Thursday, June 01, 2017

Blind Item #4

This whole newfound popularity is really working against this A- list mostly television actress in a very hit almost television show. Message boards are filled with people discovering for the first time she is basically living her show and are really turning against her.


Lola said...

elizabeth moss?

Norm said...


Sharlane said...

Yup. Poor Lizzie. Hopes she gets out of Scientology... she's a brilliant actress and could do amazing things if she got away. I can't imagine someone like her being happy with all the sh*t scientology makes you do.

cebii said...

I completely agree, but she was born into it. She may not know differently. She's famous - she has minders with her all the time to monitor what she sees and hears.

Milly said...

After watching Leah Remini's documentary...bitch run! Her perspective of the world must be so fucked.

Patrick said...

Sorry, not buying it. She was beloved while on Mad Men. She's not newly famous.

Sarah said...

This sounds like Elisabeth and it's in reference to Handmaid's Tale (which is a PHENOMENAL book if you haven't read it). It is crazy to me that she can't see how the world in the show and the $cio world are so similar.

police dog said...

she was born into the cult....its even harder for people like that...if she leaves the religion, she'll never be able to speak or see anybody she loves ever again (cause they all are in scientology)

Going Clear is such an amazing documentary.
John Travolta let his son DIE bc of scientology's teaching about epilepsy and medications. HE. LET. HIS. SON. DIE. bc of this cult. this cult that BULLIED the IRS into tax-exempt status. and also, because he is closeted, and they have ALL those audit info on him...he'll die before he'll come out if he'd let his son die for it, surely he will too.

and tom is just plain crazy. he'll never leave.

this cult needs to end. anybody who wants to watch an incredible doc should watch Going Clear

Debbie Do said...

I was a huge fan of Mad Men but I didn't know she was CoS until recently.


[…] June 1, 2017 […]


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