Friday, October 25, 2019

Your Turn

Your first legal adult beverage.


  1. In my Wisconsin college town, they had this thing called a “stoplight” that you would get for free on your 21st birthday
    Shot of cinnamon whiskey
    Shot of tequila
    Shot of creme de menthe

    Guarantee to barf that night

  2. Southern Comfort and Orange Juice from a flask at a concert.

  3. So long ago, lol, probably a scotch and water

  4. Probably a White Russian.

  5. I think it was a Manhattan, which seemed to be a popular drink at the time. I don't remember how it tasted.

  6. Sake at Chan Dara in Hollywood.

  7. 3.2% beer when I was 18. After I turned 19 the legal age changed to 19, and after I turned 21 was when it changed to 21 for everything.

  8. A glass of chardonnay at a lunch at the Hilton Brasserie, the day after I turned 18. It was a big, buttery, oaked chardy in a tall elegant glass and I thought that I was so very grown up. I'd saved for weeks to have that lunch with a good friend.

  9. Ripple! Haha! So glad I'm sober!

  10. I had drank for so many years prior to my 21st, I have no clue what it was I had. Seems likely a beer and shot of Cuervo gold.

  11. Champagne. Obviously,by the time my 21st hit, I had years of drinking behind me. I knew what I liked and didn’t like,so I treated myself to a bottle of Champagne (Moët et Chandon,iirc) and shared it with friends.

  12. Pimms, given to me by Granny just before lunch. It’s a summer drink served at garden parties and loved by old ladies and hooray Henry’s, but it is really refreshing on a hot day. I’d been drinking wine and diluted drinks like Pimms with my parents long before I turned 18 though. 18 is the legal age for buying/consuming alcohol on licensed premises in the UK.

  13. A Sloe Gin Fizz at a gay bar called the Comeback in Piermont New York. It was the 70's, and I was rocking the bell bottoms and platform shoes, so much fun!!!

    You can call me a fag hag all day long, I won't mind.

  14. Kir cassis, served by my grandad in a whisky glass ... at 14 ... got drunk and slept like a log in the garden swing seat.

  15. Boones farm kuntry kwencher!

  16. Baileys. Got smashed on it. Never touched it since that night:)

  17. Seagram's cooler wine coolers

  18. Holy Christ in Heaven. You want to know the first *legal* drink I consumed. What are we, the Ladies Home Journal?
    The first time I became shit faced was at the age of 15 on Southern Comfort.
    My first legal drink may have been a beer?

  19. So many sweet drinks- I sure hope y'all did not drink too many of them. It's those drinks, as I'm sure you now know, that cause killer hangovers.

  20. Pink champagne at a wedding on a boat on Lake Tahoe... 24 years old.. I had NO IDEA what a mistake I was making.. Had to climb about 75 stairs to the car afterwards. Barfed right at the top. Just thinking about pink champagne makes the room spin.. Oh.. Barfed again at the Desolation Valley turnoff.. Ugh...

  21. Rainier Ale - horrid skunky tasting stuff.

  22. Anonymous7:00 AM

    I think probably a screwdriver on my 18th bday. 18 was the legal drinking age then

  23. Anonymous8:12 AM

    This blue fru fru concoction called a Blue Tail Fly. It came with a slice of orange and a cherry.

  24. beer .. my teen years were like training camp to teach adult me its worth it to pay extra for good beer

  25. Long Island Iced Tea. One of my sorority sisters told me it had little alcohol in it. She lied, but after the second sip I was too woozy to care!

  26. I ❤️ you, Gentle Breeze!

  27. 7 and 7. My first legal drink was a whiskey sour.

  28. Sex on the Beach - 19th birthday at Rumours, Clifton Hill, Niagara falls Canada.



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