Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Blind Item #2

This former A- list mostly movie actress from some big movies back in the day has pretty much been miss after miss for a decade. The actress thinks she is taking a stand with her recent actions defending a child porn lover. The thing is though, her ego won't let her continue taking that stand for longer than a few days.


  1. And the James Gunn controversy

  2. +1 Tricia, although I thought ENTY really liked Selma?

    1. I think he shifts opinion depending on the day lol.
      This could be someone else-I thought I remember reading someone else supported him(other the GOTG cast)...

  3. Wasn't she letting some Jew producer shit on her while banging her ass with a jack hammer? All for a walk on pat for GoTG3? She was pretty hot back in the day, I'd have paid more than a hundred bucks to piss in her mouth. Always sad to see primo coked up whores go to seed. Somewhere in heaven an angel has lost it's wings. (sad face)

    1. You are rather gross.

    2. Lovely way with words Barstool.....very charming.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I think I'm reading this wrong. "Her ego won't let her continue taking that stand "?
    It's early

  6. @rosie Selma deleted her Twitter account, I think this means her ego won't let her stay away from Twitter for long and she will go back on .

  7. Selma Blair. She was just casted in a movie I’m anticipating and I was pretty pissed

  8. ^^deleted her twitter account to stand with James Gunn^^

    No one else followed suit, so she probably feels stupid

  9. Chris Pratt, that hot black chick and the Mexican wrestler best hope to God that Gunn doesn't turn out to be a no shit pedo. Wouldn't that be embarrassing? Good old Christian Chris going into bat for a kiddie fucker. Anyways I'm glad we now live in an era where telling hundreds of pedo jokes doesn't make you a pedo, or making racist jokes doesn't make you a racist, or calling Jews out for their shit doesn't make you an antisemite.

    1. Trump fans don’t seem to care their president is a pedo/rapist. Why would they care if a star supports one with a huge helping of plausible deniability.

    2. I can accept Clinton for who he is. I didn’t mention him because he is irrelevant. Trump is president. The real question is: why do you deny the known facts about Trump... and why bring up a president from decades ago. Does he still haunt you?

    3. Different totaji here. You’re completely right Freud. Major psychosis this guy.
      Trump paying hush money to rape accuser and riding Lolita express. Plus bonus comments about Epstein.

    4. Your opening sentence... FTW

    5. You brought up Clinton my foul mouthed friend. I was making an analogy about fans overlooking their hero’s shortcomings.

  10. Zoe Saldana is supporting James Gunn too.

  11. What "pretty big movies" was Selma Blair in? "Cruel Intentions"? "Hellboy"?

    I looked to see who signed that dumb career move open letter from the GotG cast but I don't see anybody who fits this profile.

  12. Sorry, can't hire back James Gunn.

    Someone somewhere was offended. No compromising.

  13. I would consider Legally Blonde, the Sweetest Thing and a Guy Thing fairly big too but that's just IMO

  14. Seems like we had another blind suggesting that she wasn't "taking a stand" at all, but was trying to save the role she only got by banging the director. Unless one of these is someone different.

  15. Selma was one of those actresses like Chloe Sevigny that is/was really embraced and adored by the fashion crowd, which made them more influential / higher on the list than just from their movies

  16. Ah, but Chloe did the full on BJ to completion with CIM on screen, so that def puts her higher on the list, no?

  17. *cue political debate on non political blind item*

    1. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤣

    2. +1000.
      Just guess the damn blind and keep it movin

  18. Actor Isaac Kappy is blowing the lid right now on many Pedos in Hollywood right now and actress that just worked with Drew Barrymore in the 80's just tweeted som hairy stuff. Maybe the damns is breaking.


  19. What’s Kappy saying? Not much is on his twitter timeline.

  20. Selma Blair I read it on the Daily Mail site yesterday

  21. Selma appeared on the Gong Show recently & looked really hot. Didn't recognize her at first, she was definitely working the long blonde hair/long legs in a short skirt look.

    Loved her in HellBoy, hope she has a comeback.

  22. No, Stool Sample, you *being* a rancid, bigoted antisemite makes you an antiSemite. You are completely full of shit.

  23. If he owns cp, I hope he's been reported to the FBI. That's disgusting.

  24. @Do Tell- I'm not an antisemite. I've fucked plenty of Jewish chicks and 3 Arabs (that I know of). I expect a grovelling apology for your slanderous comment.

    @SDaly- the rules are clear. If you make a joke about Mexicans or comparing a semi black lady to a monkey you're a racist. If you make a joke about the the tribe you're an antisemite. Joke about homos being drama queens you're a homophobe. Joke about Kaitlin looking like a retired linebacker and you're a transphobe. And so on and so on. The ONE exception to this rule is making 'jokes' about REALLY REALLY wanting to rape children. Funny how that works.

  25. Add totaji to the list.

  26. "I'm not an antisemite. I've fucked plenty of Jewish chicks and 3 Arabs "

    And Southern slave owners slept with plenty of black chicks (though it was probably rape) and were still plenty racist.

    1. You don't actually care about slavery though

    2. Muhammad kept slaves and referred to black people as "raisin heads".

  27. Ahhh and here I thought we could go a day without bringing Trump into the comments. Wrong.

    1. Trump, Spielberg, Clinton, Geffen, lots of Alisters get mentioned a lot. Why do you care?

  28. He’s doing live stream vids and answering questions too. He cites CDAN for a bunch of his information. It’s quite the spectacle!! He hasn’t said much that isn’t online already though, but he sure is sayin’ it!!

  29. The James Gunn tweets were dumb, but not criminal. And they weren't an actual offense against anyone (except those who appreciate good shock humor.)
    Other allegations all seem to have appeared in the wake of the Cernovich/4Chan campaign against Gunn, and they're never specific or even vaguely sourced. Maybe they will prove true, but until I see something that doesn't seem astroturfed, I'm not buying it.

  30. Enty and the Chans obviously needed a new pedophile to roast, whether he is actually a pedo or not. Their hunger for fresh outrage is huge.

  31. Uh, he made off color jokes abour pedophilia. Theres nothing that says Gunn watches kiddie porn.

  32. Educate yourselves before spouting off. https://www.breitbart.com/big-hollywood/2018/07/24/james-gunn-disney-huston-huddleston-marvel/

    Gunn IS a sick fuck. Even IF it was just a few harmless jokes, who thinks child rape is funny to begin with? And it wasn't just a few. It was THOUSANDS of tweets. The sick fuck is OBSESSED with raping kids. And it wasn't just some youthful indiscretions...he was posting this sick shit in his 40's. I have no idea why people don't approach the degenerates in Hollywood as GUILTY unless proven innocent. Almost every single one of those power players is raping kids. Wake the fuck up and stop defending these POS lowlife animals!

  33. Sure thing. Thanks, 4ChernAnon

  34. @Jack

    "Educate yourselves"

    Exploring Reichbart is no education but a surrender to mass delusions, by design. Ask the Mercers.

    Want me to show you what the former writers say about the place?

    You diminish your point with such sources.

    Where is Gunn's pedo collection? Where is his basement torture chamber?

    By the same token, is Reichbart ready to attack Seth McFarlane or South Park for all their pedo jokes which are waaaaaay more endearing to the chans than Gunn, for some reason (I think I know why.)

  35. When Gunn goes down, everyone in the industry defending him will look guilty by association. It'll be awesome.

  36. So Versus, you think it will be "awesome" when people can't defend their jobs and you think it will be "awesome" for innocent people to suffer for the actions of another and you think it will be "awesome" that people can be bullied into not fighting for their jobs?

    You're a peach.



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