Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 25, 2019

The studio releasing a movie involving this A- list mostly movie actor is ticked off because he is supposed to be making the talk show rounds, but is not possible because of the recent allegations against him.

Jeremy Renner/Arctic Dogs (and it bombed in a huge way)


IndieRaga said...

See how important talk shows are...that movie could've been the next Avatar !

Anonymous said...

A drug addicted show biz freak turns out to be extremely unreliable? I’m shocked, shocked.

Brayson87 said...

Wait, it's a f*cking CGI movie? You can't put that one on him, he just voiced a character sheesh.

And don't forget that James Franco and Alec Baldwin also did voices on that one, can't put it all on Jeremy.

Supposedly bangin' dudes on the sly and beatin' women and now people giving him sh!t about some kids' movie? Brother just can't win.

sandybrook said...

Runner sure does choose good parts for him to play. Must be he needs the$$$$.

Do Tell said...

It doesn't matter how many talk shows he would have done for this movie, it is universally getting rock bottom reviews. At least he got a paycheck out of it and it's a movie he can show his kid.

Unknown said...

Like Renner
That film sucks balls.

Da Fresh Prince said...

Alec Baldwin, James Franco, and Jeremy Renner... geez that's a trio.

I don't think you can blame the movie's failure on Renner, though. It's patently a horrible movie and it got almost no promotion.

G.R. said...

My kid started elementary school at the same time and school as Renner's daughter. i see him all the time. He's not faking the Dad thing. As a Dad I would know. He's there most mornings and makes all the holiday shows. Having said that, he did come the kindergarten culmination with some ginger guy which I found odd.He's incredibly full of himself but he's there, being a good Dad.

Super Comic Fun Time! said...

It's hard to believe Renner let this terrible movie he was in bomb!

He could have slept with a critic or two and maybe get the Rotten Tomatoes score raised to 15%!

auntliddy said...

Interesting, thanks for sharing. As for him being full of himself, i have a theory that at a certain point they are no longer able to be themselves and can come off all full of self. Paul mccartney is another one.

Brayson87 said...

Eh lots of people are jerks, most of them aren't famous. ;)


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