Saturday, October 26, 2019

Blind Item #7

This A list royal seems to be going out of her way to make it look like she is the polar opposite of the alliterate royal. It is also taking some very subtle shots with the A lister's actions.


  1. Well, skinny is certainly the opposite of Markle.

    1. Stop looking in the mirror while commenting, if you can tear yourself away

  2. Gotta love the Kate.

  3. "it" is their pronoun?

  4. Well, Kate doesn’t have to try very hard, does she?

    @ gauloise - Spelling, grammar and syntax were never Enty’s fortes.

  5. It’s not like it is hard, Markle manages to fuck up quite well on her own.

  6. No wonder MM is so stressed yall just go random just to make her a bad guy tonfot your narrative .I bey no one here would hold up to the pressures everyone puts on her forget about your skeletons..

    1. She has called everything on to herself with her obsessive compulauve need for attention. It is not that hard.

  7. Why would she be stressed about what some randoms on a gossip site have to say?

  8. @robert, very true. I doubt she gives a sh1t what we commoners think. God knows KimK has been trashed for years and she didn’t make documentaries crying about it.

  9. It shouldn't be hard to outclass a professional African hooker! She had sec menuchin at her beck and call

  10. Nope.

    She's not going out of her way because she doesn't need to. She's everything Markle isn't and the only one who can't stand that fact is MM.

    Kate is future Queen.

    Meghan is future forgotten.

  11. The racism on this board is appalling. Mm is mm good.

    1. Anonymous11:45 AM

      Its not racism to point out a hooker used to be a hooker

    2. It is when you put her (inaccurate) race as a description.Own ur racism u pos. Just cuz u dont outright call someone the n word doesn't mean ur not racist. At least the bigots back in the day could own their shit.

    3. Anonymous1:00 PM

      So you’re triggered because someone other than myself interjected race into the conversation and not because she was a hooker? Gotcha.

    4. Dark star the wors racism loses all meaning if it becomes a knee jerk reaction to criticism. Markle creates her own mess and needs treatment.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Dark star - you're a fucking idiot. It's considered racism now when you don't like someone for their actions? That's ridiculous and your iq is probably just as low as MeAgain and Harry's combined. Idiot.

  14. mentioning, hell even noticing, anything double plus un-good about a black woman of colour is now WAYCCIIIST!

  15. Haha! I hope you feel better after your rage smashing of those keys turned out that comment.

  16. Oh yeah....I'll own it. MeAgain is an American Mongrel Whore. As in "of no particular breeding", race, species or otherwise.

    1. The crown has had so called 'mongrels' in the breeding lines for hundreds of years before! Even QE2 herself has admitted it

  17. It's hardly racism to criticize two Social Justice Eco Warriors who take private jets everywhere and then dare to comment on our environmental footprint. Hypocrisy knows no color. Are we racist for also thinking Ginger is a hypocritical idiot?

  18. Catherine isnt changing who she is, though she could be enjoying it a bit more. She has always done things like shop for Halloween outfits on her own. Before She-who-shall-not-be-named came around, she ran 3 year old Charlotte into a pub to use the bathroom. She is also been known to stop at a local store to get food, and when they were first married, they lived in a little cottage while William flew helicopters and was seen all over town, being herself. Yes, she is rich and spoiled but she also has done a good job raising her kids. You can tell she is a hands on mom. And I am so sick and tired of people calling others racist if you don't like someone. Give it up.

  19. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I think it's pretty obvious now that Harry and Markle are plotting some kind of populist, if not official coup. They want to be viewed as the couple who should be King and Queen even if they aren't officially. The "woke" and progressive will agree with them because she's mixed race and he's willing to milk his mother's name. They are both willing to pander and do or say anything.
    They need to be shipped to The Bahamas like was done with the Duke and Duchess of Windsor back in the day.

