Monday, October 21, 2019

Blind Item #12

Why yes, that was the closeted north of the border A list singer making out with another guy while out of the country and away from his "girlfriend."


  1. Shawn Mendes in Australia

  2. I'm sorry Enty, you've got to take it up a notch. This dude is always making out with guys at establishments, it's kind of assumed at this point. Let us know when he's hitting the restroom glory holes or hanging in a party sex swing like that other guy's post, otherwise, eh.

  3. This is like throwing a stone and hitting the ocean. Nailed it Enty! Whoooooooooooo

  4. Shawn's next song is a cover version:
    🎶 If you wanna be with me, you got to have an N.O.B. 🎶

  5. too bad. Mendes is ripped!!

  6. That quokka he was with was sure cute!😍

  7. Was he kissing Cody Simpson??

  8. pics or it didn't happen

  9. Dont believe this! next ur going to tell me Richard Simmons likes the D!

  10. If this is true, why there are no pictures?

  11. If you could turn a beard relationship into a lifeless, loveless, sexless, ice cold pile of "FUCK NO" into a song, it would be that "Senorita" duet between him and his "girlfriend". That song has ZERO sex appeal and they absolutely cannot sell it. #nosizzle #nosteak

  12. it was like it was written by some gay dude pretending to like girl with cooties lol

  13. hahaha ^

    Seriously though. Who in the hell is going to want to beard with Shawn in the future? If you cannot keep your mouth shut and not publicly make out with the same sex .... nobody should or want to beard with you in the future.

    And blah blah blah....."He should not have to beard...poor thing"

    Nope...not buying it! ...he sold out for money and fame and just like with Nick worked! #1 songs and sold out concerts tour.

    and hahah would serve Miley right if it was Cody Simpson. Liam has obviously won this break up as he should have. She publicly humiliated him not just privately. And, her "sexy" poses with desperate and attention seeking. Maybe she should befriend MM or Megan Kelly. That way they could all be condensed into one article that we can all skip.

  14. There is some strange phenomena where some straight females are attracted to obviously gay celebs until they find out for sure the male stars are gay, then they're all turned off. Rarely happens with straight males and lesbians 😅

  15. haha you say that but my husband has zero desire to see Cara Deunibrow and Kristen Stewart in anything ever and they are as lesbian as they come. But, he would watched Sarah Paulson in anything (even with her granny issues aka who she dates) because he thinks she is hot LOL.

    Point is it does seem to depend on the lesbian in question haha

  16. @TeeHee, My point was that guys aren't flabbergasted when actresses they are already attracted to come out of the closet. The attraction doesn't change.
    But yes Sarah Paulson is hot AF lol, first noticed her on American Gothic, kind of cool how she wound up back in a similar tv genre.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. haha leave it tome to overthink it but I think it is evolutionary in its origins of why men don't care and women do care about their famous celebrity crush not being straight.

    I still think men secretly want to be ask to join in or try "turn her straight" with their "magic D" (basing this on the popularity of lesbian porn for men...maybe that desensitizes men to the lesbian thing as well) as part of their drive to "spread their seed."

    While women from an evolutionary standpoint want to be nurtured and taken care by men, even in fantasy. And, it is hard to enjoy the fantasy when you know he would much rather be with his own sex/ act or sing with his own sex than to have sex than you.

    Look at how women like to read about porn while men would rather watch it. Men are much more visual while women are much more emotional and want to the backstory to character/ etc which is why Romance novels have always been so popular for women but not for men and men liked the dirty magaizines. movie more so than women.

    And, yes, people I know there are tons of exceptions, but, I am talking about "nature" in general terms. That is why when women find out about their celebrity crush is gay they just move on and find another straight celebrity crush because let's be honest (teehee) , there are tons of hot actors/ singers women can fantasize if one comes out.

    Does not matter that a fan will probably never, ever meet their celebrity crush and even if they did, the celebrity would not be interested in you even if straight.

    If most people are going to fantasize which is what tv. movies, land even love songs are.... said fantasy, most people are going to try and imagine that the person in the show is actually interested in you or singing about you if you are a female.

    And, again. I am not trying to upset anyone and I am not saying actors/ singers should stay in the closet I am just giving my own personal opinion on why they do the whole "beard" thing. Because in reality, celebrities, especially gay ones, are protected by the press and they are never outed even though with straight celebrities...there are no boundaries on reporting.

    And... I am just talking nature here...then when you add government regimes and religious beliefs to the whole nature debate well that is why closeted celebrities remain that way.

