Saturday, April 20, 2019

Blind Item #1

This foreign born B+ list mostly television actress from a hit streaming show still isn't old enough to drive. She is up for a role where she will have a love scene with a guy who is nearing 30. The Disney actress who I have written about before who is not quite legal and does date much much older men is going to be seen on film in a love scene with a guy in her 40's. 


Tricia13 said...


Tricia13 said...

And Peyton List maybe?

MDAnderson said...

Skai Jackson for the Disney actress??

MDAnderson said...

Or Rowan Blanchard??

Rosie riveter said...

Ick. Some parents suck.
Im surprised we didn't have a blind about the young girl who just passed away and was in a movie w Tom Hanks.
Such a pretty girl.

MDAnderson said...

I saw that Rosie. She was so beautiful.

Alana said...

Yes Rosie. I want to know more about that.

VillageDianne said...

Little by little they are attempting to normalize pedophilia.

Sd Auntie said...

It said she collapsed and died. Guess the coroners office is slow in UK.

Nosey Parker said...

ITA @ Village Dianne.

Sd Auntie said...

People should start tweeting about this and embarrass the fuck out of Disney. They have ruined enough lives!

Vita said...

MBB for streaming actress (perhaps all of her contact with Drake has been in the name of "research"), too many options for Disney

Yochanan12 said...

@Tricia @Vita
What movie then?

Paul Saint John said...

How old do you figure Lauren Bacall was when she was cavorting with a Humphrey Bogart in his fifties?

BayAreaGirl said...

Between his comments on this blind and Roman Polanski one, something tells me that Paul Saint John trolls the malls & playgrounds...

Paul Saint John said...

You know there's this thing called reality and biology? Hooking up with 14 years old girls is wrong for a variety of moral reasons, but not because they're children, because they're not. Ask your physician.

ReallyTired said...

@Paul Saint John Considering Lauren met Bogart when she was 20, I fail to see what your problem with that is. She was legal, the girls in this blind are not of legal age. Pretty big difference.

Vita said...

Yohanan12-- it says the streaming actress is up for a part, meaning not cast yet. It is the older Disney girl that sounds like the movie is already cast, if not filmed.

Ginger-n-Juice said...

@Tricia13 Peyton and her brother are 21 and not foreign born. Not that it would be cool for (yet another) early 20s woman lead to play opposite a man in his 40s... plenty of age appropriate beautiful actresses out there in their 30s or (gasp!) 40s

RobertaJoan said...

They are a subset of children classified as teenagers.

I think you have a pretty sweet plan there. Wander through your community telling people that "teenagers aren't children"? Dying to find out how much ice THAT cuts.

Paul Saint John said...

Let me tell you that if you were going around the neighborhood telling parents that their teenager sons and daughters were in fact children, you'd look like an idiot. I hope you're not a teacher in any capacity.

lightgirl said...

Sane and reasonable people know that teenagers are still children. It's about mental and emotional maturity, ability to reason and gain a sense of competence and independence.

Biology is what begins the often overwhelming emotions and thinking of teens, as physically they are navigating out of young childhood towards adulthood, in a storm of hormones and body growth transition.

But it's important to acknowledge in a situation with a teen and an older guy, the balance of power is unequal, leaving the teen vulnerable.

I was emotionally and otherwise stunted due to childhood trauma and very vulnerable to the older men who hit on me constantly. It caused me a lot of pain going forward from my teen years.

Teens are children, period.

lightgirl said...

I raised two daughters, and I can state unequivocally that they and their friends were children in their teens, and very vulnerable to predators seemingly lurking everywhere.

Paul Saint John said...

Logic and science are not your strong suit. Regardless of your feelings, there are biological and neurological facts. Once puberty kicks in, the body and the mind change at a great pace. Do you know that you'll never be as smart as when you were 18 years old? That's peak IQ. It's up to parents to ensure teenagers get wiser and more mature. But they're absolutely not children, and needless to say, nubile, capable of reproduction.

Brayson87 said...

Looks like the pedos wait to come out on the weekends. Come play during the week, come play.

Modern societies do not judge maturity by when people start bleeding. Earliest available breeding age is not legal age.

Kate said...

well we all know who can't wait to have sex with children on this page....

Paul Saint John said...

There are idiots here who can't understand that teenagers are called teenagers for a reason, it's because they are no longer children. Stating the obvious here is called pedophilia. OK, so denying facts and reality is either idiocy or lunacy. Pick up the term which defines you best.


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