  20. This has nothing to do with race and everything to do with MM being a grifter.

  21. I don’t think Kate has gone out of her way to do these things. It’s just that lately they are being reported more. She has always shopped on the high street and gone to supermarkets, maybe not for the weekly shop anymore, but she still does it. I believe Kate’s close knit family have a lot to do with how she behaves, The parents seem to have a good marriage, and they all have solid family values and are very supportive each other. William spent a lot of time with the Middletons, both during the eight years he and Kate dated and subsequent to their marriage. They are friends. A few years ago the Middletons even bought a larger, more secure home so they could accommodate W&K, their family and personal protection officers, plus their other two children and their potential families at the same time. William and Harry always wanted a loving, close, normal family life and while William has found this first in his in-laws, and now also with his wife and children, Harry has not. MM appears to be is plagued with insecurities. She tends to overreact to defend herself or show she is in the right, even when she isn’t, or when it would be better to behave with dignity and keep quiet. That’s why she has cut most of her family out, because they dint conform to her idealised life, Only her mother and no other relatives on either side came to the wedding. Getting her “friends” to run to the media promoting her as being totally wonderful always backfires and she keeps shooting herself in the foot with the disparity between her words and actions. Eg save the planet but I travel in private jets, and spend millions on a house renovation, or my life is so hard when she in a country where families live below the poverty line and children die of preventable diseases due to lack of basic necessities. As for Harry, he is like a changed person. He was always immature but now he is like a sulky teenager being manipulated by her. I think the British public wanted to like MM, but there is a finite honeymoon period with any newcomer into the royal family, and she hasn’t accepted the advice of the other royals or courtiers, has snubbed the Queen, and with her but fragile ego, equally huge ambition, she has tried to become an international, loved, world changing type celebrity and it’s backfired. She would do better to take advice of the Queen who has a lifetime of service and is respected and revered for it,

  22. to those racism-accusers: what is there to like about MM? Name one thing. I bet you can't.
    Disliking her, has noting to do with race, she's just unlikeable. It's her thing. Being detestable is the only thing she's good at.

    Liking her purely because she's happens to be mixed race, is actually racist.

    It's the racism of low expectations. She just has to show up with her not-so-white skin, and that's apparently enough for some, to automatically like her?
    Look in the mirror and ask yourselves, what does this say about you.

    1. Didn't you know, you can't dislike a black person in 2019? Even if they're a nasty piece of shit, you still have to like them. If you don't, you're obviously a racist. Also black people never do anything negative, even when they commit a crime it was because a white person made them feel like a victim....get with the programme people! Black people can't be mean or unlikable, the can't even be the baddie in a film anymore. We're all racist.

  23. Ah, using the race card to call people racist because they do not like MM. More bullying from the SJW's who lack the intelligence or even the understanding of what racism really is to deflect from the truth. So tired of you people, and you have put race relations back by decades because you throw the word around like confetti. How about you go back and listen a little more intently to what racism actually comprises.

    In the mean time, MM & PH have become so out of control I hope the BRF finally steps in and puts them both in their proper place, minor royals whose place is in the background. They are a farce and doing real damage to the RF with all their behavior problems. Send them on a long cruise to no where so the rest of the world does not have to see or hear from them again.

  24. Both sparkler and harry would be so much happier with a house in Africa somewhere

  25. I'm a bit out of the loop. Did we discuss the KP twitter account liking, then unliking the suspected Meghan Markle account 'TudorChick1501'?

  26. Hire some damn writers or at least copyeditors.

  27. Dark Star is a troll. Don't encourage it with a response. Eventually, it will go away.

  28. Me-Gain paying Enty to infer Kate is wasting time doing what Me-again is guilty of doing? Puh-leeze. Me-Gain has burned her bridges, fact is the “gender equality who haa she is being hyped as hosting at Buckingham Palace, wasn’t at the palace but in an outbuilding used as a refectory (a dining area) for a church on the grounds. It was released by a high level palace source that Me-Gain isn’t allowed in the actual palace unless there is a full security team monitoring her actions after Charles caught her doing something illegal

  29. Anonymous7:04 PM

    It's all paid Optics. PR companies are feeding the script to the six media conglomerates (Disney, Comcast, CBS etc )
    Then, when the public notices the facts are way off, they pretend they can get you in trouble for noticing.
    Venezuela, anyone? Same stuff happening there. It's creeping up.
    It's called 'gaslighting', and it's going to destroy our mental health and our freedoms, if we allow it.

  30. @Em Well said. Bravo.

    @Daryl Whaaaaa....?

  31. @Em and Im: Perfectly stated. Thank you.

  32. @Bolt, @Thia, @hhstarr, @MissDavie, @Mango, @em and ‘im, @bumble bee: Thank You for so clearly expressing what most of us believe 👏👏👏👏👏

  33. Meghan is about as black as I am...

  34. One of the reasons that Prince William and Katherine are popular is their real care and concern for others.
    Journalists on the Pakistan Tour report that the royal couple came down to the back of the plane often, to have off the record "getting to know you" chats with the journos.
    It was also reported that when staying in overnight in less than safe places on the tour, William insisted that the royal aides find and pay for accommodation for the journos in the same hotel as them, so that the royal security team could care for all. It makes sense that a rescue helicopter pilot might feel this way.
    If I were a journalist I know who I'd like to tour with.

