Sunday, May 28, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 20, 2016

This former B+ list mostly television actress who still has A= list name recognition decades after her fame making show ended took an extra $25K from a guy the other night and made a video with him. A tad hypocritical.

Pamela Anderson


sandybrook said...

Bitch is broke😣

pudlucker said...

Why hypocritical? Was she wearing fur in the video? She is morphing into Jocelyn Wildenstein.

Jennifer said...

They should have cast her in that Donatella Versace movie....perfect....

texasrose said...

Hypocritical but opportunistic.

Julian Ass said...

She is very outspoken against porn.

dianavonthirstybird said...

We all tsk tsk tsk every time her photo appears somewhere but we still read the stories. She was through 20 years ago but no one told her. She joins a long line of UsterWuzzers. Poor Pam. Yeah, right.

OKay said...

But apparently, prostitution is A-OK!

Hot Cola said...

What the hell happend to her life that she decided to take that turn into hooking? She was the biggest star on the planet at some point.
(A Billion watcher for BayWatch world wide, everyone knew her name, she was beautiful).

Scandi Sanskrit said...

No, really. Poor Pam. I feel terrible for her. I was reading this book entitled "Grown-Up Glamour" and the author kept slagging her off. I was only skimming through the book, and spotted two lines where the author did so. Like, I get that people buy that book to look at/be like the Audrey Hepburn/Katherine Hepburn/Jackie O types, but being mean to Pammy in a book (rather than just a magazine, which is more temporary) is "mean immortalised" (and very unnecessary). People need to give her a break.

PS: I'm not condoning whatever Enty says is "hypocritical" here (I don't understand the blind, TBH). I'm just saying, some people are unnecessarily mean to her.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Oh, and I'm not just saying this just because I know Benedict Cumberbatch is a fan of hers (I think she's his type). 😂😂😂 But I do have a soft spot for her... LOL.

Embarrassed said...


Sarah said...

Oh Pammy. She doesn't seem like a bad person. She just needs to know when her time is up.


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