Friday, October 18, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 6, 2019

This former one season wonder turned repeat performer turned network reality star says that she is hustling to line up her next gig but has not found any producer who doesn't want her to hit the casting couch. Looks like #MeToo really changed things.

Hannah Brown


E said...

For the talentless, there will always be a casting couch. The ultimate quid pro quo, if you will. Can't expect to get something for nothing!

sandybrook said...

Bitch, ever hear of Bani and yachting?

J said...

No idea who this is, but she could enroll in Cal State...


Brayson87 said...

Never heard of her either but good for her for not sucking the first d!ck that got put in front of her face like most performers. It's no wonder that most of the big entertainers are vapid morons when the only requirement is hitting the casting couch with some of the most disgusting men and even women you've ever seen.

Hannah, sneak in a bodycam! If those f*ckers won't cut a deal then you can just use the footage of their slimy begging to go on every talk show and write a bestseller, "#MeToo Was Bullshit".

Thorne said...

Excuse me, but what is her currency? She has no talent. Her experience is limited to f*cking inside windmills or something, correct?

Dean H. said...

Don't reality stars generally have the same career arc as porn stars? No disrespect to Hannah, but I am not 100% what would be next for her without a "highly motivated" advocate.

Cocobean said...



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