  35. When is the press finally going to interview the african hookers johns? I guess the tabloids are making too much money right now off the back and forths! Interviews with ratpack entertainment would kill the cash cow i guess. Media is probably waiting until she is no longer profitable

  36. Kate appears comfortable and confident in her role. She and William are on same team and knowledgeable knowing where they are headed. They act like they really care about people, are nice and respectful to those that work with them. Neither are showboats. They try to focus attention where it belongs on their work. MM on the other hand did not grow up in Britain. The culture she was raised in was totally different. She was an actress who appears to like attention. I think she has this huge ambition to become an international superstar and important person doing charity works. Someone like Princess Diana was. She appears to want to control her image and not conform to the rules other Royals abide by. Her family issues are preventing the “making of a princess” that the Palace usually tries to do. It’s damaged her terribly. Her decisions regarding her family have made things worse. They’ve been unable to shut them up like the Palace is normally able to do. She’s lost respect and good will. The British people have tried to like her because of Harry; but, I feel she’s embarrassed them to a certain extent. It appears that she wears the pants in that family. Harry feels bad because he’s been unable to protect. I doubt the Palace will allow them to continue on with Royal duties while their law suite continues. They may be forced to step back for a while. The damage from their antics and her family to the Royals are beginning to get old and soon The Queen will get enough.

  37. "African whore" is clearly racist, and she obviously has never engaged in sex work.

    What's likeable about Meghan? Her work ethic, so different from the infamously lazy and workshy Kate who has never had a job beyond a few months of part-time work, is known for showing up at events ill-prepared and for blowing them off after a few minutes to go get her hair done. The fact she's a feminist unlike professional Doormat Kate who does nothing but shop. The fact she doesn't tolerate toxic people and abusers in her life, unlike Kate who 'stood by' her junkie pimp uncle who was arrested for beating up a woman in public. The fact her actual family have stayed silent, while the Middletons are famewhoring and pimping themselves out constantly based on her being married to someone. The fact she raises her own child while Kate has multiple nannies. The fact she has a solid all-female staff while Kate regularly fires her staff and has fired THREE of her most loyal assistants when they got married (Kate always fires any of her staff who get married or get pregnant). The fact she seems to want an equal marriage unlike Kate who happily ignores the fact William cheats on her constantly. the fact she quietly spends months working on charity projects with no PR or attention while Kate constantly brags about all the charity projects she's in the process of setting up which never materialise. The fact Meghan genuinely seems to care about the people she meets, and gives them her full time and attention staying for hours to make sure she meets every person who attended, while Kate never engages with the public except for children, never bothers to prepare or read briefing notes, and often only stays at engagements for a few minutes (snubbing the public) so she can go shopping.

    Is everyone forgetting that the Pakistani Foreign Office announced they were going to be sending an official letter of complaint to the British government over Will and Kate's "disgusting" behaviour in "snubbing" members of the Pakistani government who were invited guests at a private government party, by refusing to allow the MPs whose party it was anywhere near them?

    Oh and Kate won't be Queen. She'll be Queen Consort, not a much higher position than she has now, and she likely won't be Consort until she's sixty (remember Camilla will reign as Queen potentially for decades before William gets anywhere near the throne) and her becoming Queen Consort depends entirely on William not ditching her for any of his mistresses, and for her being willing to turn a blind eye and suppress her rage into anorexia rather than demand a proper relationship with a man who doesn't treat her like total crap.

    Thank God I'm in Britain where most people like or are neutral towards Meghan, despite the attacks from the racist press.

    1. Me-Gain prostituted herself for acting jobs and contacts, and before you lie some more, that sex tape we’ve read about exists, there is a real still from it. Search google images, “Meghan Markle blowjob”, there is a photo of her, her face with a dick in her mouth, second row down from the top in the search.

  38. Oh and Will and Kate are odious snakes who pull nasty PR stunts like organise for two empty planes to be flown across the country so their entire entourage could fly to Scotland on a "low budget" airline (actually a deal with a company to provide private planes) so CAROL MIDDLETON could take photos and sell them to the press, just to make Harry and Meghan look bad, even though Will and Kate take private plans constantly and have some very dodgy dealings with a powerful investment banker who coincidentally runs the Queen's own bank and who owns the Caribbean Island of Mustique, the same island Will and Kate constantly have free holidays on....

    You poor sheep can't even see how much you're being manipulated.

    Follow the money...

  39. "It was released by a high level palace source that Me-Gain isn’t allowed in the actual palace unless there is a full security team monitoring her actions after Charles caught her doing something illegal"

    What's your agenda for inventing these bizarre lies?

    1. Markle isn't trusted by any member of the RF. She is 100% fake.

  40. "dtffan" sounds like you are as DTF as Meagan before she bagged the idiot Prince.

    People have stated perfectly good reasons why they dislike Meagain and as always, has nothing to do with race.

