Sunday, July 29, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 16, 2018

This permanent A- list mostly movie actress who has been acting since she was a child has a bartender she hooks up with a few times a week. She is rich and he is not. She says she isn't paying him anything, but every time he comes over he always needs "cab fare," and she gives him like $1000. That is one hell of a cab.

Drew Barrymore


  1. So maybe it’s not an arrangement and more like a gift. Who cares? I have always LOVED Drew Barrymore. She was one of the first to be open about her struggles, and she’s always seemed more down to earth than your average Hollywood type. Get it girl :)

  2. Sounds better than marrying another husband on a whim.

  3. Good for him, good for her.

  4. Although, I hope going home with the bartender isn't a sign that she is binge drinking. Take care of yourself, Drew!

    1. Doesn’t sound as though she’s going home with the bartender. (So hopefully not binge drinking.) Blind says ‘every time he comes over’, which seems to indicate that he’s arriving alone. Yay her!

  5. One of the least damming blinds ever.

    Drew would have much to tell us. I hope she does someday.

  6. I'll bang the living shit out of Drew for half that. Twice each cab ride. Girl needs to shop around.

  7. I can do it for $500.

  8. Doesn't say how far he lives.

  9. I'd cycle over for free if the Super Sexy Mrs Barrymore requests my presence.

  10. 3k a week * 52 weeks is $156k a year (less because I'm sure she goes out of town sometimes). No strings, she satisfies her needs and he's probably a nice guy that will keep his mouth shut. For someone as rich as Drew is with not only her earnings but her inheritances, I'd say very savvy businesswoman. Imagine what a divorce could cost her, so $150K is a damn good deal. Probably pocket change to her but life changing to the guy. If this was any other millionaire male with this kind of arrangement no one would bat an eye. You go girl! Love her.

    1. Obviously someone already is talking if Enty has it as a blind.

  11. How the hell could this be known? Is said bartender talking? Or do you have cameras in her home?

  12. Drew is a generous kind soul.For someone who had awful parents, Drew is the ultimate success story. The guy though gas loose lips, I'd make sure he signed a NDA

  13. You mean Cab RIDE

  14. It's possible that this info came from someone (a "friend") Drew told about the arrangement as opposed to the guy.

  15. This is Enty Math. So "like $1000" could be 500-600. I'd count on the source embellishing, and Enty rounding up.

  16. what wrong with her paying his cab fare? She can afford it

  17. I don’t think it’s desperation, I think it’s convenience. After her recent divorce, I doubt she wants another serious relationship right now.

  18. She isn't paying for sex, she is paying for him to stay away. That is how this business works for both men and women. Good for her.

  19. Drew has mad HWood cred. Her pedigree is A+. Take care, girl. Love ya.

  20. Whatever you people say, it's not classy. And prostitution is still illegal which makes Drew a John or rather a Jane. She was never a looker anyway

  21. I don't care if we're talking Hollywood standards or layperson, Drew is a premium quality person. It could be that she just doesn't want a steady relationship right now and if so, good on her for having her needs met and holding firm on her boundaries. Whatever's working for her, so long as she's happy and doing life on her terms after the shitshow that was her childhood, that's all that matters.

  22. Dear Saint Pail John, bore off you shallow wanker. Drew was utterly gorgeous in her youth. She's a wonderful Mother, incredibly caring and one of the most down to earth celebrities in Hollywood.

  23. I like Drew but having to buy a man for the night is not really girl power, is it?
    If that's the only way you can get some, then you're fucking sad.
    Men who do this are called short, fat, ugly, disgusting, etc, but if a woman does this, suddenly it's all 'yay girl'?

  24. @Viking Song

    White knighting for a trashy celebrity you had a crush on in High School is pathetic for a grown man. Would a nice person accept the part she does in her new show, which is utterly disgusting cannibal glorification? Some day, her kids will watch that show where their mother plays a ghoul.

  25. Those damn Uber Surge charges will get you every time

  26. That oughtta keep him from running his mouth to the press

  27. Anonymous12:16 AM

    @gentlebreeze Actually, her 'pedigree' is her problem. Maybe she would have had a normal childhood without it



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