Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Today's Blind Items - You Should Pay

The story for public consumption, if you can even find it anywhere at this point, was that this foreign born A list actress had a very wealthy man supporting her and backing/financing her when she first started out here. It was in much the same vein as the permanent A list actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee. The thing is though, the guy who gave the latter money actually sued her for it later in life. If you tried that with the former, you would have ended up dead. Apparently, all of the goodies and luxuries our foreign born actress acquired was just really money laundering for drug money. Yes, she did have a guy that took care of her, but that just led to her former friends and acquaintances to see a good place and idea to hide cash and soon not only did our actress have multiple properties in her name, but there were other aspiring artists who also had multiple properties and lots of jewels. At least one of those artists ended up dead when they tried to sell one of the properties and not share the profit with her "lender."

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