Friday, October 25, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 9, 2019

The feud just gets worse between the alliterate former actress turned royal and her in-laws. It is all being done quietly behind the scenes and online in some cases, but no words are forthcoming publicly. It is shocking how this once very close family now doesn't speak unless forced by circumstance.

Meghan Markle


  1. Markle seems to be the elephant in room. Awkward...

  2. not very surprising when someone like Markle the Destroyer is involved. She is an incarnation of Vishnu the God of destruction.

  3. Jeez, you'd think she was attempting a coup or something. Maybe parliament hired her to distract from their incompetence.

  4. sorry that should be Shiva the Destroyer. My apologies to our Hindu friends.

  5. Hands up if you knew this was going to happen 🙋‍♀️

    1. 🙋🙋🙋

    2. 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️


    See now there's a royal I could get behind.

  7. People really have sympathy for this asshole. I was reading some comments on instagram after an urban page posted a clip of her interview where she's like no one asks me if I'm ok, and the black people in the comments feel so bad for her, like it is racism that she is facing. I just find it hilarious because she never identified as black, doesn't have black friends, and never dated a black guy.

    1. I'm black, and everyone I know see her as a dumb woman. You hit the jackpot, whether it's love or money she was after. So why rock the boat? Why mess up a good thing?

  8. Anonymous9:15 AM

    The Royal Family destroyed Dinah. Calling Prince Charles a cad is a generous term.

  9. Anonymous9:20 AM

    So she’s the Olivia Munn of Royal stalking yachters?

  10. Fat and toxic.

    lol @ Harry. Listen, dude, wise up and dump her. Start your privileged life from scratch -- this time skip the nazi outfits too.

  11. I hope things can improve. Sibling support is a huge thing to have.

  12. Fat Smirkle with her bad fashion, coke nose, and high paid PR. Funny the royal family has said NOTHING when Smirkle pays for an article praising herself every day. When the hell is the divorce coming? It can't be too soon. I'm so sick of her. She can come back to the USA and have a talk show and be the Bachelorette, or run for Congress. Who gives a #$%&.

  13. She'll never see it as anything but them and the world picking on her.

  14. Is a divorce forthcoming?

  15. She's in the DM today. Looks like she got new boobs.

  16. There were plenty of losers in that family before MM came along. I know they don't like her, but at least she's not a fucking pedophile like Andrew.

  17. I am beginning to think she's a Manchurian Duchess. Where did she come from? How did she land Harry just. like. that? Why didn't her appalling background disqualify her as a suitable match? How stupid can Harry really be? Because she was so old it all had to be put on warp speed. And she came out of the gate swinging - mauling Harry and talking over him during their engagement interview (in which Harry noted thy effed under African stars on their second date.) Classy. If they want to prove they're not William and Catherine, they have succeeded.

    1. You’re not the first to see it that way. A plant?

  18. He's feuding with anyone who tries to point out the issues to him. You can't make someone divorce and this couple think that they have "single-handedly changed the RF for the better". Next the world!
    I really hope that he'll wake up after the backlash of filming the OW documentary series about his poor mental health during the "six week family break", but I doubt it.

  19. Markle's just done to the royal family exactly what she already did to her own. She manipulates, divides and destroys. She does not seem capable of gratitude or self-reflection. I hope she has not permanently fractured the relationship between once close brothers.

  20. I believe the new boobs were acquired on her most recent trip to NYC to see Serena Williams' (failed) match. She has had them since then.

    VERY noticeable in South Africa. I have implants myself and there are some things about them you can see if you have a pair.

  21. @Goodau: You certainly CAN make someone divorce. Tell them they’re losing their titles and their income (except for Harry’s inheritance) & they’re being sent to live in Africa permanently. Markle will dump him in 5 seconds.

  22. MM's problem is that she is foreign, mixed-race and considerably more interesting than the frankly boring future queen. This is a situation that the establishment cannot allow to continue, hence the continuous hatchet jobs in every compliant news source.

    1. No one with as narcissistic a personality as MeMe’s is in the least interesting. With Markle the only conversation is me, myself and I. There is absolutely no interest from her being mixed race because she was raised and has presented as Caucasian her whole life and she makes the same damn dumb-ass moves. Who is presenting herself as the white savior? Who rushes up to blacks to get the photo op with them? Who uses African children as the wallpaper for her self aggrandizement?All dumb-ass white moves.

