Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 24, 2017

It must be strange to go up to the room of this foreign born A- list mostly movie actor who used to be just about A+ list to have sex with him and first have to meet his sister.

Colin Farrell


david said...

I was way, way off with my guess.
Was she just 'visiting' her brother?

just sayin\' said...

tricia called it first. (as usual!)

Sally said...

I think she's his assistant.

dianavonthirstybird said...

It's a very Irish thing to do. Run the boyfriend/girlfriend/one-night-stand by sis or a member of the family. If sis didn't approve, they probably had tea from room service and she was on her way. If it's thumbs up sis leaves the room. I guess. Or was sis hiding in the closet with a camera? Either way, sounds like a fun time.

Sarah said...

Farrell, you are gorgeous, but you are not worth that level of awkwardness.

AppleTartin said...

She's been his assistant for years and rumor is they are Game of Thrones close...

Bella Glas said...

Okay, just awkward and gross.

CheeseFries said...

She's always with him. Always! And they're usually touching. Google it. Creepy and bizarre


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