Thursday, November 07, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 27, 2019

I have been telling you for months that this A list mostly movie actor/director has been regularly falling off the wagon. Glad to see the other gossip outlets are catching on.

Ben Affleck


sandybrook said...

Hello it’s kinda easy to figure out when Ben is out in public shitfaced

yepthatsme said...

Nice of Enty to celebrate the relapse of an alcoholic, its a teaching moment for all of us! HURRAY!

MyDogSmiles said...

Well now we know what years of Jennifer Garner can do to you.

Anonymous said...

Also photos of Ben gambling were on DM last week. When Ben falls off the wagon he falls under the wagon. His addictions are out of control.

Half Domer Homer said...

If it wasn't for those crooked wagon wheels that thing would have been stable! Oh, and the road was bumpy too.

Do Tell said...

If he really wanted to kick it, he'd get a sober coach.

J said...

Who cares? Guy's a loser.

Do Tell said...

Have we had any blinds about that disgusting, abusive pervert T.I., given what's come out about him insisting on getting medical proof of his daughter's virginity with every one of her GYN appointments?

HushHush said...

@Do Tell, I think there was one. Don't recall it. Pretty weird. Usually it's a cultural/religious thing.

Brayson87 said...

Once you've played Batman you're officially allowed to be wasted 24/7 as long as you don't get behind the wheel. However you're not allowed to chase young twinks off cliffs which is why Clooney got in trouble.

Anon said...

let the guy work it out himself. alcoholism is a bitch. very rarely can someone just quit for good without falling off the wagon.

Super Comic Fun Time! said...

This is what happens to a person when they don't get to be in an instant classic like 9 Lives but his ex does.

Substance D said...

Why does a guy in his position drink? My guess is that he's a phony from head to toe, doesn't really direct or write, and is in the closet but that's not the role he was assigned to play. Some spooks can pull it off, but the spooks I think I've crossed paths with are always in the bag. Being a lifetime liar is not for everyone.

Unknown said...

*Pushes bartender to one side*
"I'm Barman!"

Sarton Bander said...

What's your super-power?

"I'm pissed".

Anonymous said...

I send him love and light, as I send to anyone who is addicted.
I hope that his offspring will avoid alcohol in future.
This brain disease does fall on the DNA.
At this stage, it will be affecting his vital organs.


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