Monday, July 22, 2013

Blind Item #7

This offspring of A list actors has run away from home three times in the past year because the A list mom in the family is pressuring the offspring to work as much as possible and wants her to become the most famous face in the world. The offspring has had enough and wants to quit. Wants to be a kid.


Unknown said...

Willow Smith

Cathy said...
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Oopsy_Daisy said...

I wouldn't call Jada A-list.

Unknown said...

Poor kid.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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StewMcG said...
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Chris said...

Willow already quit showbiz a couple years ago and Jada isn't A list.

Anonymous said...

willow and mommie dearest Jada
Something abt that Jada aint right

Count Jerkula said...

Ireland Baldwin

janele said...

Isabel Benning Beatty

figgy said...

North West.

Nosy_Canuck said...

@figgy - hilarious!

Unknown said...

lol @figgy

ali lohan? idk

this strikes me as a kid aged 10-15.

SoggyCrunch said...

Hahaha, North West.

What about one of the Willis kids. Even though Demi isn't A-list anymore and her and Bruce have been long over.

Anonymous said...

Carrie Fisher

NomNom83 said...

Two A-list actors with at least one kid:

- CZJ and Michael Douglas? Nah.

- Brad and Angie? Uh, no.

- Will and Jada? This is my guess.

I've ruled out Tomkat, Bennifer, Preston/Travolta and Basinger/Baldwin b/c both parents aren't solid A-listers.

Anonymous said...

Willow Smith, sad.

sandybrook said...

I agree with Count on Ireland Baldwin.

Del Riser said...

This sounds like Willow, though I'm pained to think of Jada as A-list. I could go A-hole maybe.

Unknown said...

I think enty has referred to Jada as A list before.

Kelly said...

I don't really see 17 year olds and over running away (Ireland, Beatty and Willis girls). I go with Willow.

Emilia221 said...
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Now! said...

Jada could hardly open a picture on her own, which is supposed to be the definition of A-list.

I'm not quite sure who her public is. Does anyone say,
"I'm a huge Jada Pinkett Smith fan!" ?

Megerz said...

I noticed that Ireland has been in an awful lot of pics with her father lately.

Meg said...

Jada was the star and producer of Hawthorne RN. I'd say that makes her A-list.

Count Jerkula said...

Jada probably can't open a bottle of RC Cola on her own, much less a movie. Their are 2 reasons she may be considered A-list: 1) she is/was Will Smith's jizz receptacle and 2) no one wants to hear her yappin about justifying why she is A list. Broad is C to C+.

Biggest things she's done are what? Voice over work on Madagascar and 4th or 5th billing in the Matrix sequels?

Count Jerkula said...

@Meg: Come on. Lead in a 30 episode show no one heard of, on a basic cable channel makes you A list?

cece said...

Yum. I love a cold RC every once in a while!

Cathy said...

Ireland was my first though too, but I think she's too old for this, since it says that they just want to be a kid.

Basil said...

Jada and Will are an A list "couple", so like it or not that makes her A list on her own (at least until the divorce).

JoElla said...

I'm shocked this isn't marked easy peasy! Jada.. Poor Willow, hopefully she will write a tell all book.

SaintsFan said...

Wait...they still make RC cola?

Count Jerkula said...

Yes they still make RC, it is just kinda difficult to find.

One pizza joint and a couple grocery stores near me have it. It is my change up when I get tired of Coke. Pepsi is a DISTANT 3rd.

Bran Hartman said...

I don't see this as being Ireland Baldwin. Everyone ones that her mom has a serious social anxiety/phobia, so I doubt she would be pushing her daughter into the spotlight because that will only cause the spotlight to shine on her, too. I agree with the other posts, this has to be Willow Smith.

librariantobe said...