  19. So have all you Nancy Drews figured out the name of the guy who sexually assaulted Alyssa Milano yet? She said it was 25 years ago during her sexy movie phase and that the man who did it was 17 years older than she was. She also said he was a working actor today with a wife and kids. Looking back at her early-mid 90s movies you can narrow this down almost to the letter to Xander Berkeley. She said today her original statement included his name but she took it out at the last minute for fear of ruining his life. Anyway, I watched this clip of her today and immediately thought of this place but didn't see anything about it. I kinda feel bad for even linking him to this if it's not him. If it is him, well then fuck him for sexually assaulting a young girl who put her trust in him.

    1. Did you just call me a Nancy?
      Good detective work dummypants.

  20. @TeeHee, I've heard similar things from other people, but I've got to stop you right there. Few straight men with any brain cells have ever thought they could turn a lesbian straight. It's weird enough that any women like d!ck in the first place, not that guys are complaining of course. If anything guys have more respect for them for figuring out that women are the most fun.
    Lesbian videos are popular with straight guys because you don't have to see some dude's dong or starfish in any shots, just two wonderful women having fun. If guys want a menage fantasy there's plenty of videos for that too.
    That makes sense about women's fantasies being different, still doesn't seem fair to closeted actors.

  21. @dummypants, Milano is kind of a Rose McGowan type, you really want to see the receipts before making judgment. If Milano still won't name him at this point in her career then she really needs to double check what #MeToo is about. It's not just sharing pain but also helping to warn potential future victims. This guy is presumably still working with young women.

  22. As hard as Shawn has tried to convince everyone that his supposed romance with Camilla Cabello is genuine (and the gay rumors false), it's not plausible that he'd make out with a guy so freely that it gets reported here literally overnight.

  23. I get your point on the lesbian point, but, I still am talking about the "fantasy" of it all not the reality. I don't actually think that men think they can turn lesbian women straight, but, I am saying in their fantasy they do or are asked to join in . Which is what entertainment is all about.

    Also, with closeted celebrities. They can come out whenever they want to and should be able to..I am just saying my two cents on why they do not.

    I am not saying that they should stay closeted because personally I hate liars (which is why I come to sites like this) ,but look at the correlation between ticket sells when an actor/ singer comes out publicly and then before is blatant when one is a romantic lead for women.

    Because this is what actually happens: " I am so glad he came out" "Awwww... Good for him! " And, people will talk about how much they support said acto/ singerr, but, then they stop showing up.

    I think of Elton John as the one celebrity who came out and still has financially made it...but, besides The Lion King .... all of his classic songs that people show up to see at his concerts were when he was in the closet.

    And, I am talking romantic leads/ heartthrob singers..aka the girl crushes...not character actors or singers that are not drawing people to the crowd based on their looks.

    At the end of the day...Hollywood and the music industry is a business. But, as I mentioned earlier, magazines refuse to "out" celebrities so they do have that veil of protection. I do not think it is based on the magazines's good will but more like dollars and cents for the music and movie industry studios. Money motivation not kindness motivation.

    Again, I am not saying ANYONE should be forced to stay in the closet....I would prefer if they did NOT....I am just saying why they stay in the closet: more money and better parts/ sold out concerts.

    Fair? Absolutely Not. Just speaking reality.

  24. TeeHee, I agree with your first comment. You can even see it when fans of celebs get upset over celebs getting girlfriends/boyfriends or getting married.

  25. Gay men like straight guys for the same reason straight men like gay women... its the challenge or forbidden fruit aspect to it that’s the attraction

  26. All the detective workers did not even need to open one private eyelash on this item. Too bad it wasn't Dwake, though. Dwake could be ripe. Waiting for somone to come out of somewhere

  27. " Man says...My Mama says ( ;P )."


  28. Straight men do not like actual gay women lol. Porn lesbians are not real lesbians and straight men do not like those.

    1. Orangesoda, what kind of testing did you use for this claim?
      I bet it's a controlled test, peer reviewed even ?
      Wow. There's always such insight within this community. I learn things every day lol

  29. @Teehee@U (3:06 pm): "Look at how women like to read about porn while men would rather watch it."

    Wait, what now??

    Uhm, no.

    Perhaps then I have more testosterone than the average female, but I would definitely much rather watch 2 or 3 hot chicks going down on each other for the purpose of "visual arousal", than settle down with a dog-eared copy of Lady Chatterley's Lover or some Mills & Boon book.

  30. The overcompensation is a sign.

  31. orangesoda is just using the face every man makes when seeing a pic of rosie o donnell.. but thats the face every human being makes... as a gay guy its funny that i can find some butch lesbians or FTMs attractive ... secondary sexual characteristics are very important

  32. If Mendes has such a big problem with people thinking he is gay, why does he feel the need to bring that specific topic up during most interviews? If you hate it so much and it's not true, why do you keep giving people food for their mouths by constantly bringing it up? He made a video stating he aint gay, you cannot be that closed minded to not be aware of the fact that no matter what you do people are going to think of u whatever they want to. He should stop keeping that topic relevant if it upsets him so much.



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