Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Two Old Guys Try To Recapture Their Fame - Possible Blood Involved

Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan are in Australia promoting their wrestling match or as I like to call it, two guys wearing spandex and then groping each other while they gasp for air. To get people to actually watch such a spectacle the pair decided to spice things up at the press conference. I mean people have a lot of American entertainment choices in Australia right now. Britney Spears is there and Pearl Jam and Ben Harper. So, this pair do what they do best. No, not fondle their daughters. They decided to fake fight. Yes, it is quite possibly real blood and Hulk's people say it was real, but really, does anyone think it is real other than the announcer? Would anyone expect Hulk's people to say it is staged? Really?

Ric Flair is like 100. The only thing he wants to do is find an early bird special at 4 and then get some sleep. Hulk now has people feeling sorry for him. Well people in Australia at least who haven't had to watch him everyday for the past year being an ass.

Watch it yourself and see what you think.


Emobacca said...

Yes the blood is real. It's called blading. They cut themselves with a tiny concealed razor to draw blood.

.robert said...

So, which one breaks a hip first?

canadachick said...

ric probably said hey hulk i'd like to spread suntan oil on your daughters thighs just like you do.....and it just went from there

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I file this one under "who cares?"

sunnyside1213 said...

Isn't there some sort of age limitation on wrestling? You can just keep doing the old shtick till the coffin guy comes for you?

AnotherOneBitesTheDust said...

No, there is no age limitation.

And the reason for that is divorce and these guys have to come up with some way to pay off these million dollar alminoies.

AnotherOneBitesTheDust said...

alimonies* dang it, one of these days I will figure out how to use a spell check before posting :/

CDAN Mod said...

this is so staged. the oldest guy doing the punching, while the younger one can afford to have their hips and butt sore.

Majik said...

That wasn't a "punch", it was a wrestling slap. Notice how no one really restrains Ric.

Do they really think we're that dumb?

Pookie said...

majik, i think they do. i'm betting a good percentage bought into this being "real". eep.

lorelie8 said...

The blood is real. Emo is right. They cut themselves with a concealed razor blade after taking a lot of aspirin to make the blood flow harder.

lorelie8 said...

The blood is real. Emo is right. They cut themselves with a concealed razor blade after taking a lot of aspirin to make the blood flow harder.

Liza said...

You know how Enty is talking about publicity for it??? I live in Australia and it was all over the news yesterday. On every channel. During every bulletin. So retarded. Anyway, HH made some weird concession about it, saying that there was something planned but that he never expected to go off the stage.


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