Monday, July 30, 2018

Blind Item #8 - A Star Is Born - A Dancing Boy Blind Item

Here's one about Solan:

In my ever-so-unimportant view, one of the best parts of pre-production (or in this case pre-pre-production) is casting - especially when it involves an actor or actress who has yet to do feature or US tv work.

Because of the themes of the dancing boy franchise - namely, early on, childhood celeb and its discontents - many of the adult actors, as I've said, will be former child actors (did you notice Christina Johnson nee Nigra among my twitter followers? - more to come...). And also because of the same theme, as it relates to the storyline of the first feature, many of the young actors will be new to the big leagues.

Enter the first of these...

He'll be playing the role of an important childhood friend - or rather, frenemy (he betrays me in the first feature, "The Dancing Boy: A Hollywood Story," and there is a reconciliation in the second, "The Little Drummer Boy"). He'll appear in further projects in the same manner as knights of another franchise, after this one thing happens to them. He'll also play himself in present-tense storylines.

Who is he?

He's foreign born, and still resides in his home country. His first name - and believe me I tried hard to come up with a clue for this one - is Solan. His last name?

I guess I could go with the director who has been in the news in the past ten days, but I'll go with someone more obscure - one of my favorite poets as well as a former mentor of mine (he's now deceased).

We met in San Francisco, where we lived on the same block. (In fact, my housemates were his speed dealers, which is how I met him, and what ultimately killed him.) That same year he published his most well known work, entitled "The Man With (certain nocturnal symptoms related to a then almost always lethal STI)."

You'll find our young friend on Instagram. Strangely, I'd been having literal dreams and visions of this person, as it relates to the production of the second movie, for months. To find out he actually exists - and the way in which it happened (get to that later) - is a little crazy.


  1. Is he dead or on instagram? Both?

  2. Glad you realize how unimportant your view is, DB.

  3. I don't even read these. Straight to the comments to see if someone else did and can parse it out for the rest of us.

  4. Anyone else consider the dancing boy blinds the annoying pickle in the CDAN burger?

    1. DB blinds are usually long which is why I don't read them. Its so annoying to read through a really long blind only to realize the answer is either a teen mom, Housewives whore or someone I've never hears of (that includes bachelor(ette)s and commune sized families).

  5. He talks as if he's got something wrong with him mentally.

  6. too lame; didn't read

  7. @nonyabusiness I think it must be ADD, the way he/she covers so many different subjects in a single sentence. Reading these is like trying to catch a moth.

  8. +I like pic kles as well, but I take them off and eat separately. This will be the pickle thread, I guess.

  9. Dill please never sweet or b-and-b

  10. Pickles are good on their own, but not the kind they put on burgers. Those are usually too sour. And too flimsy to be crunch anyway.

    You know what's good though? Fried pickles with ranch.

  11. I had texture of pickles but love the taste.

  12. +1 on fried pickles! Also my mom's mustard pickles that she cans.

  13. I hate pickles. So DB and teen mom BI are the annoying pickles of CDAN.

  14. I can't stand fried pickles. I love me some half sour pickles and certain dill pickles, but some are too salty for my taste.

  15. @Neil You know what? You could be right. My sister and my niece are the same, however both have ADHD, not ADD.

  16. Pickled bean salad and pickled beets for lunch today.

    1. Any goat cheese in there? 🤤

  17. You guys do know that not liking pickles is the one common element of all pedophiles. Lists are being made!

  18. I was just watching Rachel Ray and she had a home-made pickle recipe I want to try. (The pickle thread is better than the blind)

  19. Pickles are good - but I prefer 'em in relish!

  20. My mom made the best dill pickles!
    Miss her ....

  21. I named my cat Pickles.

    Can we advise Dancing Boy to just write a blind in a less obscure, trying to write like an art school student way? Then I'm sure we'd be entertained.

  22. The poet is Thom Gunn (The Man with Night Sweats) so the actor is Solan Gunn?

  23. Deep fried pickles with a side of ranch.... mmmmmm

  24. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Solan Gunn, model

    Thomas Gunn, poet

  25. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Sorry, Thom Gunn.

    The Man With Night Sweats

  26. Enough with DB blinds...

  27. Pickle Rick , created by an alleged pedo. And so we come full circle.

  28. There's a Solan in India. It's the "Mushroom City". No idea why it's known for that. Maybe because of the shape? It does look like a giant shroom, which DB must have been on when he wrote this. Maybe Solan isn't actually a person here and it's just worded that way to throw you off. I don't know. Any guess is as good as any other. You could guess DB was a one armed banana salesman from New Jersey who hit his head, has amnesia and is now writing blind items. And you'd likely be just as right as anyone else. XD

    Like I said before, I don't believe there will be any franchise. But if it's not some weird AR game and his Twitter followers are real and all that, then the "franchise" may simply be them grouping together for a specific purpose. DB either likes to see it as a franchise or brands it as one for visualization purposes. I'd think that former child actors making a feature that outs a bunch of pedos would just make them laughing stocks if they had no conclusive proof. The public might believe them but they could also get sued for naming names with no evidence regardless of whether it's true or not.

  29. the fact that 90 percent of the posts are either HUH or about pickles ought to tell Enty to quit with the Dancing boy blinds OR get someone to made them readable or BOTH.

  30. Dill Kosher Pickles - YAY!

    Sweet Pickles - Ugh, no.

  31. Oooh I like the big fat whole pickles you can pick out of the barrel at farmers markets in the northeast (NYC, CT-RI). 'round these parts, if you want a good salty, crispy and crunchy pickle, ya gotta make'em yourself.

    I make a garlicky sweet pickle with the runts out of my garden. It's torture waiting for them to 'pickle' enough to eat.

    And I love Pickles over DB BI's 10:1

  32. Gotta run and get some! Thanks!

  33. I can eat a whole jar of bread and butter (sweet) pickles by myself😛 Love deep fried pickles too

  34. I love it that Dancing Boy comments always turn to another (more interesting) discussion! :)

  35. I do make homemad e bread and butter pickles plus garlic dills. And since the cukes are at peak season,I may just make them today! Thanks Dancing Boy!

  36. Am I the only one who thinks Dancing Boy is a fucking genius?

  37. Cucumber slices with ranch are a favorite.

  38. my granny's canned bread and butter pickles can never be beaten.

  39. A local place does horseradish pickles. To die for.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. First: Solan Gunn looks like the bastard child of Edward Norton and Tilda Swinton;

    Second: I LOVE a nice full sour pickle from a Kosher deli. Nothing better;

    Third: Does anybody else cringe when Rachael Ray brings out that husband of her's? What a leach he is. And you just know that scarf he wear's stinks of sweat. She could do so much better.

  42. OMG. I stopped reading these after the second one. Waiting for someone to care enough to decipher...Boring, undecipherable drivel



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