howlett: they've been using dead celebs in TV ads in the U.S. for some time now.

  25. (The ads thing isn't a secret btw it's well known. With the help of their estates. Celebs be careful who you leave in charge of your image.)

  26. Remember friend of brother Charles......Jim Saville....Uber pedo creep friendly with the royals....

  27. Wasn’t there also talk that Prince Phillip used to go to all kinds of secret pedo pool parties back in the day? Heavily involved in men’s groups...could even be a part of The Family?

  28. There was a photo of Prince Andrew on the cover of the National Enquirer a few years ago in regards to this case, clearly "in the act." He should have known since then he had been recorded, etc.

  29. @Brayson: Supposedly there was a service for him at the Frank E. Campbell funeral home in Manhattan, which is where many celebrities have their services. And supposedly he was cremated and his brother put his ashes next to his parents’ ashes (I can’t remember where that is.) But there was no notice of a funeral service. It came out after the fact when people were asking when the funeral was going to be and it had already happened. Hmmm.

    1. The parents’ ashes are in FL & his are supposedly next to theirs but they wiped the parents’ names off their stones to prevent vandalism. That’s the story that’s been put out there. Another hmmm.

    2. Hard to believe that there’s a photo of his supposedly dead body, but nobody got the scoop about the funeral service before it happened.

  30. With his connections and money, Epstein is certainly not dead.



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