Thursday, March 21, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 14, 2019

That recent gift the former A+ list tweener gave his wife? Her idea, she never even drives anywhere and it is leased. It will probably be gone in a month, never again to see the light of day.

Nick Jonas/Priyanka Chopra


sandybrook said...

A thank you gift to his beard, how sweet.

:| raven |: said...
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Brayson87 said...

Something with a stick she'll never drive but will stand beside to look good, sounds pretty symbolic of their marriage.

Astra Worthington said...

Raven, but then you’d become the passenger seat driver. And that’s worse because you have to say “stop stop STOOOOOP” and all sorts of other stuff to the driver who isn’t paying attention like they should be 😒

Lol Brayson

These celebs are so dumb. Save your money, invest it! It isn’t hard to do, if you can’t do it yourself then find a trustworthy and competent financial advisor/manager. No wonder they all end up broke. So dumb!

sandybrook said...

In her native country our passenger side is where the steering wheel is on cars.

Vita said...

brayson-- lol!
She's exhausting in minutes long interviews, cant imagine any sort of commitment!

Aquagirl said...

I just still can’t get over the fact that people actually marry their beards. Especially in this case where everyone knows it’s a fake relationship. Is it really worth it?

:| raven |: said...
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Brayson87 said...

Keep it up raven, the day they stop fearing you is the day they start planning on putting you in a home.

Aquagirl said...

@Raven: I actually love to drive and am a good driver, but it’s nice to be driven sometimes. My niece turned 15 last weekend, so I was all excited about her driving me when she turns 16. But they’ve totally changed the rules in terms of when you can get your permit, who can be in the car with you even when you have your license, etc. Damn, I’ve probably got another 2 years to wait!

Anonymous said...

Who is a beard for who? I think it the real albeit uncommon thing....kinda like a Rom .com come to life!

Do Tell said...

I just still can’t get over the fact that there are people so stupid and clueless that they buy into everything they read online on gossip sites as fact and regurgitate it back into conversation as fact when they have no firsthand experience with any of the people involved. It's like something a 13 year old, or someone on the emotional level of a 13 year old, does.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

I know an actress like that in real life (she’s on TV most days and when she’s not the centre of attention, she loses her shit).

She’s married (!) and I’m just like, “how can her husband stand living under the same roof with THAT?!”

Scandi Sanskrit said...

The right side to drive is the left side of the road, Sandy.


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