Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Blind Item #10

That didn't take long. This A-/B+ list actress most recently supposedly in a long term loving relationship with a wannabe A++ lister was sucking face with another man this weekend.


sandybrook said...

Poor Cory Booker :(

sandybrook said...

I didnt see the official announcement that Rosario and him broke up?

MyDogSmiles said...

Spartacus LOL

Moose said...

Everyone just see Pamela Anderson married producer/Striesand ex Jon Peters in a secret ceremony in Malibu yesterday?

sandybrook said...

Poor Enty cant have any more BIs about Pam and Julian Assange....

Tricia13 said...

He claims to have always lover her(or her skills lol). They dated in the 90. Streisand to Pammy. Definitely doesn’t have a type!
He’s a weird cat anyway... think he was the inspiration for Shampoo w/Warren Beatty if I’m not mistaken

sandybrook said...

Yeah I think he was tricia

Sd Auntie said...

Yrs he was!! Get him and Robert Evans mixed up.

Moose said...

And don't forget...before Streisand, he was married to Lesley Ann Warren.

Anderson is his 5th wife (and that's not counting Barbra).

Monkeyweather said...

What could go wrong?

Robin said...

You're right, Tricia, but the Shampoo character was also based upon Beverly Hills' hair stylist Gene Shacove.

twounstable2 said...


Brayson87 said...

Well no sh!t, they were both probably hooking up with guys all along, and not in a devil's triangle kind of way.

Freckles said...

As they say, the fifth time is the charm...

Anonymous said...

When will Cory come out?

CarolMR said...

SHAMPOO - Jon Peters, Gene Shacove, and Jay Sebring.

Freebird said...


notthisagain said...
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notthisagain said...

cory booker's Crazy Surprised eyes always make me chuckle, thank you cory

stephen cooper said...
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stephen cooper said...

in a slightly different universe this could almost have been a kindness blind.

A.Claire said...

Bug eyes Booker

John Doe said...

I'm going to write a book for these Hollywood people on how to act straight and passionately in love when you're in a bearding contract. My first line advice is to just forget the bearding contract and come out. But, in case the individual is determined to dig in at the back of that closet, here is an excerpt from my upcoming book:

1. Don't say you are "fond of" the woman who is supposed to be your girlfriend. No straight man talks like that about a woman that he's into. Ever!

2. Learn how to hold a woman, and how to lead in social situations. Holding her hand is not going to cut it. And your hug enclosure should be around her waist, not around her shoulders. When you cuddle the woman while sitting, that is the only time your arm goes over and around her shoulder and you're holding her close to your chest and making frequent eye contact with ear whispering and giggles and gentle lip and neck peckings.

3. Learn how to kiss a woman. You will need to practice this in private first. Please do not kiss your girlfriend who you are madly in love with like a porn actor kisses his porn actress counterpart. Do not kiss the woman's hand (unless less she happens to be the Queen of England), do not kiss her cheek. Pull her up close and kiss directly on the lips---not pressing lips together like 1950s Hollywood movie stars doing a love scene, but open lips and with tongue. That is how you make it look authentic.

4. Hire somebody to take 'secret' photos of the two of you having fun out together then 'leak' the photos on the internet yourself.

5. Buy an fake 'expensive' engagement ring with a large (glass) 'diamond', and be sure to have her photographed wearing it. No one will know its fake. Just pretend to not want to talk about it. If asked any questions just say you haven't set a date yet and that you are not in a hurry.

6. Okay, if you're going to pretend to be a straight man you need to reform your actions, activities, and vocabulary. The first rule about this is that straight men do not act all flamboyant and like a bitch as Corey Booker does. See Appendix A at the back of the book for new words for your vocabulary, and words to be eliminated from your vocabulary.

7. Even if you've never done it, learn how to man-spread when you're sitting and do it often. And do not EVER sit with your legs crossed.

8. Bulge. Wear shorts under modern-fit pants and bulge to one side like in the old days. Act like you're not aware of it. Scientific studies have been done about this. Women look!

9. Be photographed at sports events like NFL, UFC, or NBA.

Sorry, but for more tips you gonna have to buy the book.


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