  23. It's unbelievable the amount of hate people project onto this woman, it's incredibly disproportionate to any perceived crime and to anyone who is the least bit sane, most commenters seem demented, pathetic and borderline obsessed with blaming her for any and all problems. With all the crap going on in the world, including an alleged pedo in the royal family, people concentrate on these two who want to do some charity work and hang out with celebrities occasionally. Who gives a shit? Again, the outcry is incredibly disproportionate to anything either of them has done.

    1. Suggest you study the topic before you have an opinion.

    2. I think this opinion is spot on. Please, do not worry about studying anyore of the topic. You got this.

  24. She's a lucky Gold-digger...It's just that it's one thing to marry someone who is not royal, or is an American "Socialite". It's another thing to marry a D-list Actress. When I think of all the American women he could have married...

    1. I ain't saying she a gold digger
      But she ain't dealing with no broke ginger

  25. It doesn't take a genius to recognize "past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior." MM love bombs people oozing fake charm, then ghosts when they don't serve her advantage. Her history is superficial connections and broken family relationships. Who the fuck only invites one family member to their wedding but loads of A-listers she's never met all of whom wouldn't have pissed on her if she was on fire before she hooked HRH Dumbass? But Harry is too much of a dipshit for even simple logic. I really think that British sitcom "The Windsors" gave the Harry character far too much credit (and working brain cells). He is morphing into Sugar Bear (sorry Sugar Bear) before our very eyes. You can't unsee it now.

  26. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Classic psychopath... and this ones got delusions of grandeur. (Markle's "I want to break the Internet" statement. Sashays into major international sporting events, where even Serena's trainer said she was a distraction. Etc) The scary thing is that Henry is willing to deliver speeches written by Markle .
    "Be KIND!!!" (He roared, to a room full of disadvantaged youth )

  27. Markle is loathed in Britain for her cruel treatment of her father, dumped amid lies just so she could trick Charles into walking her up the aisle. She is also despised for turning Harry from a healthy, popular, fun loving man into a miserable gaunt she'll. just a couple of years. She brings chaos, division and misery wherever she goes. But how DID she get into the Royal Family? Who is backing her? She's too old, thick and badly constructed (male body,old lady legs) to have attracted Harry on her own.

    1. her family is trash and glad she checked them.

    2. Bribery. I’m assuming he did something stupid when she was his booty-call at Soho House & everything was recorded. But others (Markus Anderson, Jessica Mulroney, Doria) helped her ‘persuade’ him to marry her. There are many pics available on-line where she’s recording everything and all of the aforementioned are threatening him @ the last night of the Toronto Invictus Games. Many think she had a backer(s), but I’m not sure about that. If someone was determined to back her and blackmail the BRF, wouldn’t they ensure that she at least looked half-way decent and presented herself properly in order to get to the finish line? If not, why bother? Everyone knows it’s a scam.

  28. I ain't sayin she's a gold digger, but she ain't messin with no broke ginger.

  29. Obviously she's able to do things to Harry that he used to pay large sums of money for. If she can suck a golf ball through a garden hose he should realize she had a whole lot of practise. That's why you never marry a whore, just keep her on the side. Harry's best friend recommended her for services provided. Big mistake.

  30. In the UK, we see through fakeness more. Megs mistreated her Father. He is a normal man, a bit strange and she is embarrassed by do not desert your Father (who loves her dearly) and then claim to be a caring person. From news reports, she was a big old fame whore. She asked for this. She is controlling Harry because he is naive and doesn't have a clue. Abusers stop partners from speaking to family. However, Prince Andrew is a paedophile and this has diverted news away from him and Megs is unlikeable but not a nonce.

  31. The family is speaking alright. Just not to the gossip monger and her friends. Basic protocol when around a leak.

  32. Most are blaming MM for the problems. I'm not buying it. I think Prince H was tired of all the Royal bull crap and how they treated his mother like the trash beneath their fingernails and he's using this as an opportunity to turn up the middle finger and say up yours!

  33. This is part of the upcoming divide the looming.

    The queen will eventually die and everybody will seem to come together and it will be a great six months and then the real divide will happen where we won’t even notice



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