Willow was the first name that jumped to my mind, plus most A-list actors now don't have children young enough to run away from home (my other guess was Rumer Willis but she's not that young, is she? unless it's one of her younger sisters?) Tom Cruise's kids with Nicole Kidman don't fit either, Isabella's too old, Connor's already acting. Ben Affleck's kids are too young. Meryl Streep's daughter is already acting and her husband isn't an actor. Who else fits except Willow? Jada may not be A-list per se but she has A-list name recognition.

Stage parents suck.

Krissie said...

My impression of Ireland Baldwin is that she is desperate to be famous. I don't think anyone is pushing her.

My vote is for Willow Smith.

evie2345 said...


I feel bad for Willow. No kid should have to tell their parent they just want to be a kid. And Will thought nothing of telling that publicly too.

MadJ said...

Oh too funny!!!

Unknown said...

I don't know that it would be Willow. Would the parents even notice when those young kids are gone? I doubt it.

Kloie said...

How old is Melanie griffith's daughter?

tulsa70s said...

There was a blind a while ago about a very powerful A-list couple that Himmmm confirmed as being Jada and Will. She may not be able to open a film, but she evidently has some strings she can pull.

MnGddess said...

There is no way Jada Pinkett Smith was EVER A-list. The best guess is Ireland Baldwin, because Alec is A-list and mom used to be A-list. Mom does have an Oscar, and in Enty's book I believe that automatically bumps you.

Unknown said...

Idkmwhi have a-list mom but jada isn't one. Good for the kid for wanting to be normal.

Chief2224 said...

Count Jerkula's comment "Jada probably can't open a bottle of RC Cola on her own, much less a movie" was hysterical.

And, yes, they do still make RC Cola.

Count Jerkula said...

Thanks Chief.

Don't quote me on this, but I think RC, 7-Up, A&W Root Beer and Canada Dry Ginger Ale are all distributed by the same company.

Hegg said...

Easy - Smith child. Although, Jada is just B list due to her marriage.
I can't see someone like Sarandon/Robbins being like this.

Count Jerkula said...

Nope, it is with Schweppes Ginger Ale and add Dr Pepper to the list.

Fluffy White Clouds said...

Willow Smith.

pipslap said...

I love how you anonymous nobodies are comfortable assigning "list importance" to these people. Right. So you don't think Jada Smith is A-list? Who fucking cares what you think, loser!

Count Jerkula said...

@Pipslap: Obviously you do or you wouldn't be so angry about it, dumb twunt.

Sherry said...

Yeah what happened there Pip? You don't like the comments fine, but you don't have to call everyone losers and nobodies. You're commenting here like the rest of us "losers" and nobodies. If you're someone stop hiding and enlighten us all.

Charlotte. said...

Jada will forever be A list to me because of 'Tales From the Crypt presents Demon Knight'. I bloody love that movie. Remember when Billy Zane was sex on legs?
Off topic, my dad was telling me about how Mel Smith (Alas Smith and Jones) had died, but accidentally said 'Will Smith'. Now I need to watch 'Nuns on the Run'. Everybody should watch that movie.

Unknown said...

Noticed you didn't leave a name and contact info pipslap.

Jenn said...

Charlotte, Billy Zane was sexxxxy in that movie.

If it's Jada and Willow, this is sad.

Unknown said...

NomNom83: "wo A-list actors with at least one kid:

- CZJ and Michael Douglas? Nah.

- Brad and Angie? Uh, no.

- Will and Jada? This is my guess.

I've ruled out Tomkat, Bennifer, Preston/Travolta and Basinger/Baldwin b/c both parents aren't solid A-listers."

Really, you try and say Bennifer, (Both Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner are definitely, without a doubt A-list both individually and as a couple) are not A-list while at the same then time saying that JADA is??? I actually think Katie Holmes, Kelly Preston and Kim Basigner are all tipping more towards A-list than freakin JADA.

Anonymous said...

Charlotte: Mel smith died? Boooo! Crap! I think he was in the young ones as a cameo too? His face made me laugh on its own.

Anonymous said...

@Jslo: ha ha!!

Anonymous said...

