Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Blind Item #3

Last time an offspring of this foreign born permanent A list couple dated someone, it was all for show to hide her sexual preference and to get publicity. The new one is no different as far as publicity goes.


Nosy Scotian said...

Beckham kid and millie Bobbie Brown

Nosy Scotian said...

Romeo Beckham

Now! said...

The Beckham kids are so dull.

MontanaMarriott said...

To hide "her" as in the offspring or the offspring's date?

Vita said...

I think this might be Princess Beatrice? I saw her holding hands with someone in news.

Brayson87 said...

+1 Montana, sounds like a female offspring, but it could also be interpreted as the offspring acting being a merkin.

cc423 said...

I think Vita got it... Bea was in the DM yesterday holding hands with some guy in NYC

Now! said...

Bea is hardly the "offspring of this foreign born permanent A list couple" though. Fergie and Andy haven't been a (public) couple for 20 years.

Now! said...

That said, I'm enjoying watching the Beatrice-Edo relationship. He reminds me a little bit of Anthony Armstrong-Jones - the effeminate social-climber latching on to a minor Royal.

Armstrong-Jones didn't have the baggage of a precipitously-dumped ex-fiancée and a two-year-old son, though.

HeatherBee said...

I’m laughing because if it’s the Beckhams, then I’m reading as Harper has dated someone just for show and publicity and now Brooklyn is following suit.

HushHush said...

I was happy for MBB to be with someone age appropriate. Even if it is with a fame hungry family, it's still better than Drake, and K-trash.
Montana is right about the "her" clue.

Vita said...

Oops, i think the now-married Eugenie had the lesbian rumors, not Beatrice. Who knows!

Troy Dyer said...

Kelly Osbourne?

Brayson87 said...

Oh that's good. I'd rather see Millie Bobbie Brown go into bearding than that highest bidder for the night stuff her parents were pushing her towards.

Krab said...

Kelly Osbourne is a good guess but is she dating anyone?

Cinnamon009 said...

I think the blind is referring to the elder Beckham kid dating Chloe Moritz previously and it was to hide Chloe being gay. It's suggesting that Romeo dating MBB is for the same reason.

Elphin MacSkye said...

When will Kris Jenner allow Kendall to come out? Another tragedy waiting to happen.

Elphin MacSkye said...

Vicky Beckham lets her boys be Merkins? How posh of her.

Beyond EMF said...

@cinnamon009 I think you’ve called it right. That makes sense.

Anonymous said...

It is Millie. Beatrice has been dating her beau since last fall.. the press loves them since he was still living with his baby momma when he starting hanging with the princess. Seems his baby momma was as surprised as the d,
.m. Readers. But that is old news - that was out and about in December. Millie’s Vickie jr. guy was posted yesterday.

Aquagirl said...

Supposedly Beatrice’s guy is gonna propose to her.

@Heather: I immediately thought of Harper too!

Vita said...

Teachermom-- but millie's parents arent a permanent a list couple, are they?


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