    And, being manipulated? Her PR machine prints out 5 articles a week saying how great she is and how sorry we should feel for her...but, in reality. No one is buying what they are selling because actions always speak louder than words. And, her actions are rotten and hypocritical....same as her ticket to celebrityhood....aka her idiot prince.

    Like her? Fine. Your choice. But, people have given valid reasons why they dislike her and you cannot seem to answer for her malfeasances.

    Because you can't. No one can.

  41. And, just had to add one last thing. Since people cannot defend her actions, all they do is deflect...with race, victimhood, etc....

    The jig is up. The MeAgain behind the curtain has been revealed. If she was smart, she would go away out of the spotlight for awhile and come back in two years...but, her narcissism would never allow that. She is not mad she has attention, she is just mad it is negative attention and she can no longer control her image or how you think of her anymore. Both, Harry and her did it to themselves and as always, all actions have consequences.

  42. I do not see racist in most of the comments regarding MM - I see individuals calling her on her actions as documented in the press:
    exhibit A - her lack of protocol/ deference to her husband prince Harry. To me, this is her biggest fault. exhibit B - she does not appear to get her roll in the Royal Family; her actions, statements are no positive reflects on her in-laws. exhibit C - her use of a PR firm outside the RF - she is acting in direct conflict with HMTQ and PC. There is a severe lack of coordination/ lack of respect to "play nice" and wait your turn so to speak. Exhibit D - HER lawsuit - you started this fiasco against the advice of the RF advisers and who you treat your own family.
    i do not endorse the name calling witnessing on this thread or others. I also do not endorse MM trading on her "race" in this marriage when in her previous life she apparently did everything she could to avoid acknowledging her race.

  43. @dtfan: you lost me at ‘she obviously has never engaged in sex work’... Wake Up! How do you think she met Harry?

  44. dtfan get the fuck out of here with that bullshite

    you still aren't making me like that deal or no deal suitcase girl who used to give blowies for money and parts

    MM appeals to the lowest common denominators f human intelligence, those who think that scribbling 'you are special' on a fucking banana is clever, those who get impressed by a juvenile woke Pinterest board for vogue, and those who engage in racism of low expectations. She's common, unintelligent, unsophisticated, unlikeable, needy, insecure and comes across as a simple mind in 40-year old body.

    She will never be Kate, she will never be liked, she will never have respect or admiration. She just doesn't have it.

    Detestable, is what she is.

  45. @Em and 'im Well put.

    @ others here too. Well done.

    @TeeHee I agree. However, she gets enough usable narcasstic supply from negative attention, that she will never strategize in order to avoid negativity.


    There was a news article saying that Harry and Meg would be going on leave for six months. As a possible coincidence, Calif divorce law, is that you have to be a resident for six months. Any thoughts on any advantages for Calif divorce vs UK?

  46. I don't know if it's a race thing, I don't think Enty is racist but she is a polarizing person for whatever reason.
    I actually like her and appreciate the job she is doing.
    MM has had a lot of life changing events in the last 2 years. There is a HUGE difference between being an actress on huge tv show on a, idk how to say this so please bear with me, on a non major network channel to being a royal in the most famous royal family in the world.
    Got married and had a child (I don't care if she carried the baby or not, that is not my cross to bear) MM and PH are newlyweds and new parents still working on projects and making their names count for something good.
    William and Kate and seemingly doing the same.
    The biggest difference between them?
    Will and Kate married 8 yrs or so and MM and PH 18 mos or so.
    The first 7 years of marriage are without a doubt the most difficult.
    Kate also has a solid family behind her, Megan does not.
    Don't yall think it actually broke her heart that her father didn't/couldn't come and she has a jealous sister she hasn't seen in 20 + years? I can't even put all that on MM since the sister is older and had money to travel to see her father and sister if she wanted.
    I just think people are hating on her and need to stop.
    Everyone needs a little alone time so if you think her closing down a store to shop when she is still trying to lose baby weight is a bad thing, think how the paps would handle her current clothing size.

  47. This is a desperate sounding blind. The pettiness goes both ways, okay, noted. Still doesn't erase the uber-weirdness around MM and H. The monarchy is a joke.

  48. @dtfan: You keep trying to peddle the argument that somehow Meghan is "better" or "more worthy" of respect than Kate.

    The only thing that matters with this bunch is the line of succession. MEGHAN IS IRRELEVANT because she will NEVER be Queen, HARRY is sixth, NOT HER. She's not going anywhere, which is why they allowed him to marry her.

  49. Kate is so wholesome next to the very murky, scruffy Markle, who always looks as if she dresses in clothes she dug out of the laundry basket. Markle turns up for public events with eyelash glue caked on, make up smeared, rug burns on her knees, white bits stuck on her hair extensions. Kate different.



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