Count : we only have generic cheapo cola which NO ONE drinks, Coke and Pepsi. I got offered a Pepsi sugar free and opted for tap water. I'd rather gargle cum.

Anonymous said...

Count : the BEST ginger beer is my mum's home made (when it doesn't explode in the garage) or Bundaberg ginger beer which is awesome with bourbon or vodka. We don't drink root beer in Australia, and over here, "root" means to fuck.

Charlotte. said...

Yep, Rach, he cameoed in The Young Ones. This is also an excuse to watch that now. And The Princess Bride.

Unknown said...

Michael Douglas knows where his son is, for the next 10-15 years.

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

Speaking of celebrity offspring, in the 1960's Nancy Sinatra did these fabulous, mod commercials for RC Cola. She had a few variety specials (again, fabulous and mod) with RC as the sponsor.

This makes me very happy that I can find RC quite easily around here. It and Pepsi are my two favorites, each is equally great.

Anonymous said...

Charlotte: High five! I love the Princess Bride!

anon said...

my guess is willow smith - the only other offspring i can think of that's young enough to run away would be john travolta/kelly preston's daughter. I actually could see Kelly Preston doing this. Not sure if she's as Alist than Jada - they're both CO$ crazy though

Charlotte. said...

My partner had never seen The Princess Bride. Or The Labyrinth. I'm pretty sure that classifies him as not being an actual person.

Charlotte. said...

And since we've just had a back & forth convo, this may mean that we're the same person now.

tetsujin said...

Jada Pinkett was pretty well known in the 90s. She's done a lot, that I'm guessing many of you haven't seen. Reminds me of the piece up on Shadow and Act about people not going to see Black films (in theaters). But really, who else *could* this be about?

If being able to open a film on their own is the sole definition of A list then Jennifer Garner is not A, Angelina Jolie has not been A since Lara Croft.

Charlotte. said...

Jenn, I was probably the only person who wanted Kate Winslet to end up with Billy Zane instead of Leo.

elspeth said...

Count, as usual, you rule! Ireland was my first guess, too. I went back and reread the post -- There's no indication that the parents are still together. Both Alec and Kim have been ~A at different times.

Ireland's been seen a lot w/her BF and father on vacation as well as in some fashion shoots. Maybe she's with her father because Kim wants her to work constantly?

Although, @anon, Travolta/Preston's child is probably the right age, but we've heard nothing about her. So, if there's a campaign to make her the world's most famous face, it hasn't taken off yet.

It's a sad world when a child has to run away from home to try to remain a child.

Count Jerkula said...

@tetsulin: I agree with you on Garner, I don't on Angie though. Angie is too big of a name and the right project can revolve around her alone.

@elspeth: Thank you.

Unknown said...


A-list has nothing to do with being able to open a film on your own. There are many A-listers that are always supporting or co-lead, ESPECIALLY females. With that being said, Garner has been A-list since Alias where she was nominated for 4 Emmy's for Leading Role, she won a Golden Globe (was nominated for 3 others) and she won a SAG (was nominated for one other). Her status also rose with Daredevil (yes, it's bad but it turned her into more of a household name in movies, not just tv). Then after that she proved she could successfully open a film on her own with 13 Going on 30, which she was the sole lead for it. Plus her role in the movie Juno. Not to mention name recognition for Garner is A-list, but her work in the past made her A-list and as the saying goes "once you're A-list, you're always A-list."

Angelina Jolie is WITHOUT A DOUBT A-list, are you kidding me? As i said above "once you're A-list, you're always A-list". And again, name recognition for Angelina Jolie is off the charts A-list.

Jada is on a different level than Garner (i would say even Katie Holmes too) and she's in a completely different universe than Angelina Jolie.

ms snarky said...

I can go with Willow Smith for this blind, but in no way is Jada Pinkett A-List. She may have married an A, but on her own, she's a C or D on a good day.

And F list for the way she allows those children to dress.

Unknown said...

Ms Snarky, good one! Now all we need is a Willow's Wig commenter. Those kids are freaks.


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